Friday, January 11, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Friday Edition

  • Rumors on the next DC at Michigan
  • An Antonio Bass update. He still wants to try to play. I hope it happens!
  • Background on the "smart" Steven Threet who could be the next starting quarterback in Ann Arbor.
  • Speaking of the next starting QB. Pryor is planning to visit Ann Arbor next week with Charlie Batch. I guess Andre Ware wasn't available. Charlie dates Terrelle's Aunt.
  • Maybe the most important Spring Game in the history of the program will not take place in the Big House due to the construction. Other options include Eastern or Ford Field.
  • Michigan recruit DE/LB Nick Perry out of Detroit is considering Michigan, State, Miami, and USC. Nick was also in the Army game last weekend.
  • Michigan Verbal Commitments: Marcus Witherspoon (LB NJ)and Mike Martin (DT MI)are taking visits to other schools. Marcus is taking a visit to Tennessee and Mike is going to visit Notre Dame.
  • Coach Rod keeps saying that he is going to sign a full class of 25. If he keeps all the verbals that would leave 8 more players to sign. That seems like a lot with signing day less then a month away.
  • DeBord didn't get hired by Tennessee. I wonder why?
  • Michigan finished in the top 20 in both polls

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