Thursday, March 6, 2008

AAFL Says Hello and Goodbye

  • Looks like the new AAFL isn't going to be able to get off the ground. Too many money issues for the league even before it gets kicked off next month. Too bad. Sounded like a pretty good idea.

  • In the Huddle on Fox Sports, brings back a discussion that Buckeye John and I had a few weeks ago. 9/13/08 is a big day for the Big Ten if they continue to want a place at the Adult table.
Ohio State has been exposed, and it doesn't look like it's going to get better this season. Oh sure, the pollsters have the Bucks already in their preseason top five. Why? Their schedule, except for one game, dictates another glide path to the BCS game.

Bottom line is this; the Big Ten needs to get some respectability back. Fast. They can do this only one way- beat a quality team. That spells it out succinctly, but harder to implement. The Bucks get the Trojans in LA, no easy task. If they beat the Trojans, then pollsters might give them the benefit of the doubt and keep them in the top 5. If they lose by more than 7, the Bucks can kiss their season goodbye, even if they go undefeated in the Big Ten. They may go to a BCS bowl, but they will not be going to the Big Dance. The fans are tired of it. Other teams are tired of it. Even the sportswriters are tired of building up a game when they know all-too-well that a team which plays one big boy and loses, isn't up for the task. Again.

  • Here is another story on MSU's 2009 Recruiting Class. Didn't we just finish the 08 class? I guess there is no resting when it comes to recruiting.
  • The Chips hire Marcus Ray as a Grad Assistant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BHB - I can't believe a journalist of any ability/stature would hang the future of the national perception of the Big 10 exclusively on the outcome of the OSU - SC game in September. Is this guy for real??? I refuse to get drawn into a debate about this topic again. As stated in your/our earlier post, I believe that Ohio State has been the most consistent and worthy representative of the Big 10 during the last seven years. If you really wanted to open the debate, I would be very comfortable arguing the Ohio State has been the most consistent and worthy representative of the Big 10 during the last 80 years. I think it is totally unfair to place the weight of the entire conference on the shoulders on 1 team. Especially since that one team has played for the NC the last two years.

Let's open this discussion again when the rest of the league starts to pull their fair share of the weight.