Friday, February 8, 2008

PSU is mad and MSU is bad

Yes, I finally have solid internet access again. Posting from my smart phone isn't real fun.

  • Penn State fans are mad that Michigan "mowed their lawn" and took Michael Shaw from them on signing day.
  • MSU recruiting class ranks right up there with Northwestern. Nice job guys, at least you were able to get the MSU's former stars son's. Mark Ingram signed with State, oops sorry he went to Alabama to play for a former State coach and Lorenzo White's son signed with MSU, nope! The DB from Florida went to Central Michigan. That little brother joke was funny!
  • So is there anyone out there besides Pryor that still could become a Wolverine next year? The answer is yes: Martavious Odoms is still on the board and was an official visitor to Ann Arbor. I wouldn't say we are a leader but you never know. We always need fast Slot Wide Receivers. But were looking pretty good with Shaw and Robinson coming in late.
  • The reason we have one or two spots still open is for the flexibility of long snapper George Morales. George is a 2 star guy out of Vegas that might be a gray shirt (meaning he will go on scholarship next year). George was offered by Lloyd and is still planning to come to Michigan. He is just waiting to hear from RR on whether he gets a full ride this year or not. Yes, a full ride for a long snapper!
  • Joe Tiller loves Michigan. He was always a big Carr fan. During this year’s blow out he did 2 onside kicks down 30 points against the 3rd team with a minute to go in the game. Then Joe loses Ohio WR Roy Roundtree on signing day and fires off this blast:
    "If we had an early signing date, you wouldn’t have another outfit with a guy in
    a wizard hat selling snake oil get a guy at the last minute, but that’s what

    Good thing this is your last year Joe, I'm sure your planning to retire in Ann Arbor. I know how much you love it there!
  • Quick Memo to the USA Today. Michigan stopped recruiting BJ Daniels a few weeks ago. So when you put Michigan lost him on the front page of your sports page on Thursday, you were wrong! Nice work multi-colored fish wrap!
  • Michigan is still planning on having it's spring game and maybe at Ford Field. This might be the most important Spring Game in say 38 years?
  • Here's some information on McGuffie's drama on Wednesday.

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