Saturday, November 17, 2007

Not worth the price of admission.............

Not much to say in this one. The Michigan defense played well, (expect for the long Bennie run) and the Michigan offense was just terrible. Henne couldn't hit the ocean from the beach and Mario and gang dropped a ton of catch-able balls.

With a good Ohio State defense, the Michigan offense didn't execute a damn thing all game. They didn' t turn the ball over they just kept going 3 and out. So was in the rain, Henne 's shoulder, or the OSU defense? The answer is Yes, all three were big factors and the Big Three for Michigan weren't. Sorry boys 0-4 vs OSU is a reality because the offense couldn't move the ball, it's as simple as that.

What does this mean for the program? Hopefully a fresh start with a new team and a new head coach. The Outback or the Alamo really doesn't matter much at this point. This is a team that lost 4 games this year and played like a four loss team today.


  • The Michigan Defense


  • Henne's throws
  • The offense line for not protecting after the 1st quarter
  • Mike Debord for calling a terrible game
  • Mario Manningham for having just an awful day
  • 4 losses

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