Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: Hoke and Staff Focus on the Great Lakes State

One of the reasons the Michigan faithful is excited about Brady Hoke is because he gets "it".    Some might wonder what "it" means.  Here are two examples:

State of Michigan Recruiting

RR: Yes, it's important but we recruit nationally and Florida is a big focus.

Hoke:  The State of Michigan is the #1 priority. 

Ohio State Game

RR:  Michigan is unique because it's has 3 rivals; ND, MSU and Ohio State.   None more important then the other.

Hoke:  Won't even use the word Ohio State.

During the RR media hate-fest, there was a number of articles written that Michigan State had taken over instate recruiting with two 5 stars guys signing with the Spartans the last two years. 

It's clear that Hoke and staff are focusing on instate recruiting and will do everything it takes to recruit the State of Michigan hard.  One recent example was a coaching clinic in the City of Detroit on Monday.  The University of Michigan coaches spoke to coaches from all levels (High School, JR High, Peewee and coaches from outside of Detroit as well).

Accounts were that Coach Hoke gave a wonderful talk and there were a number of break out sessions where coaches could ask questions and get more details per position.   Brady met pretty much every coach in the room and invited them to attend any U of M practice that they would like to take in.

They also invited former Michigan players to the event to talk what it means to be a "Michigan Man".
These are the type of events that will make a difference in years to come.   Just another example of Coach Hoke understanding what it takes to win at Michigan.

  • Another Loss at DB:  A rumor that I didn't put on the blog ends up being true.  Ray Vinopal, who played as a Freshman at safety last year has left the Michigan program.  There are some family issues back in Youngstown and Ray needs to go home.  This kid played with a ton of heart and just another loss in the defensive backfield for the Wolverines.   Good luck Ray, you will be missed.  I hope your family issues get worked out and maybe you can make it back to A2 in a year or so. 

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