Monday, February 22, 2016

Michigan Monday: Wonders if it isn't in Florida, Is it even an issue?

News is slow folks, so I'm going to do another post on the Florida - Spring Break Issue.   Here is my question, If Michigan practiced in Ann Arbor during Spring Break, does it make national news?  Of course it doesn't.    So the real issue is that Jimmy is taking his team to IMG in Florida.  If he goes to Battle Creek for practice, nobody cares. 

NCAA president Mark Emmert,  weighted in on Friday as he addressed the University of South Carolina board of trustees: "They're having a hard time being students and doing what students want to do," Emmert said Friday.

Emmert said while "there is nothing [Harbaugh] is doing that is against the rules," it is up to the NCAA's Football Oversight Committee to determine whether Harbaugh and other coaches can do that again in the future.

#1 point Mark made was that Jimmy isn't breaking the rules, which means the other coaches are mad they didn't think of it.   The other point, is the players get to practice without worrying about class and homework.  That seems like a benefit to focus and getting better.   Plus Jimmy said they are going to be playing mini golf while in Florida!  If you can't have fun playing mini golf, then your not living! :)

Jimmy also made a few points on Friday at the sold out MDen autograph session:  "I guess [SEC commissioner Greg Sankey] is stating a case, but it doesn't hold water to me," Harbaugh told the Detroit Free Press on Friday. "It's not an addition of time; it's the same amount of time. It's 20 hours. We'll be on the same rules and guidelines every other team will be under on spring practice.

"I think there's been some humor about it. I think it's comical that he's taken exception to it."
  • Zach Gentry is now a full time TE, which leaves O'Korn, Morris and Speight fighting out for the starting QB job.   I didn't include Peters who will be in Spring Ball but is pretty much guaranteed a red shirt.  (while I was typing, I left out the "r" in the last word of the last sentence by mistake and it made me laugh)  
  • In other position moves, Khalid Hill is going to work at fullback and Mason Cole will take some snaps at center.   Peppers if fully healthy and the early enrollees are doing well in the weight room.
  • The Spring Game will be on Bo's Birthday on April 1.   The game will start at 6:00 and will be considered Michigan's first night Spring Game.  I hope the weather is warm.   This news made the ESPN bottom line on Friday. 
  • Michigan Basketball lost a close game to Maryland on Sunday.

1 comment:

dude1984 said...

I can't wait for the season to start because this Florida practice stuff is being blown into something a lot bigger than it should be.