Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Media is a day late and a dollar short

Cartoon by Joel A Morgan

Why is the media so late in reporting information in this coaching search?

The Free Press ran an article today that Les Miles was contacted by Bill Martin and Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman on Friday. Well it's freaking Tuesday! Come on Media this is your job. Your paid to find out this information and report it the next day not 4 days later.

As you might have noticed, more information on the Miles contact was on this very blog yesterday.

Now every paper in the country is coming out with the the same information and giving their own opinions on the situation. I'm sure we hear a quote from Les today or tomorrow that says, "he is very happy at LSU and that he is focused on his pretty damn good football team right now"

LSU's athletic director is more nervous then Britney Spears at Dunkin Donuts. Will this nightmare never end for him? That poor guy keeps signing Les to deals with Michigan buy out clauses. Hey, Skip why don't you make the Michigan buyout clause $5 million? That will stop all the speculation.

It also would help if Les didn't go national radio shows (Dan Patrick) talking about his love for Michigan.

So where does this go from here? No, freaking idea. I expect Les to decline the Michigan offer and coach his team in the National Championship game.

So hopefully Sailboat Bill and Mrs. President is working on some other candidates.

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