Thursday, February 8, 2024

Michigan Thursday: Coach Clink Staying

Sports Illustrated 

Finally, we get some good news in coaching poaching season. Coach Clink one of the best DB coaches and recruiters in the country is staying with Michigan.  Coach has a son who is a freshman walk-on and now will be staying on Michigan's coaching staff, hopefully for years to come.  

Coach Clink is expected to continue as a the DB coach and Co-DC.  Reports are Michigan will be interviewing Wink Martindale today.  Cullen who was reported to Michigan yesterday afternoon by one Michigan insider, has now reportedly pulled back and will pursue other NFL opportunities. 

Wink is a hard pass for me.  I understand he invented the Ravens defensive system but the 1 positive does not outweigh a boat load of negatives.  He is 60 years old who will not relate to the younger players.  Is known as a "my way or the highway" coaching style, was fired by John Harbaugh, ran a terrible Giants defense this past season, got into multiple conflicts with the Giants head coach, and was fired after the season ended.   Lastely, do we expect him to recruit?  Of course not.   Hard Pass.  

I understand its a terrible time of year to find quality defensive coaches in college football but there had to be better options out there that fit Michigan's culture and has the experience and background to match.  

  • Michigan Basketball had a big upset of #11 ranked Wisconsin last night in Crisler. 


Brady2017 said...

Martindale is a tire with 75,000 miles on it.

I'd call Phil Parker at Iowa and ask him if he's tired of going nowhere at the end of every year. And with no divisions this year, Iowa REALLY isnt going anywhere. This would involve Warde to get off the couch and for Michigan to open up it's wallet, so don't count on it.

Ron said...

Let's hear it for the basketball team they didn't blow a second half lead this time.. I think Martindale should go back to hosting game shows đŸ˜‰ why not coach clink for DC?

ScottyDoggs said...

I am not fully versed how many coaches leave with their assistant coaches, but I believe these coaches are Harbaugh's people (posse), and he has the right to take them with him. If Michigan hired an outsider, would he not bring his own people in? Then the crying would stop, but the ex-Michigan coaches would hurriedly try to get employment elsewhere.

Harbaugh did the job for us, too many reasons to leave, but not enough to stay. He wants to achieve success in his new position, he is not going to pass up his own subordinates, to keep Bob and others happy.

Please stop crying because there is no egg in your beer. Yes, it would have been nice to create a Michigan dynasty, but at least we had 3 years of ecstasy. Jim Had problems with an obese athletic director, possibly lame NIL program, and violation with NCAA hanging over his head. The man made the right choice, so quit bellyaching.... I will miss him too, but do not shot me I am only the piano player, and no good at that either!

Brady2017 said...

Ron- Heck ya, nice win yesterday! I love Juwan, I hope he can turn things around. Another year like this next year tho and he might have to go.

BlueManGroup said...

Don't overlook Wink's LB coach (Drew Wilkins). Drew could be the guy Michigan actually wants and are using Wink to help secure him. Drew is young and a former Ravens coach. The only reason Drew left Baltimore for the Giants gig was because Wink is his mentor and he was seeking a larger role.

Brady2017 said...

ScottyDoggs- Good take, nothing wrong with enjoying the past few years. But if you married a smoking hot chick, had kids, and settled into your married life, how would you feel if she decides to leave you for another dude after 3 good years? And she takes the car, the kids, the dog, and the furniture?

High Sierra Howard said...

Jim Harbaugh is 60 years old

MichiganMan said...

Yes, harbor is 60 years old. He has no connection with the kids that's why he left. Yes, so how can a 60-year-old defensive coordinator have any connection with the kids as well?....

Blue for life

Goblu said...

Jesus, BucknutBoy. I've been trying to ignore your stupid posts, but saying JH had no connection with the players is among your most stupid.

Regardless, I think Wink isn't the right coach bc his style is too predicable. I don't know Wilkins, but we def need an alternative. I can't find any posts that say Clink is staying. Where did you see that??

Brady2017 said...

THIS JUST IN- Harbaugh is taking the Michigan Stadium custodian crew, the consession stand workers, and the ticket vendors with him to the Chargers. đŸ˜†

Voice of Reason said...

Maybe Sherone should do what Harbaugh did and look into some of the former players that would be capable teachers/recruiters with a knowledge of the history of the program, the techniques and can still relate to the school's recruiting dynamic and can keep the culture going. (For example only), Devin Gardner, Jake Butt, etc., etc. IMHO!!!

Voice of Reason said...

Bob, FWIW I agree with you in principle regarding Martindale, nevertheless, Sherrone is in a difficult position and he has a number of slots to fill with other coaches most likely wondering with the massive jailbreak that Harbaugh just created here at Michigan and the boat load of students going pro at the same time, just how stable can they expect this program to be in 2024-25? Which leads to the next question, what kind of job stability will I have if I go there and we're suddenly dropping like a rock?

Sherrone now has to try to keep his own players and the new recruits at the same time. Harbaugh didn't do Sherrone or this program any favors by raiding the Michigan staff. I would give Sherrone as much support as he feels that he needs especially this first year so that he can get up on his feet, and if he thinks that he has a plan (which includes hiring Martindale which is not my first choice either) then I would support it. IMHO!!!

MichiganMan said...

Go blue. What I'm saying is just because someone is 60. Doesn't mean they have no connection with the kids. Maybe they're cool. 60-year-old...

Blue for life

Goblu said...

This is what you wrote: He has no connection with the kids that's why he left. Yes, so how can a 60-year-old defensive coordinator have any connection with the kids as well?

MichiganMan said...

Yes, this is what Bob reference to Just because the DC is a 60-year-old man doesn't mean he has any connection with any kids...

PhD boy, do you really think harbor left because he has no connection with the kids?

Blue for life

Goblu said...

You wrote that's why he left. So apparently you think that.

Ron said...

Hey Warde, has been selected to be the chair of the college football playoff committee

Blue said...

Wink's an NFL guy, will likely be gone in 2-3 years max, Clink will then take over the DC duties.

"A coach is only as good as his players" the saying goes. A prime example being Minter performance when at Vanderbilt where the defense struggled, and then at Michigan a year later where the defense shined.

With a great group of players coming back this year on defense (if not poached), Wink should have little problem in producing one of the top defenses in the country, and when the time comes afterwards, when NFL teams next year or the year after come looking to fill several DC openings, Wink's name will no doubt come up.

I'll take Wink right now if it means keeping Clink and re-solidifying the players on that side of the ball.

Goblu said...

Wink for Clink. Blue has created the next t-shirt!!

Voice of Reason said...

I envision Martindale mentoring Clink the nuances of the Raven's defense and could likely be the next DC in waiting. That might be the reason why Clink is still here, as opposed to being a DB coach in the pros. If you look on the bright side then think about this, Martindale will add another twist to this Raven's defense that the other schools will have to try to figure out. They will not be able to use the last two years as the sole example for how to prepare for Michigan. Martindale will be working with a very good Michigan defense this year. In other words, we have reasons to be encouraged for this year (using lemons and making lemonade). IMHO!!!