Monday, January 29, 2024

Michigan Monday: No Lombardi

Sherrone Moore got hired as Michigan's head football coach on Friday and it wasn't even breaking news.  Its was expected and was the right hire.  Jimmy and the team supported it 100% and it was a done deal.  Michigan is losing their top defensive coordinator in the country also to the Chargers but he was probably gone either way as former Michigan DC, Mike Macdonald is expected to be a front runner for the Seattle gig.  

Now we will have to wait to see what happens with the rest of the staff.  Fingers crossed Jimmy doesn't pillage.  see below

The biggest news of the weekend for me came on Sunday.  It started with Jimmy doing an interview when asked about leaving Michigan, he replied with the regular it was a tough decision, family and I love Michigan but "College Football doesn't have the Lombardi trophy".  

This is Jim Harbaugh in a sentence if I've heard one.   Jimmy lives in his own world and when he is in your corner and laser focused on your goals, it's really a wonderful thing to watch.  Jimmy also found quick success in the NFL by getting close to the Super Bowl and then getting close to winning one.  He also found himself later in a that same situation where his team wasn't preforming and he lost the confidence of the 49'ers executives.   I don't think Jimmy remembers the last part of his contract with the 49'ers.  It was ugly.  

I also wish Jimmy was able to watch Ravens vs. Chiefs before he made a decision.  Maybe he would've of realized how difficult it is to get to a Super Bowl and ever harder to win it.  The Chargers have a talented team with a young star QB and big names on defense.  Yes, they have a shot at a Super Bowl or they could be fighting for a playoff spot every year and fall flat.  NFL coaches are hired to be fired and Jimmy should've of known that.  

Then our beloved Detroit Lions took the field and dominated the 1st half of the NFC Championship game.  I started to believe that Michigan Football could win a National Championship and the Detroit Lions could be headed to the Super Bowl in the same month.  Then you know what happens.  

My first reaction to the loss is: CATCH THE DAMN BALL.  The Lions talented WR's and defensive backs couldn't hold on to the ball at critical points in the 2nd half.   I get Dan Campbell and his aggressive style.  That style turned around this franchise this season.  But, you have to coach the way the game is flowing.  Getting stopped on 4th down flips momentum and costs your team points by not kicking makeable field goals.  Dan left 6 points off the board and lost by 3.  Going for it on 4th down is fine against the Bears in week 7, not in the NFC Championship game. 

So there it ends.  No Harbaugh Family owning football and Detroit Lions ended their magical ride to Las Vegas.   Glad Michigan Football got their work done earlier this month! 

  • Who is going to replace Minter?  Rumor mill is saying Seahawks DC Clint Hurtt who worked with Sherrone in the past or Jim Leonard both will be considered with of course a possibility of hiring someone on staff like Coach Clink or Mike Elson.  Here is my take, Michigan has been successful the last 3 years running an NFL scheme, let's find someone that can continue that style of play.  
  • Breaking News: Ben Herbert will be joining Harbaugh in LA.  Not good Harbaugh.  It's one thing to chase your trophy dreams it's another to pillage the coaching staff of your university and leave it with huge holes.  Justin Tress who was on Ben's staff is now the full-time S&C Director.  So as of right now, Jessie Minter, Jay Harbaugh, and Ben Herbert are all going to LA. 


Goblu said...

Renyolds dropping those two passes were devastating. But agree, should have at least kicked that first 4th down dropped pass. Renyolds has been solid, but man have to catch that.

I'm slowly wishing bad things for the chargers... not a good feeling to have. But taking Herbert seems really bullshit. These guys are pro's, and they don't need him. Michigan really does. Whatever.

MichiganMan said...

Jimmy boy is destroying our team....dang....

Blue for life

szanreno said...

How about all those folks saying, "Herbert won't go, they don't need him, all the pro's have there own trainers". Thus my comment that we have no idea what's going on behind closed doors. Keep guessing fellows...

Blue said...

Can't understand also Harbaugh's reasoning in taking arguably the most important coach on the Michigan's staff away. A coach that exceeds his peers in both the development of both body & mine, generating winning football at UM.

Whether this is just because Jim wants to win, feeling Justin Tress is a qualified replacement, or a Herbert extension and pay raise was denied, or this goes deeper into the weeds while Harbaugh was still here.

Last week John U Bacon stated while being interviewed: "Jim Harbaugh and the athletic director Warde Manuel positively hate each other."

Hating someone is an emotion where the downfall of that someone brings satisfaction to the hater. With that kind of bad blood between Warde & Harbaugh anything & everything would be on the table.

Jim Harbaugh - "Harbaughs don't forget!"

Ron said...

Would Jim Harbaugh ever came here if the 49ers didn't actually fire him think about that.. would have never came back to college I can't believe him and warde actually hate each other.. I think Justin tress will carry on the same workout strategy as Ben Herbert he worked under him.. but it is hard to see him go

Goblue said...

Everyone just chill. We won the natty 3 weeks ago, let’s not forget and celebrate that. What if Ben wanted to go? What if he wanted to go train NFL talent? Jim, Jesse, and Ben helped bring us a natty and if they wanted to set their sights on the NFL what’s wrong with that? I am happy for all of them and wish them well.

Ron said...

Goblue, I totally agree with you man let's move on.

MichiganMan said...

Go blue the PhD boy. I do agree with you. Everyone needs to chill and watch the Natty game over and over again....

Blue for life

Voice of Reason said...

Well if coaches leave to be with Harbaugh then it's because 1) they want to leave, 2) it's an opportunity to coach in the NFL and 3) most likely the money is better with no recruiting which means less work. And so I say, "Harbaugh giveth and Harbaugh taketh away!" Let's move on. IMHO!!!

Voice of Reason said...

Salary history for Justin Tress at Michigan. FYI only!

Chowman said...

I don't think Jim thinks in the terms of "what if I fail". To him there's only one ending and that's success on his part.

Dan Gamble fries my eggs at times. Look, don't give me this is how he coaches. I know the Lions had an ASS culture and needed to be shook up and being the Riverboat gambler was part of the way Campbell shook up the culture. Also when you're at the bottom, there's only one way and that's up and you do whatever you can to get the organization in the right direction. But now that you've built a solid foundation as far as culture and are moving in the right direction, you need to pick your spots. There no 1 size fits all coaching decision. When you up 17 at half, SF comes out and gets a FG, and you march right into their end, you HAVE to re-establish the 3 score lead. You just took SF best shot, and you needed to stand their and give them a shot right back. Instead you got stopped and it gave SF the momentum they needed.

Finally of all the people I DIDN'T want harbaugh poaching, Herbert was #1. Screw Harbaugh I hope he fails miserably in LA!

szanreno said...

I hope Harbaugh is hugely successful...

ScottyDoggs said...

I am a bit taken back by Lions loss, although I have never seen or watched a whole game on TV. I lived in Toledo for 40 years, and always felt like we were a distant suburb of Detroit. Detroit Lions have never been in super bowl game ever!

szanreno is right, we got Harbaugh's back.... Harbaugh taking some coaches is only proper thinking, not trying to empty cupboards for Michigan. Next year, with roster losses and tougher schedule ... I would take 8/4 (win/losses) for 2024. I am too lazy to check right now, but I hope we do not start out with three cupcakes like last year.

Blue said...

The word out is - "Herb wanted to stay under the assumption he would get a long-term deal that Michigan wasn't willing to give."

"Herb and many players were in tears. Per one player, many who were now solid are now questioning their next moves. This is a massive blow unless there can be huge damage control done here ... there's no sugar coating it."

Snowball effect?

Thom said...

Little jimmy give Michigan the middle finger as he moves out the door.

High Sierra Howard said...

Elston and Clinksdale both did fantastic jobs last year. Both position groups exceeded my expectations at the beginning of the year. Elston left ND because they passed him over when Kelly left. I'm sure both Elston and Clinksdale would like bigger roles and I would hate to loose either of them. Maybe make them co-coordiators.

Chowman said...

That's your prerogative, but I don't root for guys that left my team. Didn't give a squat if Verlander won a WS after he left the Tigers! I wouldn't of taken Astros merch for free to wipe my nose. Wasn't one of those silly Detroit Rams fans that rooted for Stafford when he forced a trade on the Lions. Not going to root for Harbaugh either. As far as I'm concerned Chargers could be in the way of a Lions SB some day so bleep him. You leave the team I root for, I consider you dead. If you're no longer with me, your against me, you're the enemy!

Blue said...

High Sierra - If Moore brings in an outsider for the DC job, I would not be surprise to see a key defensive coach looking to leave.

szanreno said...

I can tell Chowman has never been involved in sports or coached at any level. Ex teammates and coaches etc make some of the best lifetime friends. Probably best for you to let us discuss sports and you go back to the TV and internet for your info as you, I'm sure, have no real-sports world experience. Unless ex-teammates or coaches have done something illegal or immoral, I wish them the best and look forward to seeing them again. Please don't come back at me telling me of your all world accomplishments, they won't be believed, at least not by me.

Cormac said...

I don't think Jimmy will win an SB in LAC. It's one thing if BH wants to leave; it's another if Jimmy is taking him. At least now, the annual Jimmy dog and pony show is over.

Victor in AA said...

Campbell did indeed not adapt to the situation and is therefore was exposed as a bad risk manager.
1. The better the defense the less likely you will convert. SF has a very above average defense.
2. The first potential field goal would have matched the field goal SF just scored. That would have deflated the momentum SF was building.
3. Failure to convert gave away a few yards of field position, yards matter when you are playing at this level.