Thursday, December 13, 2007

Please keep it down Sailboat Bill is Sleeping

Where have all the good rumors gone? Bill Martin is now running a very quiet (ship) search. During these past 3 + weeks, Bill has gone from a little no named Michigan AD to a guy that is written up everyday by most papers across the country. He even has a nifty new nickname.

So now he has plugged all the leaks in his department and the "insiders" are staying quiet. Who knows what he is doing? Is he ready to surprise everyone and pull a "big name" coach out of his current job and do in in the dark of night? Or is he going to pay, Hoke a $150K to come coach and save the rest for the bathrooms at Michigan Stadium?

I have no idea what Billy is doing but I'm hoping he does. There is 4 more days before the recruiting "quiet" period for two weeks. So I'm guessing Bill isn't in a hurry to fill this spot. None of the 17 commitments have de-commited and the two week dead period can give Michigan the shot at making news when the other coaches around the country aren't in the ear of each one of the Michigan's recruits.

Below I will address some of the rumors that have been floating around lately:

  • Fox reported that Bobby Petrino sniffed around the Michigan job and Michigan wasn't interested. Way to go Bill! This is the first thing you've done right in 3 weeks. I know Bobby is a good x and o guy, but he is getting killed in the media and by his ex-players on the Falcons. He is a guy that will always jump for the money. Well done.
  • Jim Grobe: a good coach but maybe a little too old for this gig. I wouldn't hate him as HC but not sure he is the right fit.
  • Jeff Tedford: Could be a good fit. But went 6-6 with a pretty good team this year. I think the upside on Jeff is higher then Grobe. I'm also not worried about his non-ties to Midwest recruits. What if we attracted more West Coast recruits? That would be a good thing!
  • Brady Hoke, is a pure desperation move by Martin. If he is named HC then Martin has failed to bring a quality coach with a proven track record to Michigan.
  • The Delaware Coach - This has to be a joke.
  • Brian Kelly - Something has turned off the Michigan Search Committee on Brian Kelly and it must not be a big secret among NCAA AD's. He should be one of the hottest candidates this year and he didn't get a sniff from anyone. Something is going on with him and I'm not sure what it is.
  • Will Michigan go the assistant route in the NFL or at USC? Maybe. I would love to see Jason Garrett, OC for the Dallas Cowboys. A hire like this would have a ton of upside but could also flame out in a couple of years as well. It would be risky but could also bring a breath of fresh air to the Big House.
  • Jim Harbaugh - Sorry Jim, no shot after your cracks this summer and your DUI.

At this point, nobody really knows anything regarding this search. Billy what do you know?


Anonymous said...

Jim H is and will be a winning coach for a major university. Why not Michigan?

Anonymous said...

Because he's an asshole, that's why.