Friday, November 16, 2007

The Preview - The Game

As I watched the HBO special this week, I got a feeling that this game has gotten a bit out of hand in some people's mind. No matter which fan base you sit in, this game has grown to something more then a football game.

It's not a religion or war, it's an athletic contest that will garnish a winner and unfortunately a loser. This game is a gift before Thanksgiving every year and we should recognize that. Respect is lost at times in this rivalry; respect for the players, coaches, and teams. Cheer loudly for your team, but respect them. No mater who wins or loses on Saturday at 3:30pm, shake that persons hand next you and say, "see you next year, good luck in the Rose Bowl and make the Big 10 proud." John Cooper wasn't wrong when he said, "The Michigan Game is just another game", he just wasn't right either. This game is the oldest rivalry in team sports and out dates the Super Bowl and the World Series. Everyone in the country will secretly root for one team or the other on November 17th at high noon. Because you watched this game with your dad and he watched it with his. So bring your pride and your voice to the corner of stadium and main but remember to also bring your respect.

Now on to the game preview:

In this game, you throw everything out the window that has happened all year. The Sweater Vest coaches differently, the players play differently, the crowd is much louder, the pressure is much higher. So where does that leave us? If your going to break down this game you have to look a pure fundamentals, the run game and the passing game. Where does the advantages lie?

Michigan has had trouble stopping the run the last two games. OSU loves to run with The Wells brothers. I expect The Sweater Vest not to spread out the Wolverines as much as he has done in the past. Michigan is expecting that now and seen that formation all year. His advantage is to run the ball right at Michigan for a bunch of long drives and keep the Michigan play makers off the field.

With Michigan's top offensive stars not at 100% this doesn't bode well for the Wolverines. I see OSU scoring often in this game and if Michigan continues it's trouble with run blocking, they could be in for a long afternoon. Michigan's offensive line has played poorly the last few weeks and OSU will bring blitz after blitz to keep Mario from getting deep and trying to knock Chad out of the game.

The Michigan defense will do the same and try to force Boeckman into some bad throws. This will leave huge holes in the defense for Bennie to bust through if The Vest guesses right.

Michigan's only chance in this game is to play through pain and with pride. I know both Henne and Hart will play, but for how long and how effective? If they can play the entire game and play at their best, they have a fighting chance. Trying to predict this game is like trying to guess the lotto numbers. If both of these teams met in a back yard with out fans and with out media, I believe the following would occur: Ohio State 31 Michigan 21

Sing "Hail to the Victors if":
  • H and H are ready to play and play all game

  • The Linebackers play with pride and stop the Buckeye Running attack

  • Crable doesn't make any stupid penalties and has regular encounters with Boeckman

  • The Offensive Line steps up; run blocks and pass protects on a regular basis

  • Zoltan finds his punting power

  • KC continues to make field goals

Start thinking about Lloyd's retirement gift if:

  • The Vest out coaches him in his last OSU game

  • Michigan continues to get fooled on defense and gives up long passes and long runs

  • If Ryan takes any snaps

  • If Hart doesn't take 80% of the snaps at tailback

  • Michigan shoots itself in the foot with a late penalty that costs us the game


Anonymous said...

Man-you inspire me. GO BLUE!

Anonymous said...

You are right, respect is often lost during these "rival" games. Just this morning, as I was driving towards the stadium in A2, there were Michigan fans yelling at the OSU fans and trust me, the respect of the rivalry was missing. Maybe they should have read your comments this morning before the big game begins....

Anonymous said...

You are right, respect is often lost during these "rival" games. Just this morning, as I was driving towards the stadium in A2, there were Michigan fans yelling at the OSU fans and trust me, the respect of the rivalry was missing. Maybe they should have read your comments this morning before the big game begins....