Thursday, May 26, 2022

Michigan Thursday: Shea Gets Cut from The Michigan Panthers

Shea Patterson, the USFL's #1 draft pick got cut late on Wednesday night from the Michigan Panthers.  The Panthers are 1-5 and Shea has the lowest QBR in the league.   Though probably not 100% his fault as the Panthers offensive line and all of its offense is pretty limited to say the least.   Shea threw for 973 yards, sacked 13 times, and ran for 171 yards.  He threw 4 TD's, ran for 2, and threw 5 picks.  

The good news is, he was immediately picked up by the New Orleans Breakers who are 4-2 in the USFL. The Panthers play the Breakers on Saturday night, which is clearly now a Shea Rivalry game. 😀

  • I've been trying to watch the NBA Playoffs but they are incredibly boring with lop sided games, injured superstars, and bad offense.  
  • Brady has showed social media clips of him hitting baseballs and sinking a golf iron shot from the fairway from a drone camera this week.   His "Brady" Brand clothing line might not be doing as well as other aspects of his life, as the brand-new line is having a 60% off sale already.   I think he might have overshot the market with $100 T-shirts right now. 
  • There is some funny business going on with the listing of future Big Ten Football schedules.   I'm sure we will hear soon about the new format that gives Michigan the hardest possible schedule every year.  
  • Dante Moore will take a visit to Texas A&M in June.  As we know, there has been a lot of smoke around the Aggies program using NIL to "buy" players.  


ScottyDoggs said...

A little bit more than smoke concerning Texas A&M, more like an out of control forest fire that cannot be contained. Perdue hired a director for NIL
guidance. Retired Michigan radio announcer "Jim Bradstater" said college football is headed for some dark times ... "indeed"

Brady2017 said...

I don't wan't UM to play OSU, Penn St., Nebraska, MSU, and ND. Cmon! Look at what Alabama is doing. Their schedule last year had colleges (high schools?) that I never heard of in my life. Their season came down to one game against Auburn. I would hope we have something similar, and I'll go as far to say I can live with NOT playing OSU during the regular season if it means we get to play them in the B1G Championship game in Indy.

Brady2017 said...

NIL has opened a Pandora's Box for all kind of cheating and shortcuts. College football was never about the money, which is why I prefer it over the NFL. The NCAA better get off their behinds and start doing something. You would think they would have thought this out ahead of time, but they obviously didn't. This could get ugly, and I mean dirty, disgusting ugly. (It might have already)

Brady2017 said...
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Brady2017 said...

I miss the Brandyman already. Doug Karsch was a horrific let down on the Spring game, bordering on unlistenable. There has to be some young, energetic upstart announcer that is waiting for his big break. Let's find that guy! Ufer 2.0!!

szanreno said...

I hate to hear that Doug was a let down on the spring radio broadcast as I love listening to the radio broadcast versus the television announcers. As far as the scheduling I find Michigan State and Notre Dame much more intriguing than OSU. It's a shame that college football is going down this path. But as you know things never change until they hit rock bottom so I don't believe the NCAA will do anything midstream. I know this ages me but I don't give a shit, I like to hearken back to the '70s and football Saturdays. I was just the young boy when I attended the 1973 Stanford game and have been a lifelong fan since. Saturday's had a different feel about them than they do now. Sad...

Chowman said...

Brady, as far as college football not being about the money: you mean for the players? cause everybody else was getting PAID. Coaches, schools, the NCAA, billion dollar industry!!! What cheating? when paying players is legal, how's it cheating? Kind of sound like guy that "why do I need a cell phone, if I need to call I'll find a pay phone". It's called evolution. The game is changing, either evolve are go the way of the dodo bird! Even Bo had open up the offense and start passing the ball!

And big fan of the Ticket, but Karsh was AWFUL. He better step it up or Michigan football radio will be unlistenable (that a word?)

Mastermind said...

Chowman- I agree, players deserve a piece of the pie financially, but there needs to be guidelines. Rules that protect the integrity of the sport. Right now it could come down to who cheats best will win.

ScottyDoggs said...

Not quite kosher, but not cheating, the NIL can be considered a "free for all", a wrestling match with no rules, etc. How bad it gets (no one knows for sure, but Texas A & M stepped up to the plate and spent 20 million .... will they be out done (I'm sure).... some people argue college players should be paid ( I disagree, but next battle zone is the high schools ... should not the elite make money also??? At the far end of craziness they test mothers for superior genes, and paid to have babies (a little far fetched, but will get closer to that in the next ten years, when money floats around high schools.