Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Coffee is for Closers and Disrespect is for losers

I thought the MSU game ended on Saturday, I guess not. MSU coach Mark Dantonio seemed to be a little "hot" under the collar when speaking about the comments and actions the Wolverines had following the game on Saturday.

"If they want to mock us, I'm telling them, it's not over," first-year Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio said. "They can print all that crap they want all over their locker room. It's not over. It'll never be over here. It's just starting."

Dantonio was asked if he was amused by Michigan players pausing for a “moment of silence” at midfield at the end of the game, an action intended to mock a statement Dantonio made after U-M lost to Appalachian State. When informed of the loss, Dantonio jokingly asked if he should have a “moment of silence” for the Wolverines.“I find a lot of the things that they do amusing,” Dantonio said. “They need to check themselves sometimes. But just remember, pride comes before the fall.”
Then a reporter asked Dantonio about Mike Hart’s post-game comments in which he referred to MSU as the “little brother” of U-M.“Does Hart have a little brother or is he the little brother?” Dantonio asked. “I don’t know, he’s… that tall.” Dantonio placed his hand to his chest to illustrate Hart’s stature.

Let's see coach, it seems you threw the first stone with the moment of silence crack and then crack back on Hart's height as you talk about class and disrespect.
Maybe you shouldn't place your entire season on one game? Below is the current conference standing if you need it. Purdue is a pretty good football team, you might want to stop thinking about last week and focus on this weeks opponent. Good Luck in East Lansing coach, your going to need it. BTW: it is over until next year. Sorry for the news flash.

Big Ten Standings
OSU 6-0
Michigan 6-0
Illinois 4-2
PSU 4-3
Purdue 3-3
Wiscon 3-3
Iowa 3-4
IU 2-4
NW 2-4
MSU 1-5
Minn 0-6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really coach did you need to stoop so low and attack the height of a player? You must be so embarrassed! Try taking your anger out on your count down clock. It has to serve some purpose.