Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Michigan Tuesday: The Orji Decision

I'm starting to get concerned about Sherrone and the Michigan job.  This is a really difficult place to be a head coach for the first time.  Having all the eyes on you.  Yes, he did a great job on game days last season when Harbaugh was at Cedar Pointe or Frankenmuth, but we need to remember Harbaugh was there 6 out of the 7 days of the week.  

I don't want to compare Sherrone to RR but RR was a head coach at West Virginia before coming to Ann Arbor and this job broke him mentally.  If you didn't know RR was in Washtenaw County again this past weekend taking on EMU.  Rich is currently the head coach of Jax State, a school not in Jacksonville, Florida.  He left the area a loser in OT to the Eagles.  Nothing has changed.  

Decisions that concern me:
  • Going into the season without a viable QB option 
  • Choice of new defensive coordinator who was not hireable in the NFL
  • Offense play calls that seem to be geared to Team 144 not Team 145 
  • Announcing a QB change the Monday prior to a big game 
Sherrone yesterday announced that Alex Orji was going to start at QB.  Davis Warren has been a turnover machine with 6 picks since getting the starting role.  This is the right decision, announcing it 5 days prior to the game is not.  Something Harbaugh wouldn't do unless it was a no brainer and your starter is JJ.  

This decision is bad if Michigan continues to run the same plays.  The secret sauce to Michigan's offense last season was JJ being able to move the ball through the air when the running game stalled.  Everyone and their brother is going to know Michigan won't pass with Orji so this plays into a defense that will continually load the box.  If Michigan starts zone running plays and/or has an option game plan with Mullins and Orji then Michigan will have a chance.  Edwards and Mullins with Orji in the backfield would be interesting.  Play action should be wide open as well. 

I'm going to break my TV if I see another Edwards run directly into the line on first down. 

  • Mullins was the top rated RB on PFF last weekend. 
  • Utah vs. OK State this weekend has two QB's at the age 24 and 25 who are 7 year seniors.  One of those QB's is of course Alex Bowman who was on Michigan's roster for a couple years. 


BlueManGroup said...

I think you're being too critcal of Sherrone. Who cares if they announce Orji's starter 5 days early. I doubt it causes USC to prepare any dufferently (if anything, it moves them off of the scent of Tuttle coming in as the relief man). Regarding Wink, he had no other option but to hire him. He needed to keep the defensive scheme the same to assure his all-american talent that things weren't going to change with all of the coaching departures and avoid a mass exodus into the transfer portal. RELAX!

Chowman said...

So did anyone else catch the Sherrone Moore contract details. $500K base salary, with it going up 2% every year? Huh? He also gets $5M additional compensation for year 1. there are other bonuses for winning the B1G, Naty, but we all know that's not happening. the kicker for me is his buy out is $5M in year 1 and decreases by $1M per year. Am I just reading too much into it, or is the fact that his "additional compensation" is equal to his buy out for yr 1more than just a coincidence? If the over/under is set at 1 for years he's the HC, I'm taking the under!

MichiganMan said...

I think we are going to garbage this year and next year....8-4 at best next two years....After winning a Natty I will take that....My only concern is what is going to happen to Jayden Davis....Like I said before if Michigan is out Playoff contention we should start Jayden Davis and get him ready for next year.

MichiganMan said...
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MichiganMan said...

Watch the games for fun....and if they win great if not it is ok....there are always other great games to watch...

Blue for life

Chowman said...

Assuming they lose to USC, which isn't much of an assumption. If they lose 1 more game before the Oregon game, Jadyn Davis should be the starter. see what the kids got. Cause I don't see a way we beat either Oregon or OSU so that would be 5 loses. What's left to play for, a BS bowl!

MichiganMan said...

Anyone who has a high expectation for this team is not a realist.....

MichiganMan said...

Yes Sir!!....only way to develop a good QB is through experience.....

szanreno said...
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szanreno said...

Before he was hired, Angelique Chegelis said the Rich Rod hire would set the program back 10 years... so if you're comparing hires..

Chowman said...

Problem with RichRod was he was never accepted. His offense was such a departure from the prostyle offense that had been used for more than a decade. There were blue hairs that stroked out in their seats watching Rich's offense. "That's not Michigan football Lovey". Many people forget the year before, Rich had a tentative agreement with Alabama but backed out in the 11th hour. At the time of his hire, he was considered one of the up and coming coaches. He took the Michigan job without understanding the landscape. Guys that he could get into W. Virgina were never getting into Michigan, I see you Delmar Dorsey!

Goblu said...

I don't see this as a comparable to RR, but I also agree that telegraphing Orji isn't normal coaching strategy. Also, it means the kids are practicing a totally different game plan from the past two weeks - I really wonder if Tuttle is that bad.

#1 priority needs to be fixing the Defense. If that doesn't work, then we are worse than 8-4. I am not overly concerned about keeping Jayden - as I'm not really sold on him. But, that would mean up to 3 years of QB uncertainty if they can't get a transfer QB. So I get it.

Chowman said...

He's just always hurt. Tuttle has been in college 7 yrs and been hurt 8 of them.

Goblu said...
