Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Buckeye NC Review from Buckeye John

I think I’ve been here before………

364 days gave Ohio State enough time to make some improvements over the BCS title game last year. The final results were the same though. LSU 38 – OSU 24. Ouch!! After opening the scoring with a long touchdown run by Beanie Wells and a Ryan Pretorius field goal I was thinking that maybe the results would be different this year. How does Lee Corso say it? “Not so fast…my friend.” Dumb personal foul penalties, a dropped touchdown pass, a blocked field goal and several missed assignments by the defense lead to 31 unanswered points by LSU. With a 14 point lead near the end of the first half, departing LSU Defensive Coordinator (and formed Buckeye caption) Bo Pelini was free to throw everything he had at Boekman and the rest of the offense. The game was over at half time.

In my preview of the game on Sunday, I included the following “keys to the game.” Let’s see how we did.

#1 Establish the run. I think we did a great job of doing this. Obviously, 65 yard touchdown runs help. Not sure why we got away from the run the second LSU scored their second touchdown to take the lead. The crowd was never a factor in the game but I can’t point to our running game as being the reason why. Grade: A-

#2 Staying disciplined on kick-coverage. This aspect was another non-factor in the game. Neither team did much in the return game. I wish the same could be said for the other parts of our special teams play. The blocked field goal was made worse by the dropped pass on the previous play. The “roughing” penalty on the punt was a killer though. I felt like we’d just given up the last, best chance to turn the game around. Grade: B (Special Teams grade for the game…….C-)

#3 Be creative. What happened to Antonio Henton? Why was Schoenhoft standing on the sidelines signaling in plays just like he’s done all year? I read all week that Schoenhoft was running with the TEs and Henton was the backup at quarterback. Was this just a stupid ploy to get LSU planning for multiple looks? I really liked the idea of using Henton for a few series to offer a change of pace. It Bringing Henton in to show a little option would have been a “creative” strategy. I didn’t think there was anything remotely creative about the way we played on either side of the ball last night. Grade: C

#4 Todd Boekman. I am no longer in the Todd Boekman Fan Club. I’ve been saying all year that he doesn’t throw the deep ball very well and in the last three games of the year, his decision making was terrible. I was willing to look past his flaws when he was winning games against Kent St. and Minnesota. However, when we needed him most this year, against Illinois and again last night, he was nowhere to be found. At no point, after falling behind last night, did I think Boekman had the ability to will the team down the field for a score. What’s the deal locking in on Hartline all game? Man…..I really miss Troy Smith. Grade: C+

General thoughts:

#1 I was watching the game with some friends and I was asked if watching the game this year was just as painful as last year. I had to think about that for a second or two. My answer was “no.” We were totally overmatched on both sides of the ball for 59:49 seconds last year. At least last night I felt that we could move the ball on their defense and we had some answers for their offense.

#2 Beanie Wells really matured into a great runner during the second half of the season. He proved he can dominate the best defenses in the Big-10 as well as the best defense in the SEC. I can’t wait to see him next year. I would expect him to be on the short list for early Heisman candidates.

#3 There was another interesting question last night. ”If Ohio State was guaranteed to win the BCS NC game every 5 years but would lose to Michigan in those years…would I take the tradeoff?” My answer was a quick “No.” There was surprise in the room. My rationale was simple. We can beat Michigan now and still get the opportunity to play for the NC. Why give that up? Depending on early departures we should be in the mix to win it all next year and will almost certainly be favored against Michigan at the “Shoe.” I also referred to the traditional goals of Woody and Bo. Beat Michigan/Ohio State, Win the Big-10, Play for the National Championship. Sometime, the old approaches are still the best.

#4 As far as I’m concerned, the quarterback spot is up for grabs this spring and over the summer. Some sources continue to list Terrelle Pryor as leaning towards the Buckeyes. If he comes, he should be thrown in the mix too.

#5 How much longer does Fox have the contract to show the BCS games? Their coverage of college football is as bad as their coverage of the NFL is great. They must have a different production crew in the truck for college games. I want Musberger or Nessler back.

So, the season comes to an end and I have the same sinking feeling that I did 1 year ago. I’m still a huge fan of Jim Tressel. I like his approach to coaching and to recruiting. Having the opportunity to play for the NC every few years is a great honor and something that only a few schools have a chance to do these days. I’m glad the Buckeyes are on that list.

See you next year. Go Bucks!!!!!

Buckeye John

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