Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is Jim Tressel Dirty?

(I know every Michigan blog in the world is on this topic today, so I thought I would chime in as well)

Does the Vest need a good dry cleaning? 

Believe me, I get it. Yes, this is a Michigan blog and yes, I don’t wear Buckeye Red colored glasses but there is a lot of evidence that Jimmy has been dancing around this issues for a number of years. (I also know Michigan is under probation for a stretching violation and having non-coaches coach, we are doing our time and that head coach is on a fishing boat somewhere in Florida)

It even goes back to his time at YSU. Jim Tressel while coaching at Youngstown State was close to a booster named Michael "Mickey" Monus who at the time was the CEO of Phar-Mor, Inc. and the head of the board of trustees. Jim had a star QB at YSU named Ray Isaac who was a local kid that decided to stay home and play at YSU. Jim introduced Mickey to Ray and you pretty much can guess the rest of the story, can’t you? Mickey gave Ray thousands of dollars and used cars provided by Monus.

A few years later, Mickey gets brought up on Federal Fraud charges for embezzling $10M from Phar-Mor and the entire relationship between Mickey and Ray comes to light. Of course, Jim denies ever knowing anything about it. Mickey went to the “other Big House” and the NCAA took away a few scholarships and sited YSU with a “lack of institutional control” and Jim skated to Columbus as he just landed the Ohio State job.

Since that time there have been consistent similar events happening within Jim’s program. Brian at Mgoblog lists them here:


• Clarett’s expensive “dealership” car was robbed of over $10K of stuff.

• Clarett also claims his grades were fake, got free rent, and people would hand him money all the time.


• OSU Booster gives Troy Smith $500 for a fake job, Chris Gamble also was employed by the same booster.


• Nick Mangold and AJ Hawk have their apartment robbed of $3000 in cash, 2 Xbox’s, Play Station, $500 Watch, and a bunch of movies.

• Former Agent Josh Luchs said he paid Santonio Holmes during this period.


• Pryor is pulled over 3 times in cars registered to Auto Direct a local dealership.

• Pryor and others are suspended 5 games for selling their Ohio State gear for free “Ink”.


Oops!  Was this was important? I just thought it was an Easter message.


Another fact that OSU fans will consider “more icing then cake” is the 375 secondary NCAA violations between January 2000 and May 2009. This happens to be more secondary violations than any other division 1 school.

So I will go back to my original question: Is Tressel dirty? I will even add one more question; OSU had to of known of the YSU investigation when they hired Jim. Did they know about it and overlook it or did OSU hire a guy they knew could bend the rules to get an advantage and were OK with it?

I can tell you that there really aren’t too many secrets in college football. Everybody and their brother knew about USC and the Reggie Bush stuff is probably just a little bit of what went on there. If there was a situation at YSU, I guarantee Ohio State knew the details and whether Jim was involved or not.

So what do you think? I think there is enough here for a full NCAA black coat investigation in to the Ohio State Football Program that spends more on football than any other school in the country at a tune of $31.7 Million last year.

There is too much smoke here not to be some fire.


Dylan Peiffer said...

If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, its a rat!!! I hope NCAA give the bucks the hammer!!! Any other coach would be fired. OSU said they are not going to fire Tressel. What does that tell you bout the university? I have a bad feeling that the NCAA will just slap their wrist, but if you have 5 players suspended for 5 games and your their father figure that lied and knew about the scheme the whole time... I think you should get at least double (10 games) and MAJOR recruiting sanctions. Only time will tell. Go Blue!

Unknown said...

I hate to say it but I see a slap on the wrist coming. Somewhere Fresno State is getting ready to lift their skirt up.

FRANK64 said...

In my opinion Ohio State should forfeit all 2010 games! I believe Tressel should be fired and Pryor should be off of this team!

It is clear that Tressel was covering this up so those players could play. There is no other explanation especially after this Ted Sarniak, the great mentor, email came out. Obviously Tres was not scared of passing this federal investigation info on to this prominent glass businessman. Give me a break about this mentoring "BS"!

This "mentor" allegedly crashed his car into the utility pole, drunk, refused to take a breathalyzer and was belligerent to police officers. However he gave gifts and donations to the local police and somehow got out of these serious violations. This is a mentor?

In addition, Pryor had a new Corvette and worked at Sarniak's factory the summer before he was recruited by OSU. Sarniak also has a business in Dublin, Ohio, that's doing quite well. OSU coaches and Sarniak had dinner before Pryor's recruiting trip to Michigan. That was swept under the rug.

It also bothers me that these football players are hanging out and befriending this tattoo shop owner. I won't mention his name, but you can find it. When you do look at his extensive criminal record, ... & Makes you wonder why these kids were hanging with him?

If this really gets investigated we will probably find out that Pryor never should have been eligible to play before he even stepped foot into Ohio State. It is my belief that whole Maurice Clarett thing was carefully hidden, because he was such a shady dude anyway, but Ohio State should be punished and this should not happen again!