Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Michigan Tuesday: Getting Stronger Was a Big Goal This Off Season

Mich. Football Twitter
With Fall camp to start this week and the nightmare of that bowl performance in the rear view mirror, its time to check on one major goal the Wolverine had after last season:

“We have to be stronger,” Kinnel recalled his coach saying at the time this week in Chicago.

Last season, Michigan saw 1st half leads disappear in the second half and mostly in the 4th quarter.  In the last 3 games, against UW, OSU and USC the Wolverines were outscored a combined 57-19 in the second half and 23-0 in the fourth quarter.   That is a painful stat.

Michigan of course, let their S&C staff go and hired Ben Herbet from Arkansas and Wisconsin to run the program with the goal of getting stronger and bigger.   Ben has a great track record of doing just that for Bret Bielema.

So did the Wolverines add weight and strength in the off season?  The preliminary results are in and the answer is Yes!

Higdon +15 pounds up to 205
Evans +10
Gentry +10
Eubanks +10
Hudson +10
Uche +10
Kinnel +10

Let's hope that translates to on the field success.
  • Fall Camp Hype:  James Hudson:  “James is extremely talented,” Michigan offensive line coach Ed Warinner told The Michigan Insider this week. “Talented (enough) to be a starting tackle at Michigan, and talented enough to be an honors winner, conference-wise.   Added Mattison: “I think he’s going to be special. I think he’s going to be as good of an offensive lineman as there’s been (here), so I’m excited about him.”

  • Did you forget that Casey Hughes is a DB transfer from Utah?  I did.  Sounds like he going to start off as a safety.

  •  Five-star defensive end Zach Harrison will not announce on 8/14 and is delaying his decision date.  His finalist continues to be Michigan, OSU and PSU and has plus or minuses for all 3 schools.  He has a lot more thinking to do and might take some more un-official visits.  He has visited all 3 schools officially already.


Tommertoffo said...

Great signs.
BTW....this website is becoming the best Michigan blog.

EzmoB said...

It is not becoming, it has been the best for a while. Bob you do a great job with your blog!

Victor in AA said...

Tis true, this blog is not an echo chamber of recruiting sites but digs nuggets found nowhere else.

Unknown said...

Truth! @EzmoB...@Victor Lacca...