Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: 10 Things I like to see from Michigan before I buy a condo at the Villages

#10: A Wall of Fame, A Circle of Honor something that honors the great former Michigan football players.  I agree that retiring numbers may not be the right thing to do but there are so many great former Wolverines and there should be some lasting memorial somewhere at the Big House.  Name it the Gerald R. Ford Memorial: Circle of Champions.

#9:  Tom Brady gets close to U of M.   When Tom is ready to hang up his cleats, I would like there to be some type of partnership between Tom and U of M.  Is it a Tom Brady Scholarship? Is he the associate AD?  I don't know but having Tom close to the program has to be a good thing. 

#8: The Michigan Baseball team gets more TV exposure.  I have always thought there would be a nice fan base for the Michigan Baseball team if they got some more exposure.

#7:  Mike Hart on the Michigan coaching staff.  He seems the perfect candidate when Fred Jackson retires. 

#6: The Michigan basketball team makes an un-expected run to the Final 4.

#5: The Fab 5 plays an exhibition game against the current Wolverines for charity.  Maybe to re-open the "new" Crisler Arena?

#4: Michigan Football Dominates Midwest Recruiting. I want Michigan to be able to recruit like Texas does. Bring in all the top players in from Michigan, Ohio and neighboring states. Give the kids offers right there and then and give them 48 hours to accept or decline them. Michigan would have 70% of it's class full in a couple of days.

#3: Keith Jackson to do one more Michigan - Ohio State game in the Big House.

#2: Michigan goes on a new winning streak against MSU and OSU.

#1: Big Shocker Here:  Michigan has an un-defeated National Championship season where they beat OSU twice and USC in the BCS National Championship Game in the Rose Bowl      

Honorable mentions:  A night game at the Big House (next year), A huge music festival at the Big House with all the top bands,  Michigan and Michigan State play one or two games at Ford Field to help the downtown economy,  Zack Novak's number retired, Michigan signs the #1 rated high school prospect in either football or basketball or both!, an August pre-season exhibition football game against an opponent not on the schedule (yes I know this is more of an NCAA rule/issue) and Michigan doesn't need to hire a new football coach for the next 15 years!


Unknown said...

I like how you think, grasshopper!
U sound so like your father!

uncle ron said...

Nice list Bob, I have to agree with all of them especialy the one about a preseason game, I've always said that would be one thing I would change, you know the guys don't want to hit one of their own like they would an opponent, then you could tell who's a hitter or a gamer in one day, or at least have a very good idea.
Thanks and keep up the good work.

Brian S Hall said...

good ones