Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Michigan Tuesday: Lots of News

By my count, Michigan has 19 players declared and eligible to be drafted by the NFL.  That is a ton and really no big surprises in there.  Even former Wolverine and current injuried Iowa Hawkeye TE Erick All entered the draft.  

Next big news is Jimmy completed his interview with the LA Chargers on Monday and John U Bacon says the hold up on his Michigan contract is becuase of "imunity" over the NCAA charges of Cheeseburgers in Paradise and Connor StubHub.   Warde, give him what he wants and put this to bed.   Michigan just lost 19 players to the NFL Draft, this program needs stability after one of its greatest seasons of all time.  

Pair of 7's - Michigan got some good news on Monday when both #7's decided to stay in school.  Yes, Big Game Don is back and so is Makari Paige.  The players that are staying in school also include: Rod Moore and Josaiah Stewart.  If Jesse Minter stays and doesn't leave with Jimmy or replaces Mike MacDonlad on the Ravens.  Michigan should have a great defense once again in 2024. 

If Orji is the QB next season and you want a comp of what Michigan could look like.  My best example is the 2023 Alabama Crimson Tide. 

  • Former Michigan WR Darrius Clemons found a new home already at Oregon State.  Best of luck to him! 
  • 2025 Michigan CB commit Chris Ewald has decommitted from Michigan.  He had been committed to Michigan for nearly a year. 
  • Speaking of Mike MacDonald, CJ Stroud gets to face his defense again, this time in the NFL Playoffs next weekend. 
  • Michigan Basketball beat OSU in Crisler yesterday in front of the FAB 5. 


Goblu said...

Any intel on why Ewald decommitted? That's an odd one, as he seemed super onboard.

Ron said...

Yes I like to know why he decommitted myself a week ago he was all pumped up about Michigan winning the national title and getting out and recruiting for Michigan.. it's a loss at a position of recruiting need...good win for the basketball team beat the bucks!!!

MichiganMan said...

Bigger and NIL deal maybe... I am speechless. I can't believe we won the title.... What's the Alabama and Washington's game about 6 times each... It's like watching it for the first time each time

Blue for life

Thom said...

In regards to Ewald, Don't know. Maybe it's the NIL or wanting to go to a stable program where the head coach is flirting with the NFL every year.

Goose said...

Didn’t Jim say last year if my memory serves me correctly that he was done flirting with nfl opportunities? He was all in for Michigan and betting on himself. I’m very grateful for what the team and it’s coach have accomplished & personally hope he stays. However it is frustrating when at the end of every season it’s this same wishy washy situation. It makes recruiting more difficult and affects the team. You can’t build a dynasty when no one who the coach will be from year to year. Best of luck in whatever choice you make. Michigan has a very respectable offer on the table sign or let the Wolverines move onto the next guy for the sake of stability. Enjoy the blog

January 16, 2024 at 8:20 AM Delete

Chowman said...

and Goose its why some fans won't be too broken hearted if he leaves to the NFL. Sure its pure speculation that Jim's interview for NFL jobs had any role in his decommitting, but it can't help! Just seems to be a new story every week on the contract. First it was the buy out amount that was the hold up. Then it was the stipulation that he couldn't leave before the 2024 season, now its immunity? Now some of that can be reporters trying to break a story and running loose with the facts, but in the end, if Jim's heart was really in AA the ink on the contract would have long been dry!

Blue said...

Last year Harbaugh stated - "That time of the year type of speculation, but I think no man knows the future, but I think that people that think we've done a good job and are pleased with the job that we've done here at Michigan, they're going to be very happy to learn that we will be back enthusiastically coaching the Wolverines in 2023. And for those people that don't approve of the job we've done or would rather see somebody else coaching here, I think they'll be most likely disappointed to learn we'll be back coaching the Wolverines and in 2023. My heart is at the University of Michigan. I once heard a wise man say, 'Don't try to out-happy, happy.' Go Blue!"

It's my belief that if we had an AD that Jim could trust & work with this contract extension would have been signed long ago.

I've already stated Warde needs to go .. yesterday. He's been a drag on NIL from the start, turning down an early collective that Jim endorsed, not wanting $ from the donors pool being diverted from his department to NIL. He was quick to fire Partridge for failure to abide by a University directive. His conspicuous friendship with Jim Stapleton, one of Harbaugh's biggest critics and a leading member of the NCAA Infractions Committee that is currently investigating Michigan.

Where's there smoke there's fire, a division between Harbaugh and Warde cannot coexist working together, one needs to go.

Chowman said...

Blue, I agree with you that Warde needs to go. He's been just short of a total disaster. But he's the perfect fit for Jim. Jim doesn't do very well with authority and any qualified AD wasn't going to let Jim run amok. So if Jim does leave, I'm hoping its a 2 for 1 deal and the move on from Warde. Hell blame him for letting Jim leave if you need to an excuse to fire him!

Brady2017 said...

I still can't wrap my brain around Jimmy's fascination with interviewing for other jobs. The only thing I can relate it to is when I dated a really hot girl. When you're the hot chick, you like attention. A LOT of attention! When we went out she had bartenders winking at her, giving her free drinks, strangers coming up to her and starting up conversations, people holding doors open for her, I mean it's a different life than what us pea-ons live. She had so many options, I was worried she would be cheating. She never did. But I had to learn to either accept that this is how its going to be with this girl, or move on. I put up with it for a little bit, but eventually broke it off. She was an alcoholic. Lol

Brady2017 said...

So the moral of the story is, maybe there's something else to Jimmy's motivation. Maybe there's something below the surface that none of us can rationalize.

Blue said...

The only other thing I can think of is leverage. Not necessarily leverage for money, but leverage on Michigan in hiring a new AD Jim's able to work.

Update on Jim's interview with Chargers.
- He wants a base salary of 12 million a year.
- He is wanting full control of the roster especially the offense.
- He wants to pick the next GM.
- He has declined interviews with every other team.
- Jim has asked them to make a decision within the next 48 hours.

Time for the the President & Regents to step-up.

Ron said...

Blue, where did you get that information about the Chargers I haven't heard that anywhere him making those demands

Goose said...

GM jack harbaugh
Coach Jim harbaugh
OC jay harbaugh
Dc. John harbaugh
Equipment manager Ryan day

szanreno said...

So that's where Ryan Day is going to go once he gets canned...

Brady2017 said...

PER DAN WETZEL- Harbaugh new contract offer from Michigan is for 6 years, 11.5 million per year. Would make Jimmy the highest paid collge football coach. Contract also has immunity from penalties stemming from the two NCAA investigations. This report is from this afternoon.

Rudy said...

Remember when Malcom X said "we didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us!"? I don't think Jimmy wants to leave the NCAA, they are constantly dropping a deuce on him and the program while other programs hand out bags of cash and lambos. Maybe he wants to stay but says the game he's committed to is not the game we see today, therefore....

Brady2017 said...

Just read a Sports Illustrated report before nodding off. Report states Jimmy is the one requesting certain provisions be included in his Michigan contract, including immunity from sanctions.

Connect the dots. If this is true, and S.I. seems to be a reliable source, then Jimmy is staying. If he was gone, you don't demand such stipulations be in a contract.... AT MICHIGAN. Give Warde 48 hrs to run these past Santa O and the UM lawyers. What, you think Warde doesn't answer to higher ups? Cmon. It ain't as simple as getting Warde's stamp of approval. There's a small fortune involved here.