Thursday, January 31, 2008

Down the stretch we come.................

JT Floyd
As you will see below, I'm a little concerned that all the chips on the table for Michigan's big finish seems to be tilted for decisons on 2/6. Let's take a look at the current schedule of Michigan's top recuits that are still undecided:

Terelle Pryor: Decision Date 2/6 or maybe later.

Nick Perry: Decision Date 2/6 at 3:00

Terrence Robinson: Decision Date Next Monday on local Houston TV at 7:00.

Martavious Odoms: Decision Date 2/6

JT Floyd: Committed to Michigan last night. He was an early Tennessee commit.

Jaron Brown: Will announce Friday.

BJ Daniels: Visitor this weekend, no decision date set

Justin Feagins: Visitor this weekend, no decision date set

TJ Lawrence: Has made a decision but it's not public yet. He is a strong Florida lean.

There is a lot riding on 2/6 for the Wolverines. Maybe too much. Hopefully we will get some good news before then.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Where is my recruiting update?

Sorry it's late but not a lot going on right now. We are still waiting for commitment announcements from Texas Athlete/WR Terrance Robinson and South Carolina DB JT Floyd, both are expected anytime. Jaron Brown, WR from SC is expected to announce at his HS at a 2:00 press conference on Thursday (Michigan, Clemson, SC).

Update: Pryor may push back his decision date and not announce on 2/6. This could be bad for our other 2 QB recruits Daniels and Feagins.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer says Pryor's QB coach's gut feel is that TP will be a Buckeye:

"A lot of things are telling me Ohio State," Hall said. "That's my gut feeling. In San Antonio, I was there and everyone he chose to hang out with were the kids from Ohio State and their parents."

This article also points to a possible recruiting violation:

One other factor in Hall's gut feeling was the presence of several Ohio State recruits, including linemen Michael Brewster and J.B. Shugarts, who are already enrolled at Ohio State, at Pryor's basketball game last Saturday.

If your interested:
13.02.5 Enrolled Student-Athlete. An enrolled student-athlete is an individual whose enrollment was solicited by a member of the athletics staff or other representative of athletics interests with a view toward the student’s ultimate participation in the intercollegiate athletics program. Any other student becomes a student athlete only when the student reports for an intercollegiate squad that is under the jurisdiction of the athletics department. Permissible Recruitment Activities for Enrolled Student-Athletes.(a) Off-campus contacts. Off-campus, in-person recruiting contacts that are unavoidable incidental contacts between enrolled student-athletes (or other enrolled students) and a prospective student-athlete are permissible if such contacts do not occur at the direction of a coaching staff member

The Vest and RR both plan on one more visit to the Nation's Top Recruit before Monday.

I hear there is at least 10 players coming in this weekend for the last visit before 2/6. I will publish that list as soon as it's available.

Here is a good ESPN article on the inside scoop of what happened between RR and WVU.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday Recruiting News and Notes

  • Jaron Brown (6"3) WR is announcing on Thursday where he will play his college ball. It's down to Michigan, Clemson, and South Carolina. Michigan coaches are in house today.

  • Sure I owe you $4M but will you take $1.5M?

  • Huge News: it looks like Pryor decision is between Michigan and OSU. Like we haven't known that for a month or so?

  • Looks like BJ Daniels, 4Star QB got an official offer from Michigan this week and may visit this weekend. The rumor mill says he may have academic issues. Here's what I think might happen: Daniels and Feagins both QB's will wait to hear where Pryor announces. If Pryor goes to Michigan, they go to other schools. If Pryor goes to the dark side, Daniels and Feagins both come to Ann Arbor.

  • JT Floyd is close to a decision after his weekend trip to Tennessee. I expect him to commit to Big Blue. His decision is expected on Wednesday.

  • Same with Terrance Robinson, I expect him to commit to Michigan tonight or tomorrow.

  • We keep a NJ Linebacker and now maybe we lose one? Sources close to JB Fitzgerald are saying that he is seriously considering Rutgers. RR is visiting this week and JB will make a visit to Ann Arbor this weekend.

Point - Counter Point with Buckeye John

Today's post will encompass an email exchange between myself (BigHouse Bob) and Buckeye John. The topics are The Big Ten's perception nationally and the recruitment of Terellle Pryor.

BHB: Buckeye John what are your thoughts about the Big Ten perception nationally after the National Championship game, the Rose Bowl, and Michigan's trouble with App. State and the Ducks this year?

BJ: Why should I care what the national perception is of the Big-10 vis-a-vis
Ohio State? The fact that Ohio State has played in the last two national championships is enough for me. Like I said in my last post to your blog, I'm perfectly happy beating Michigan and getting the opportunity to play for the NC as compared to the alternatives. Namely, losing to Michigan and playing in the Alamo Bowl. The Buckeyes are firmly established at the very highest levels of college football. What more can any team ask for? I will never stoop to the point where a season/team is a lost cause if they don't win the NC. Ohio State is doing more than anyone in the Big-10 to promote the conference's quality of play. Only one team can win the NC each year. At least the Buckeyes are getting the chance to do that. They have one of the highest winning percentages of the century and have played for three NCs. Why don't any of the Michigan blogs (yours included) critically point the finger at Michigan's role in the negative national perception? Why always look to Ohio State? I respect Michigan a lot but their chronic underachieving year-in and year-out hurts the national perception way more than OSU losing in the NC game...IMO. When Ohio State was winning all those Fiesta Bowl games and Michigan was busy losing Rose Bowls there wasn't anything being said about the Buckeyes. If you want to start looking for ways to beef up the conferences image....go look at Iowa, MSU, Penn State and Wisconsin. I've never heard/read anyone pointing the finger at those teams. If those teams could elevate their play to the level of OSU and to some degree Michigan, we wouldn't have to defend ourselves.

BHB: I think Michigan has a lot to do with the perception problem. USC, App.
State, Oregon, all put the state of the Big Ten back. The other Big Ten teams you mention haven't done anything worth while in 10 years which doesn't help either. PSU was a power before they joined the Big Ten and now there not much more then a middle of the road Big Ten team. I have and will continue to mentioned that in my Blog.

Here are my thoughts on the whole Big Ten perception problem. We now live in a world where people have a playoff mentality even though the bowl system is still alive. Let me give you a couple of examples: Does anyone really care who wins the Big Ten in Basketball? Nope. Just the Final 4 and National Championship (more people will remember maybe the Big Ten Basketball Tournament champ)

Do the NY Giants care if they were NFC EAST champs right now? Nope

I believe the Big Ten Football title has become something similar. Now,
I'm not saying it's not important to the Michigan's and OSU's, I just believe it's not very important nationally. Back in the Bo and Woody days, the Big Ten Championship is all that mattered, the freaking pre-seasons games really didn't matter (it was a step above the NFL pre-season). Rose Bowl or die. The perception nationally now is that the Big Ten Champ is just a stepping stone to the National Title or a BCS Bowl game and yes every game matters.
That is why Michigan and OSU and everyone else plays one (maybe) difficult non-conference game a year. It's all about that Crystal Football.

BHB: How do you feel about last years Ohio State team and how do you compare the Big Ten to other conferences?

BJ: Last year was a fluke. OSU wasn't supposed to be playing in New Orleans.
Michigan WAS!!!! Nobody saw OSU coming. If the voters and pundits were so very much against the Buckeyes than why the f*** did they rank then in the top 2 at the end of the year? Like I said in the post to your blog, I would totally agree that several teams (USC and Georgia come to mind after dominating performances in their bowl games) had equal claim to playing in the NC game. However, those two teams did not take care of business like they should have and did not have a better claim than OSU. (BTW - it's pretty easy for those two teams to start yelling after their bowl games....what would have happened if one or both of them had lost?) Two years ago, the Buckeye were the unquestioned top team in the nation but got drilled by Florida. Why is that worse than USC (which was touted by everyone as having one the best teams ever) getting beat by Stanford (AT HOME) and the way....losing to Oregon too. Why isn't everyone asking what's wrong with the Pac-10? That conference, top to bottom, sucks!!! The Big-10 is way better than that league. So, the SEC plays a different brand of football. Who cares? Should the Big-10 try to change their entire philosophy for playing Div I football? We will never be able to recruit (as a conference top to bottom) the quantity of SEC type players that play in that league. This is simply because a vast majority of those players come from the South and would rather play for competitive teams from the region than play for competitive teams in the mid-west or out west. Ohio State is making the best of the flawed system forced on schools, teams and fans. If the NCAA and the money hungry universities would get over themselves and create the only fair way to determine the NC we wouldn't be having this conversation. Everyone needs to stop blaming OSU for the system's failure.

BHB: I agree that the system is flawed and that the Pac 10 isn't very good but my concern is how the Big Ten is looking nationally when we fail in the BCS and Title Games year after year. Michigan gets whipped in the Rose last year and follows up with App. State and Oregon (they did have a nice win against Florida in the Citrus!), Illinois had no business being in the Rose this year and they looked like it, and OSU losing the last two NC games.

I think your feelings are very similar to other OSU fans, I just don't think beating Michigan getting the Big Ten and laying an egg in the national championship game is good enough anymore. Is it a good year? sure. Do I think they should ride Tressel out of town? Not at all. (unless you want to).

Yes, the wins in the rivalry means a lot and in a year when both teams suck and one goes to the Outback and the other Alamo. Then yes it's the only thing that matters. If the Big Ten continues to have below average years, here is what might happen:

Next Year:

OSU loses one game all year (USC on the road), the Big Ten is full of 3-6 loss teams (either not ranked or low in the ranks).

Oklahoma goes undefeated and has a spot in the NC game.

West Virginia and Georgia also have one loss at the end of the year. Do
you think OSU plays in the NC game next year?

I think they don't because the voters will say the Big Ten is down and OSU
has been there two years in a row. Not fair is it?

I hate the system and don't agree that the Big Ten is a step below the other conferences, but I think we also have to recognize as a league that Perception is Reality and if we don't start winning Big Non-Conference games, BCS Bowls and National Titles the Big Ten is going to take credibility hits nationally.

BHB: Let's change subjects: What are your thoughts on Terrelle Pryor's recruitment and the allegations that have been floating around the Internet that OSU might have some recruiting violations?

BJ: The entire Pryor saga is starting to bore me. The rumors flying around
change every hour. He's visiting here, there....Oregon.....LSU....or not.
I'm not paying too much attention to the Corvette - Sarniak story because I
don't think it will amount to anything. At first it was breaking news
and now it's turning into "Tressel" and "the program" are dirty which I find
totally ridiculous. The OSU program is no more or less "dirty" than any
other major program out there. Kids get in trouble with the law at every school. Kids get approached by boosters and other fans at every school. Kids experience issues with academic performance at every school. When Michigan blogs or WVU blogs or Penn St blogs start pointing the smells of desperation.

I've been following Pryor since last year when he first added OSU to his list of schools. I thought it was pretty cool that he was considering OSU. When the 2008 class started coming together so quickly at the beginning of the season it was fun to think about adding Pryor to the group. At this point, I'm totally happy with the class OSU has put together. We'll end up near the top or the rankings with or without him.

We'll challenge for another Big-10 title (maybe even a national title) with or without him. I will admit to taking the situation more serious when he added UM to his list when they hired Rodriguez. But, he wasn't totally committed to WVU when Rodriguez was there (and better prepared to run the "read-option" offense than UM will be) so I didn't leap to the immediate conclusion that UM was in "the lead" after they hired him. I really think that if Pryor wants to be a NFL QB he needs to be in a system that is not entirely "read-option" oriented. Pat White and Dennis Dixon run/ran that offense better than anyone and neither of them are even remotely considered NFL (QB) type talent. Tressel can point to the system that he ran with Troy Smith (balanced running, passing, using the spread...etc) as evidence that Pryor's talents can be used effectively, he will win and he can be considered a "pro style" QB. If Rodriguez is totally committed to using the exact same offense at UM that he did at WVU I think that will turn Pryor off. Now, I would totally expect Rodriguez to tell Pryor that he would be willing to change the offense (away from "read-option.....more towards "spread") to take advantage of Pryor's multiple skills as well as help him on his way to the NFL. He would be dumb to say anything other than that.

So....what's the bottom line? If he goes to Ohio State, he will not be the starter this year. I would expect that Tressel would use him as the "change of pace" QB during every game (like Florida did with Leak and Tebow) to get him as much game experience as possible and then he could start the following year and beyond. Since most of the team returns and
the incoming class is so strong I think he has the best chance to play and win at Ohio State. If he chooses Michigan he will probably be the starting QB from day 1. With Michigan losing players to graduation and early entry to the NFL it's going to be a tough year. He will struggle (probably much like Henne did a few years ago) as the starter but will only get better as the year goes on. I'm pretty sure Rodriguez has already promised him changes to the offense to better use his skills. Oregon is a long shot. I don't think he really wants to play that far away. Not sure if he's going to visit LSU. They would have a strong case but he'd be behind Perilloux for a few seasons. Not sure he'd be willing to wait that long to play. I'll say he signs with OSU on NLOID. If the stories about the Corvette prove to be can have him.

BHB: Your make some valid points. Things like this happen at every program. I
also think that players are dumb and money hungry. Look at what is going on with Reggie Bush right now. If the NCAA makes him ineligible he could lose the Heisman and USC the National Championship.

I agree the Pryor saga continues to roll on. I wouldn't call OSU dirty, what I would classify coaches like Tressel and Rodriguez as using poor judgment in certain areas. I'm not saying this happened, but if Tressel did meet with Sarniak, he needs to understand the he is in a no win situation if it becomes public. If Pryor goes to OSU then it looks bad, if he doesn't it's because the meeting became public. It's a no win situation and coaches need to stay clear of all that business. Recruit the kids, talk to their parents and let the other stuff be. I hate to say this but "they need to be as clean as Lloyd Carr" in these type of situations.

I put RR right there with any top coach trying to land top talent and using
poor judgment. For example telling Pryor he was going to Michigan before
he announced it to his team.

Any of those coaches will tell those guys anything they want to hear. For
example, Pete Carroll told Nick Perry that they are light at DE when they have 4 and 5 star guys waiting to play. It's all about getting them in the door.

One player is not going to make or break any team. Most top rated QB's have
been busts in recent times. Even 5 star running backs. Freaking Max Martin and Grady were 5 star recruits. Max transferred and got thrown off of Alabama and Grady is still trying to get back from his knee.

Back when the ESPN investigate OSU thing was going on. A person close to the situation leaked that both the AD and Tressel were going to resign. The AD did, so the information wasn’t' a 100% accurate. But I wonder how close that really was to coming true? I guess we will never know.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Recruiting

Marcus Witherspoon

  • In somewhat of a surprise move: Marcus Witherspoon stays committed to the Wolverines. Marcus had taken some recent visits and was considering, BC, Rutgers, and Tenn.

  • Chad Henne was named the North MVP at the Senior Bowl, he threw 2 touchdown passes

  • Pryor hasn't scheduled anymore visits and still plans to announce on 2/6. On a side note he scored his 2,000th HS point in basketball over the weekend.

  • Update on Jaron Brown. He is down to 3 schools after his visit this weekend. South Carolina, Clemson, and Michigan. "Right now, I have a slight lean toward USC,” Brown said before heading to Ann Arbor. But upon his return, Brown planned to break out his notebook, weigh the pros and cons, and make a choice. “I just want to sit around and pray about it,” he said.

  • Nick Perry still lists MSU in his final 4. Nick visited Michigan this past weekend and will visit Miami next. He plans to announce on signing day (2/6).
  • From ESPN's Wake Forest Recruiting Preview: However, it's undecided prospect Terrence Robinson (Klein, Texas/Oak) who possesses the dual-threat skills similar to Moore; the Texas native may be smaller but is just as quick and elusive. The problem is the once Demon Deacon lean is now being courted hard by Michigan. His final 3 seems to be BC, Wake, and Michigan.
  • Onterio McCalebb, maybe coming to A2 next weekend. Here is what he had to say: He says he has around 17 total scholarship offers and is still considering visiting Michigan on Feb. 2. " While McCalebb hints that the Wolverines aren't completely out of the race, he also says that there's a "50/50 chance" he'll choose either Auburn or Rutgers. I guess that doesn't leave a strong percentage for the Wolverines! Maybe he isn't a math major?

Keep Checking back today. I will put up information as it flows in from this weekends visits.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Look Who's Coming to Dinner and Who isn't

Mike Martin
  • Here is a list of this weekend's recruits visiting A2: DE Nick Perry from Detroit, slot WR Terrance Robinson, verbal commit tight end Kevin Koger, linebacker Taylor Hill who just committed to Michigan recently, safety Jaron Brown, RB Desmond Johnson and Cincinnati commit Patrick Omameh.
  • Pryor cancels this weekends visit to LSU
  • Looks like Mike Martin has had second thoughts about his ND visit this weekend and Tom Lemming believes he will stay committed to U of M.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Friday Recruiting

Justin Feagin, QB Recruit

  • Cleveland Plain Dealer says Charlie Batch is now the man you have to go through if your a coach or a school trying to recruit Terrelle Pryor. Hopefully, the rest of the Jeannette business community will stay out of his decision process. The article suggests that "The Vest" is working Charlie to bring TP back to CBus for a visit. Sounds like he is planning a trip out west this weekend to see The Ducks.

  • Pryor speaks about his Michigan visit during his diary entry for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. TP talks about only playing Football in college, not going to Pitt, and taking more visits. He had this to say about his visit to Michigan: I feel better about Michigan since I went there. I took [Steelers backup quarterback] Charlie Batch with me. He's helping me through this whole process. We got every single detail about what they're going to do with me in their offense. I got a good feel for things and a good look at Coach [Rich] Rodriguez. Charlie hit him with the questions about how they're going use me. He asked if they were going to make me a quarterback or am I going to be running all the time? They'll probably use me like they used Pat White at West Virginia, but I would be throwing more. They said they'd teach me some techniques, and I'll be throwing that thing a lot. But they'll use my athleticism on some plays, too.
    It's nice having Charlie there on visits. He asks a lot of the questions. He'll ask a question and I think, 'Oh, that's a good one.'I'd still say it's five schools -- Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon, LSU and Penn State. I've visited Ohio State and Michigan. I can't just take two visits. I have basketball games this weekend, so I might go to Oregon the middle of next week, come back and then go to LSU. I might miss a basketball game or two, but it might be against weaker teams.

  • Herbie thinks Michigan will have 6 wins next year. Looking at the schedule I think Michigan possibly will struggle with Wisconsin, Illinois and potential loses at PSU and at OSU. I think at worst we are looking at is 8-4. Come on Herbie?

  • Reports say Michigan may have an offer out to Athlete Leonard Johnson who is considering a number of schools including WVU. The other potential member of the Class of 2008 is Largo (Fla.) High School dual-threat Leonard Johnson. He finished his junior season with 970 yards passing and 13 touchdowns and added 780 more yards on the ground, but the 5-foot-11, 180-pounder is projected as a cornerback in college.Like Sims, Johnson is listed as a soft verbal to Iowa State, but has also received offers from Mississippi, South Florida, Illinois and Iowa in addition to WVU.

  • Martavoius Odoms, Florida WR is planning a Michigan visit next weekend: Odoms is heading to Miami this weekend and will take a trip to see Michigan on Feb. 1. South Florida remains one of his top choices as well.

  • OH OT Patrick Omameh an early Cincinnati commit is taking a Michigan visit this weekend.

  • The Diag is reporting that Shawn Crable and Jamar Adams are nursing injuries and might not play in this weekends Senior Bowl. For those of you that are interested in watching it, please tune into the NFL Network or use the live blog feature at the Diag.

Editorial Comments on recruiting at this point: Rich's staff has been busy in getting new recruits interested in the Wolverines. If Pryor doesn't come to Michigan then 4Star QB BJ Daniels and/or QB Justin Feagins is a must. In fact, the perfect scenario would be for Pryor and Feagins to come to A2. I hope both wait to announce/commit after Pryor does.

BJ Daniels

I think it will be a huge loss if Nick Perry goes to USC. That will be two years in a row, the state's top HS players goes west to Pete Carroll. Hopefully, the Michigan staff can work some magic and keep Nick local where his family can attend every home game. Maybe wild man and S&C coach Mike Barwis can do that mind melt on him! If Mike can't get him excited about being a Wolverine then Pete is selling the sunshine and playing time really well.

I know the staff is working hard on the current commit list and I would love for them all to stay committed to Michigan but I expect we lose at least one. Marcus Witerspoon will get a lot of pressure to stay home and go to Rutgers, Christian Wilson I hope stays and is our next Owen Schmitt, hopefully Mike Martin will stick with his "solid" commitment and not go to ND.

Look for JT Floyd, DB from SC and Tenn. "soft" commit to commit to the Wolverines real soon. He loved his visit and has been quoted as saying: "I would definitely say Michigan fans will be happy, but I'm going to leave it at that," Floyd said after returning home. He is going to visit the Volunteers one more time before he makes his decision public.

I am looking for a bunch of new commits before next weekend. If we go into the last weekend before signing day and we lose a couple verbals and haven't added any, the staff will really have to hustle to make this a top 10 class.

I'm hearing Michigan has a number of recruits coming in this weekend. Somewhere between 5-10 players.

For those of you that are interested in following the soap opera which is Rich Rodriguez separation from Wild West Virgina. There's an update to why Rich doesn't think he needs to pay all of the $4 large.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Thursday Recruiting Edition

  • New 3 Star Athlete Recruit on radar: Jaron Brown from SC is making his visit to A2 this weekend. Coach Rod met with Jaron this week but he still considers The Gamecocks his top choice.
  • Michigan is also looking at 4 Star Dual Threat QB BJ Daniels (6"1 203) from Florida. BJ has a number of schools looking at him. South Florida is trying to keep him in state. Here is a background article on BJ.
  • Tom Lemming released his final Top 100 list. Some names to note: TP #1, McGuffie #29, Nick Perry #37, Brandon Smith #44, Boubacar #48, Dan O'Neill #58, Darryl Stonum #78, Brandon Moore #91.
  • Looks like Nick Perry is leaning hard towards USC. He visits Michigan this weekend. He could have an SAT issue to qualify.
  • Cam finds a job on the Raven's staff as the OC. From the Dolphins to the only team the Dolphins beat last year. Sorry, CAM the Chargers OC gig looks pretty good right now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Recruiting

We are less then two weeks from signing day and not much new on the Recruiting front since yesterday. We seem to be (maybe) losing some verbals and not adding at the moment. To get to 25 players from where we stand today is going to be difficult.

Verbals on Shaky Ground:

  • LB Marcus Witherspoon looking at other schools including Tenn. and Rutgers

  • HB/LB Christian Wilson is looking for some love from RR. His mom (R Madia) visits a Michigan Blog chat room and maybe in Ann Arbor today.

  • Mike Martin DT from Novi has been getting alot of attention from ND. Rivals still lists him a Solid Verbal to Michigan.

Top Recruits on Shaky Ground or Gone:

  • WR DJ Woods picked the Bearcats because he thought he could play quicker

  • Nick Perry DE from the state of Michigan enjoyed his USC trip this past weekend and now considers them his top choice. He will be in sunny Ann Arbor this weekend for his official visit.

New Recruits considering Michigan:
  • Michael Shaw RB that has verbally committed to PSU

  • Rhonene Sanderson OL from Tampa is taking a visit this weekend

  • Charles Mitchell Safety for Mississippi is also interested in making a visit to Ann Arbor

  • Justin Feagin, a dual threat QB out of Florida - Update: Planning a visit to A2 on 2/1

  • Vaughn Carraway WR out of PA. Visited Pitt last weekend

  • Terrence Robinson, a short WR (speedster) out of Texas

  • TJ Lawerence, DB Florida - visiting A2 this weekend

  • JT Floyd, DB South Carolina - verbal to Tenn. visited last weekend and enjoyed it.
  • We all know about TP!

Other News and Notes:

  • Chad is doing well at the Senior Bowl and his stock is rising.

  • Mgoblog suggests that Ted Sarniak a local PA business man may have ties to the Buckeyes coaching staff. Could this be a similar situation to what is unfolding for Reggie Bush who is being accused of taking cash, cars, and a home for his parents while at USC. It's been said that Terrelle worked for Ted this summer and rolls in a Vette.
  • Oregon has 3 QB's commits already? TP may visit this weekend: Harper became the third quarterback to commit to the class that will sign with Oregon on Feb. 6. Kelly Page of Mesquite, Texas, was the first, and Darron Thomas of Aldine (Texas) High School has already enrolled at Oregon for winter quarter.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Recruiting Info - New Updates

  • Update: Rhonene Sanderson, Offensive Linemen (6-4, 280 lbs. Tackle) from Tampa is expected to visit Ann Arbor this weekend. He was up at MSU last weekend and got an offer from the Spartans.
  • Update #2: Detroit Lions hire Scot Loeffler as their QB Coach. Good thing Ryan Mallett didn't follow Scot. Food for thought: Chad Henne to the Lions in the second round? Henne to Johnson for the Touchdown! As a good ring to it!
  • Pryor HS Coach says he enjoyed his visit to Michigan
  • DJ Woods likes Brian Kelly and the Bearcats
  • Charles Mitchell a 4Star Safety from Mississippi is planning a Michigan visit
  • TP talks about the visit: "It was good, I'm real tired right now," said Pryor, who said he's received plenty of calls all day. "I got there Friday and got home [Sunday]. Charlie [Batch] came with me and we were both impressed. Coach Rodriguez pretty much handled everything, he was with us almost the whole time." "I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but I think I could play in any offense," he said. "But this is a good mix of pass and run and I liked it at West Virginia. saw a whole lot of Pat White plays this weekend, probably every one." - "I went to a basketball game and they chanted my name and all that," he said. "The fans were real nice and the players I met seemed cool. I don't remember a whole lot of names, but they were nice. And coach Rodriguez has brought his entire staff with him from West Virginia, so nothing is going to change. That's the offense he wants to run and he'd like me to run it." - "Mike Barwis, I liked him a lot," Pryor said. "I liked how they do their lifting and conditioning, that impressed me." - And is there a leader between the two rivals?
    "I can't say that, no," he said. "I talked over the Michigan visit with my dad when I got back and I still have a lot of comparing to do. And I'm going to take at least one or two more official visits if I can fit them in."
    Pryor said LSU, Oregon, Florida and Penn State are still in the running.
    "I don't have anything scheduled," he said. "I have like five basketball games this week so I don't know when I'm going to get out again or where. I need to figure that out soon but right now I'm just tired."
  • NCAA says no to the Pryor Party.
  • Michigan's top HS Prospect and Michigan recruit Nick Perry visited USC over the weekend.
  • Michigan Verbal Marcus Witherspoon is opening up his recruitment and is down to Michigan, Tennessee, and Rutgers. He will go with his gut and sign on 2/6: Witherspoon, a 6-foot-2, 225-pound senior who made a staggering 27 sacks last fall, also said he felt comfortable with new Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez, who recently visited him at Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cbus weighs in on Michigan's Recruitment of Pryor

Bob Hunter of the Columbus Dispatch talks about how important it is for Michigan to get Terrelle Pryor.

I love articles like this one. A Columbus columnist writes about how the nations #1 recruit is important to OSU's top rival. That is like Hilary writing why it's important for Obama to become President.

Bob, let me give you a couple of pointers regarding your article. Just in case you would like to write about the Wolverines in any future editions:

  1. Please replace that picture. The white around your head makes you look like your dead.

  2. Yes, your right Michigan does need a QB and the #1 recruit in the nation would make a lot of sense and be a fit for Coach Rod's offense. That is a great scoop, great work on the research!

  3. Let's take a look at a few of your quotes from this article:

  • Without Pryor, Ohio State has most of the players back from a team that played in its second consecutive national title game and beat Michigan for the sixth time in seven years. With Pryor, it has all that and the nation's top recruit, and the Big Ten starts to look like the Big One and Little 10. Wow, great quote. I must of missed the last two National Championship games, how did OSU do? Oh you mean there is life and games outside the Michigan - OSU game? The Big One this year lost to Illinois. Are they the Big One or part of the little 10?

  • But there are implications in this Ohio State-Michigan affair that go beyond winning and losing. Without Pryor, Rodriguez's job of competing with OSU is going to be that much harder. Without Pryor, it might take Michigan three or four years to catch up, if it does at all. - More great work here! I'm not sure what is in the water in CBus but they have very bad memories. Maybe the folks around there might want to start thinking about why the SEC embarrasses the Big Ten/OSU every year and start game planning for the trip to LA next year to face USC. They also seem to forget the Cooper years. I don't think it's a big secret that Michigan will have a very young team (next year) that we be learning a new system. They won't beat a good OSU team next year in Columbus but to say they will never catch up, is crazy or just stupid. Look at history Bob, these games go in streaks. There is that research thing again. My bad.

  • If Tressel also has the Wolverines' number on this one, Michigan fans might feed Rodriguez into a paper shredder themselves. This is actually funny, but I think we will give Coach Rod a year or two before we start throwing him under the bus. Quick Question - Would OSU preferred to play West Virgina in a BCS game this year? That is what I thought. I think there will be a pretty good team in Ann Arbor in a year or two. Better start game planning/worrying now.

  • Bob have you met Drew Sharp from the Detroit Free Press? You two would get along great.

So how did the weekend go?

Pryor enlisted Batch, backup quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers and a family friend, to be his spokesman. "He was impressed with the (Michigan) campus, and with the school overall," Batch said. As for comparisons with OSU, "We didn't really speak about Ohio State. It was about Michigan and his experience there."

DB J.T. Floyd (6-0 185) of JL Mann made an official visit to Michigan over the weekend and was highly impressed. "It went great, I loved it," Floyd said. "I found out this South Carolina guy can take the cold. They explained to me if I come in and work hard, there's an opportunity for a lot of playing time as a freshman. I like Michigan. I enjoyed the program, every aspect of it." Floyd also has visited Georgia Tech and is scheduled to visit Tennessee this coming weekend. He has been a soft commitment to the Vols.

Per Brian at Mgoblog: We should know shortly about the future of slot WR DJ Woods, choosing between Michigan and Cincinnati. On the surface, this should not be a competitive battle but if Woods feels snakebit by Rodriguez maybe he'll flee to the arms of Brian Kelly, who is totally guaranteed to leave Cinci before he does.

Per Message Board: Michael Shaw the teammate of Brandon Moore is being recruited as a RB/Slot WR.. He was high on Michigan early on in his recruiting, but Lloyd Carr wanted him as a DB so he dropped us and committed to Penn State. Now that we're recruiting him again for the offensive side of the ball he's very interested again, plus he has Brandon Moore in his ear every day.. It'll be good news for Michigan hopefully.

Next Weekend:

Lakeland Kathleen WR T.J. Lawrence, who made his official visit to the University of South Carolina during the weekend, told that Florida still is among his potential choices, along with South Carolina, Virginia Tech and Michigan. Lawrence is scheduled to make his visit to Michigan this weekend.

List of Recruits that Visited This Weekend

  • Cornerback (and Detroit native) Boubacar Cissoko, a Michigan commitment.
  • Cornerback J.T. Floyd, a Tennessee commitment considering Michigan.
  • Defensive tackle (and Detroit native) Mike Martin, a Michigan commitment considering Notre Dame.
  • Tight end Brandon Moore, a Michigan commitment.
  • Quarterback Terrelle Pryor, considering Michigan, Ohio State, Oregon and Louisiana State.
  • Running back Michael Shaw, a Penn State commitment considering Michigan.
  • Wide receiver D.J. Woods, a former West Virginia commitment considering Michigan and Cincinnati

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pryor at Crisler

Terrelle Pryor with his cousin and current Michigan sophomore WR Toney Clemons at last night basketball game. The guy in front is Coach Rodriguez. :)
Will we be able to hear next year from the Michigan announcers, "Pryor drops back, scrambles to his right and hits his cousin Tony Clemons for a touchdown" Or maybe, "Pryor gets the ball with 3 seconds left down two and hits a fade away 3 pointer to beat Michigan State!" I guess we will know on 2/6 at 12:05.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Breaking News on Next Years Offensive Line

Per Mgoblog: Two senior offensive lineman Mitchell and Ciulla will not be using their 5th years of eligibility due to medical issues. Both men platooned at Right Guard in 2007. There is not a ton of depth now due to the weak recruiting (2 players on the O-Line) in the 2007 class. This also means there won't be any seniors on the 2008 offense (not sure that is a bad thing).

Next years O-Line may look like the following:

Left Tackle - Mark Ortmann, Jr
Left Guard - Justin Boren, Jr
Center - Dave Moosman, So
Right Guard - Steve Schilling, So
Right Tackle - Perry Dorrestein, So

The rumor that these gentlemen will be protecting Terrelle Pryor from Michigan fans and media this weekend (during his visit) hasn't been validated. :-)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Respones and Found them!

1st WVU guy: Do you know where the football players academic records are?
2nd WVU guy: Nope.
1st WVU guy: I bet that no good Rich Rodriguez took them or shredded them!
2nd WVU guy: Who's Rich Rodriguez?
1st WVU guy: Only the best football coach we ever had!
2nd WVU guy: Really what happened to him?
1st guy: He quit for a better job.
2nd guy: When did that happen?
1st guy: Where have you been for the last 45 days?
2nd guy: Watching a Hee Haw Marathon.
1st guy: I can't seem to find those files.
2nd guy: I know! I will tell the newspaper that I saw Rodriguez shred those files

1st guy: Great Idea, what about the computers?
2nd guy: Computers? When did we get computers?
  • Found them, my Bad!: It seems the intelligent staff at West Virgina University has found the academic records that went missing or made in to the shredder.

  • Rich responds to all the allegations. This is a clear smear tactic on getting the $4 Million.

  • WVU needs to keep all this BS out of the papers as they settle the $4M in court. They are looking like complete fools nationally. I'm betting this is the last we hear of Shredder Gate.

  • Pryor Quote: "Pitt's out, period. I won't go there, for sure," Pryor said. "I get false stuff said about me all the time. I'm used to it."
    Pryor already took an official visit to Ohio State and said he counts Ohio State, Michigan, Florida, Louisiana State, Oregon and Penn State among his finalists.
    "I want to play in a college town, a facility that has 100,000 and is packed," Pryor said. "That's how I want to do it."

  • The Rival Recruiting Experts predict where Nick Perry and TP will go.

  • Big Weekend for Michigan Recruits and Commits. Let's hope all goes well.
  • Last but not least: Yesterday while working out, I spotted a guy wearing a red shirt with Appalachian State on the front and Go Bucks on the back. I'm all for cool T shirts and think that lost (witnessed live) was very painful, embarrassing, and Michigan should be made fun of. It got me thinking what shirts might a Michigan Fan wear if so inclined? Here are a few thoughts: University of Florida (on the front) We own Columbus (on the back). The South Eastern Conference 0-9 (on the Front) Go Blue on the back! See when you think of it - those shirts are better left in the closet. (btw: the closet remark was no way a shot at the fine members of the Columbus community)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pryor, Pryor and more Pryor

Per the Diag:
  • The Vest is at TP's house today

  • He will visit Oregon the weekend of 2/1-2/2

  • Looks like he will visit LSU the last weekend in January

  • Visiting Ann Arbor this weekend is a huge group of recruits and commits including: Terrelle Pryor, Mike Martin (M Commit but looking at ND), Boubacar Cissoko (M Commit), DJ Woods (OH WR down to WVU and Michigan), Brandon Moore (M Commit).

  • ESPN News and ESPN U will cover Terrelle's announcement on 2/6 at 12:05

  • Looks like the information on his basketball games was incorrect.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Shredder Gate and Weekend Plans

  • The countries top recruit and QB of the future, Terrelle Pryor will be making his visit to A2 this weekend (it was originally scheduled for 2/1). He moved the visit up due to his basketball games the next two weekends. This weekend will be key in Michigan's ability to wow the young man. Pryor has already visited C-Bus and has recently added the LSU Tigers in his top 5. He may make another visit before February 6th, but when and where is yet to be determined. Looks like the list of schools he is considering are: Michigan, OSU, Florida, Oregon, and now LSU. It looks like PSU will no longer be consider since he cancelled his trip to Happy Valley for this weekend. If he has basketball games the next two weekends, I would expect this to be it for visits. We will see if he sneaks in one more maybe to Florida or LSU.
  • Staying Home! After the NFL defections of Mario and Adrian and the transfer of Ryan Mallett. It was nice to see that Terrance Taylor decided to stay for his senior season. TT is ranked the 3rd Defensive Lineman in the Junior class. A solid Senior year, he could be looking at a nice 1st round draft slot.
  • Shredder Gate: WVU is investigating the loss of some athletic files from Rich's old office in Morgantown. A couple of thoughts on this: 1st: This is so stupid and WVU needs to stop crying and move on with their new coach Bobby Williams from Michigan State. I'm sorry that's not right, it's Bill Stewart. 2nd: Do they use computers in West Virgina or is everything just kept in the file cabinets? 3rd: This seems a clear attempt to continue to put pressure on Coach Rod for leaving and to try to get the $4 Million buyout. Is it me or is the Athletic Department at WVU run by folks with the IQ of a monkey?
  • A Memo to WVU fan: Move on with your lives: stop threatening Coach Rod's children, stop vandalizing his home, stop sending death threats, and start supporting your new coach. This has to stop, it's done, check yourself and move on.
  • Christian Wilson LB/FB recruit is solid on Michigan: "I'm solid," Wilson said. "I talked to the Michigan coaches (Monday) and cleared a couple things up. I'm going to Boston College because I told them I would and I want to keep my word."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Tuesday Hello - Good Bye Edition

  • Good Bye Super Mario. We will remember: The Penn State catch with no time left, The Blow out of ND in South Bend where you continued to beat their DB's deep for touchdowns and crashed into the band, when you went "Braylon" and won the MSU game this year. If you keep your head on right you will be a good pro. I continue to see him going in the first round to the Jacksonville. Sounds like a good fit.
  • Hello new 4-Star recruit LB from Youngstown, OH: Taylor Hill. TH had offers from MSU, LSU, WVU, Wisconsin and others.
  • Fluff article from the Chicago Tribune on Pryor.
  • People love to watch the Wolverines! The Capital One Bowl took at 9.13 rating,which was higher than the BCS Fiesta, Orange and Sugar bowls. The Rose Bowl got at 11.11 and the NC game drew a 14.4.
  • Here is the current commit list. Taylor hill is not included. Look at the number of LB's recruited this year. Look for a couple of guys to de-commit in the next few weeks.
  • Interesting article about the loss of composure in the locker room at half time by Ohio State in the National Championship game. This seems strange for a Tressel coached team. Shouldn't Tressel be getting his team ready for a 2nd half comeback? Instead guys are pointing fingers at each other and fighting.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Match Made in Hog Heaven

So what do guys that leave thier team have in common? Each other.

Today Ryan Mallett enrolled at Arkansas. Good Luck Ryan with Bobby Petrino. I'm sure that is a good match for you!

PS: Rumors are saying Bobby is looking at the Dolphins job. Just kidding.

Cell Block News and Notes: Monday Edition

  • OSU has it's own backup QB transfer: Robby Schoenhoft will transfer to Delaware. I think he likes the helmets! :-)

  • Crable, Henne, and Adams are playing in the Senior Bowl

  • There won't be any baby fat on the Wolverines next year. The new Strength and Conditioning coach does not mess around.

  • Look for the official word on Mario Manningham going Pro today as Tuesday is the deadline. Let's hope Taylor stays at U of M.

  • Coach is coming here? Coach Rod is visiting his new players at their houses/apartments off campus. Better clean up the chips and beer cans.

  • Slaton off to the NFL. OSU Players there is still time left! The NFL is calling you!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Spread and Time?

All I keep hearing from the media is it will take time for the Wolverines to adjust to the spread offense run by Rich Rodriguez. I even read one article that predicted next years Notre Dame would be Michigan as they go through the adjustment period. They predicted Michigan in the Alamo Bowl. Funny how a trip to the Alamo Bowl equals a 3 win season? Anyways, on to the reasons I believe Michigan will preform well next year in the spread:

  • Did you watch the Capital One Bowl? Michigan ran a throwing spread and beat the Heisman trophy winner and a top 12 SEC team.

  • Michigan has been playing against the spread all year. Ever since App. State and Oregon hit town, everybody has been spreading the Wolverines out. 9 wins doesn't a national championship make but isn't too shabby either.

  • What if Pryor doesn't come to Michigan? What if he does? If he does we go more the running option spread, if he doesn't we see a lot of the offense Michigan was in during the Capital One Bowl. If Mallett had stayed he would have been putting up a lot of 300 yard games - instead he can sit out a year. Good decision young man.

  • How come it wasn't a factor for Brian Kelly when he took over a Pro Style offense at Cincinnati this year? They did pretty well.

  • Auburn put in the spread between their last game and the bowl game and won the game. It wasn't pretty but they had 10 practices with a brand new coach and still won.

  • These athletes are ready and willing to learn a new system where they will score a lot of points. They have Spring and Fall practice to learn the basics.

Does Michigan win a national title next year? No

Big Ten Title? Nope

Will they even beat the Top 5 ranked Buckeyes in C-Bus? Probably Not

Will they struggle with the spread? At times.

Will they win 10 games and go to a new years day bowl? Yes

Michigan will end up 10-2 next year with losses to OSU and PSU on the road. (PSU has to win one at some point). Wisconsin and Illinois are at home. The Juice at the Big House will be tough but I like our chances at home.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New DC

Michigan has a new Defensive Coordinator. His name is Scott Shafer from Stanford. Rich took him right off of Jim Harbough's staff.

Rodriguez has designated defensive coaching assignments as follows: Scott Shafer (defensive coordinator), Tony Gibson (assistant head coach/secondary), Jay Hopson (linebackers) and Bruce Tall (defensive line).

Before Shafer was at Stanford he coached a college team in KZoo:

Last year, Shafer's defense at Western Michigan was ranked 11th overall, sixth against the run and first in sacks and interceptions.
When Shafer arrived two years earlier, the Mid-American Conference school was much like Stanford is now - coming off a one-win season and ranked at the bottom of nearly all defensive statistics.

Read what he had to say today:

"Scheme is overrated, I've always believed that," Shafer said. "What's not overrated is getting your kids to play with great effort, great attitude and great enthusiasm. Those are things we can control on a daily basis, and that will be my primary goal. ... The philosophy of our defense is attack-oriented, attack and react. We want to be a defense this is multiple, that is always putting pressure and forcing the hand of the offense. We want to be a penetrating defense.
"If you're going to (ask) what our objectives are? The one thing we want to do is stop the run, force them to throw the ball on first down, create negative plays on first down ... and get ourselves in position to force them to throw the ball. Get them one-dimensional. We don't want to be a defense that sits back. We want to be a defense that creates turnovers and scores touchdowns. Lead the conference in sacks, interceptions and defensive scores. That's how it's always been everywhere I've coached and how it will be at Michigan."

Sounds like an aggressive guy and a good hire.

Cell Block News and Notes: Friday Edition

  • Rumors on the next DC at Michigan
  • An Antonio Bass update. He still wants to try to play. I hope it happens!
  • Background on the "smart" Steven Threet who could be the next starting quarterback in Ann Arbor.
  • Speaking of the next starting QB. Pryor is planning to visit Ann Arbor next week with Charlie Batch. I guess Andre Ware wasn't available. Charlie dates Terrelle's Aunt.
  • Maybe the most important Spring Game in the history of the program will not take place in the Big House due to the construction. Other options include Eastern or Ford Field.
  • Michigan recruit DE/LB Nick Perry out of Detroit is considering Michigan, State, Miami, and USC. Nick was also in the Army game last weekend.
  • Michigan Verbal Commitments: Marcus Witherspoon (LB NJ)and Mike Martin (DT MI)are taking visits to other schools. Marcus is taking a visit to Tennessee and Mike is going to visit Notre Dame.
  • Coach Rod keeps saying that he is going to sign a full class of 25. If he keeps all the verbals that would leave 8 more players to sign. That seems like a lot with signing day less then a month away.
  • DeBord didn't get hired by Tennessee. I wonder why?
  • Michigan finished in the top 20 in both polls

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ranking This Years Coaching Carousel

#10 Texas AM: You fire your head coach after beating your rival because he had a secret insider news letter that made him $30K a year. The buy out of his contract cost you millions. You hire Mike Sherman an NFL retread the next day. Not much of a search for a good football program. Too quick of a pick on a guy that wasn't on any one's top 10 list. Should have considered Brian Kelly.

#9 Washington State: Hired Paul Wulff from Eastern Washington. Who? I guess Paul was the Big Sky Coach of the year three times. If your the Big Sky anything you shouldn't be coaching in the Pac 10. Yikes!

#8 West Virgina: You have the highest ranked team looking for a head coach. Your playing in a BCS Bowl and just blew out one of the best coaches/programs in the country. You interview some top assistants at other schools including Jimbo Fisher from Florida State. You stay away from anyone with the last name Bowden (great move) and hire the interim coach Bill Stewart who has won two games in his life as a head coach. Boosters are mad, Bill Stewart is very happy and making less then a Million a year. Risky hire for a top 10 team in the country. The rumor mill has it that one of WVU' coaching head coaching canidates Doc Holliday from Florida may join the WVU staff as the assistant head coach for $2.5m for 5 years. Sounds like a lot of indians without a chief.

#7 Arkansas: Houston Nutt quits and you start your search. You look at just about everyone in the country. Rich Rodriguez turns you down, you get a couple of SEC coaches/friends some raises and then you pull out a 1st year NFL coach after a Monday Night Game that his team played in. Bobby Petrino would have been a good hire if you had done it after the season, doing it after the Monday Night Game will live with you forever. Terrible logistics, Risky Hire for a guy that lost of ton of credibility. Bobby is a job hopper that is willing to leave his team at anytime. Good Luck recruiting and nice job in the bowl game.

#6 Ole Miss: Houston Nutt quits at 9:00pm and is introduced at Ole Miss at 11:00pm . Wow that is some quick negotiations. Houston has always been well respected as a coach and a good hire for Ole Miss which program hasn't exactly been lighting it on fire lately. But nobody wins at Ole Miss.

#5 Georgia Tech: Chan Gailey had out lived his welcome with the supporters of GT. I know this for a fact because I can't go to a certain friends house during a Tech game because I'm bad luck. Maybe I will get a free pass or a new start when the Paul Johnson era begins. I hope so because he has the best draft beer around! Paul is a good coach who turned Navy around. I expect he will have to tweak his triple option offense for the ACC. Good Hire.

#4 Nebraska: After this years debacle you wondered who is going to turn around that program. So they went to the National Champions LSU Tigers and brought home a Cornhuscker in Bo Pelini. I know for a fact that Bo's from Ohio make legendary coaches. A very good hire for a program that needs to get back to their roots and back to the Black Shirts way of defense.

#3 UCLA: I have been swayed by the media on this hire. I really don't believe UCLA wanted Rick Neuheisel when this process began. I always felt Rick would get another shot at a head coaching job in college but I thought it would be at a desperate program looking for a turn around. This is a very high profile job and the day Rick gets hired his former boss and staff gets fired from the Ravens. That has to sour this hire a bit since he would have gotten fired if they waited a day or two to hire him at UCLA. Rick will have to run the cleanest program in the NCAA. I've heard nothing but positives from everyone on this hire, I guess only time will tell.

#2 SMU: SMU fired their coach sometime in 1987 I think. Just kidding, they had the first opening this year and it took them nearly 10 weeks to find a coach. What better coach to get then one that just masterminded a turn around for program was 0-11 when he took over to one that just completed a 12-1 season and berth in a BCS Bowl? You know it's a good hire when the AD from the school you took him from gets fired on the day you hire their coach. June Jones will bring some points to the once proud SMU program.

#1 Michigan: Big shocker here right? Let's see this is a Michigan Football Blog and Michigan just ends up getting ranked as the best hire this year. Ok, I hear ya but let me just give you some points and see if you agree with me in the end. First off, Michigan hasn't gone outside the program for a new coach for 40 years, the only Michigan man deserving the job was going to play Michigan's top rival in the National Championship game and the courting of him ended up to be a media disaster. So now what? You have to go back on what your needs are in a new coach/program: A young coach that would be able to bring new thought leadership to the offense and to be able to stay for 10-20 years. He would have to have head coaching experience and be a big name to make a splash with fans, alumni, and recruits. Rich has turned down programs like Alabama, Arkansas, and probably many others. The one program he choose to go to was Michigan. Best hire of the year!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Coach Rod confirmed yesterday that Ryan Mallett, Mario Manningham, and Adrian Arrington are leaving the program. The WR's are turning pro and Ryan is looking to take his act to another school.

My view on the departures of Mario Manningham, Adrian Arrington and Ryan Mallett:

Ryan Mallett: This kid has huge upside but has a maturity problem. He got a ton of snaps this year and his experience would have been nice in his second year. If Pryor comes to Michigan, we won't miss Ryan at all. If Pryor goes to OSU or somewhere else, we have a major problem at QB. Looks like it could be Steven Threet the transfer from Georgia Tech next year. Overall: This is a knucklehead move, he could start for Michigan even if Pryor comes to A2 next year or sit out at UCLA or somewhere else. Dumb move. The rumor mill is he can't cut it in the classroom in Ann Arbor.

Mario Manningham: At the beginning of the year, I thought he would be a lock to turn pro. He started off the year very poorly, got suspended for a game, and played very well in the middle of the year. He had a terrible OSU game and the Citrus Bowl was average. I hear he is still considering going pro or staying. From a skill set stand point he is ready to go, his mental meltdowns this year may cost him a few spots in the draft. Should stay for one more year but I doubt he will. OK move will be a fine pro on the right team.

Adrian Arrington: Adrian was Michigan's most consistent receiver this year and showed some great hands. He had a terrible Wisconsin and OSU game but had a highlight reel worth of catches in the Citrus Bowl. Considering he wasn't even on the team last spring, I doubt his stock will ever be higher then after the Citrus. Smart Move but we will miss you.

Buckeye NC Review from Buckeye John

I think I’ve been here before………

364 days gave Ohio State enough time to make some improvements over the BCS title game last year. The final results were the same though. LSU 38 – OSU 24. Ouch!! After opening the scoring with a long touchdown run by Beanie Wells and a Ryan Pretorius field goal I was thinking that maybe the results would be different this year. How does Lee Corso say it? “Not so fast…my friend.” Dumb personal foul penalties, a dropped touchdown pass, a blocked field goal and several missed assignments by the defense lead to 31 unanswered points by LSU. With a 14 point lead near the end of the first half, departing LSU Defensive Coordinator (and formed Buckeye caption) Bo Pelini was free to throw everything he had at Boekman and the rest of the offense. The game was over at half time.

In my preview of the game on Sunday, I included the following “keys to the game.” Let’s see how we did.

#1 Establish the run. I think we did a great job of doing this. Obviously, 65 yard touchdown runs help. Not sure why we got away from the run the second LSU scored their second touchdown to take the lead. The crowd was never a factor in the game but I can’t point to our running game as being the reason why. Grade: A-

#2 Staying disciplined on kick-coverage. This aspect was another non-factor in the game. Neither team did much in the return game. I wish the same could be said for the other parts of our special teams play. The blocked field goal was made worse by the dropped pass on the previous play. The “roughing” penalty on the punt was a killer though. I felt like we’d just given up the last, best chance to turn the game around. Grade: B (Special Teams grade for the game…….C-)

#3 Be creative. What happened to Antonio Henton? Why was Schoenhoft standing on the sidelines signaling in plays just like he’s done all year? I read all week that Schoenhoft was running with the TEs and Henton was the backup at quarterback. Was this just a stupid ploy to get LSU planning for multiple looks? I really liked the idea of using Henton for a few series to offer a change of pace. It Bringing Henton in to show a little option would have been a “creative” strategy. I didn’t think there was anything remotely creative about the way we played on either side of the ball last night. Grade: C

#4 Todd Boekman. I am no longer in the Todd Boekman Fan Club. I’ve been saying all year that he doesn’t throw the deep ball very well and in the last three games of the year, his decision making was terrible. I was willing to look past his flaws when he was winning games against Kent St. and Minnesota. However, when we needed him most this year, against Illinois and again last night, he was nowhere to be found. At no point, after falling behind last night, did I think Boekman had the ability to will the team down the field for a score. What’s the deal locking in on Hartline all game? Man…..I really miss Troy Smith. Grade: C+

General thoughts:

#1 I was watching the game with some friends and I was asked if watching the game this year was just as painful as last year. I had to think about that for a second or two. My answer was “no.” We were totally overmatched on both sides of the ball for 59:49 seconds last year. At least last night I felt that we could move the ball on their defense and we had some answers for their offense.

#2 Beanie Wells really matured into a great runner during the second half of the season. He proved he can dominate the best defenses in the Big-10 as well as the best defense in the SEC. I can’t wait to see him next year. I would expect him to be on the short list for early Heisman candidates.

#3 There was another interesting question last night. ”If Ohio State was guaranteed to win the BCS NC game every 5 years but would lose to Michigan in those years…would I take the tradeoff?” My answer was a quick “No.” There was surprise in the room. My rationale was simple. We can beat Michigan now and still get the opportunity to play for the NC. Why give that up? Depending on early departures we should be in the mix to win it all next year and will almost certainly be favored against Michigan at the “Shoe.” I also referred to the traditional goals of Woody and Bo. Beat Michigan/Ohio State, Win the Big-10, Play for the National Championship. Sometime, the old approaches are still the best.

#4 As far as I’m concerned, the quarterback spot is up for grabs this spring and over the summer. Some sources continue to list Terrelle Pryor as leaning towards the Buckeyes. If he comes, he should be thrown in the mix too.

#5 How much longer does Fox have the contract to show the BCS games? Their coverage of college football is as bad as their coverage of the NFL is great. They must have a different production crew in the truck for college games. I want Musberger or Nessler back.

So, the season comes to an end and I have the same sinking feeling that I did 1 year ago. I’m still a huge fan of Jim Tressel. I like his approach to coaching and to recruiting. Having the opportunity to play for the NC every few years is a great honor and something that only a few schools have a chance to do these days. I’m glad the Buckeyes are on that list.

See you next year. Go Bucks!!!!!

Buckeye John

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Coach Rod on Rome Today

Coach Rod predicts Mallett will transfer that Mario and Adrian go pro. Here is the transcript of the conversation.

"They have not told me specifically yet," said Rodriguez. "I talked to Adrian – both of them – before the bowl, but I tried to stay out of it and let them concentrate on the bowl game. I've talked to Adrian since the bowl game a little bit and I think he's leaning a toward coming out, but I don't think he has made the announcement yet.

I have not seen Mario. I don't think he's back in Ann Arbor yet, so indications are he may be coming out, as well."There will be no hard feelings if they choose to leave, he added."I want to wish them the best. I don't know them very well, but I've watched them play and they are great players. Obviously, for selfish reasons I'd like to have them come back, but if that's what's best for their careers, they've got to do that and we'll be okay, as well."

Rodriguez added he expected freshman quarterback Ryan Mallett to leave, as well, noting he'd done his best to convince him he could fit in his spread offense."I believe he is going to transfer," he said. "He has not told me specifically, but he's told other folks in the program, and I talked to him before the bowl game and I talked to him once after and gave him our spiel. But again, if he chooses to leave, he can make a choice he thinks is best for him and we'll be okay."I talked to all of the quarterbacks about how our system can adapt to the quarterback, because we've had throwing quarterbacks in this system that have had great careers and gone on to the NFL. I did it a couple of times. I recruited [Mallett] once, I recruited him twice and then after the third time I'm thinking, 'okay, three times is enough for me.' It's a great institution, and if somebody doesn't want to be here who is already here, you wish them luck and move on."

On's top player, quarterback Terrelle Pryor, and whether or not he feels he has a shot at him: "Unfortunately, I can't talk specifically about recruiting. But we are excited about one of the commitments we have. We have 15 or 16 commitments, and I'm also excited about the recruits we think we can get here. "The neat part about it is we have some coaches and recruits that Michigan has been recruiting for years, and also my staff, whether they came from West Virginia or elsewhere, has a number of recruits they are excited about and think can play at a high level. We are going to mix those in the next three weeks and try to assemble a great class. I know we are going to be able to sign a full 25, so that's exciting."

On whether he believes he can have immediate success at Michigan: "I sure hope so, and I'm sure all the Michigan fans hope so as well. I think we have enough talent here. We probably need to talk again this summer and I'll be able to tell you this spring exactly how far we've got to go, because right now it's a blank canvas. I don't really know. I watched a couple of bowl practices, but until I see them practice in our system and how quickly they'll adapt … I'll know then."Also, we're going to try to adapt to our guys, and we'll find out at the end of spring where our best talent is and adjust accordingly."

On whether he's aware of the intensity of the Ohio State rivalry: "Oh yeah, and I knew that coming in. Anybody who follows college football knows the intensity of that rivalry. I know all the Michigan fans, who they were rooting for last night. "We have three great rivalries. Obviously, all the games in the Big Ten are important, but we're probably unique in that Ohio State, Notre Dame and Michigan State are annual rivals for us. I know the expectations here are big, but they are big everywhere. They were big at West Virginia. So that doesn't faze me at all."

On selling Michigan on the recruiting trail: "The one thing that is exciting … obviously the great tradition we've had here, and not just recently, but throughout 120 years of college football. The 33 consecutive bowl games, the number of guys in the NFL, the reputation of the institution academically. We have more living alumni than any school in the country, which is quite amazing."When you walk into a young man's house when you have that Michigan jacket on, you get immediate attention from them. That's pretty exciting."

On the challenge of implementing his system at Michigan: "Everybody runs some version of spread at some point or another. A lot of times the systems can help you at times, but a lot of times it's overrated. It's about getting good players to execute and play extremely hard, no matter what system you have. If you do that, you'll have good success."Now, our spread, we like to think is flexible. We can go a few different ways. If we have a running quarterback, we can run it a little more. If we have a throwing quarterback, we can do that. If you have a guy who can do both, that's even better."There are going to be challenges because it's a transition. These guys have been recruited for a different systems, and we're putting a lot in there. It's going to take time for them to adapt. But I like winning too much not to adapt to our personnel a little bit, too. It's going to be tough. We're losing our quarterback, a couple of our leading receivers may turn pro, we're losing a great running back, our best offensive lineman … it's going to be some transition, but I think they guys have a great attitude, and they'll buy into it.

On whether he was surprised at the backlash from his home state when he left: "The level of animosity … I knew there would be some hard feelings, but the death threats, vandalism – it surprised me a little bit. "Not all the facts are out there. Everyone wants to know the reasons why – eventually there will be some reasons [given]. But for me, I think everyone needs to realize how excited I am to be at Michigan. It's a great opportunity in my profession to be a coach at a place like this. "There are other factors involved, and I've tried to take the high road, not get involved in some of the things involving loyalty and being a man of my word, because I've always been a man of my word. But eventually the truth will come out and I hope people will understand why I've gone to Michigan. So I want them to appreciate not just me, but what the staff has done the last six, seven years or so in building up the program at West Virginia."

Cell Block News and Notes: Tuesday Edition

  • More Assistants coming to A2: Mike Parsons, deputy athletic director, said Sunday night that Bruce Tall and Tony Dews are rejoining former head coach Rich Rodriguez at the University of Michigan. Tall, who coached the safeties, came from Western Michigan in February 2003, while Dews came from UNLV in March 2007 to coach the wide receivers.

  • Tom Lemming says it's down to Michigan and Ohio State for Pryor.

  • Darryl Stonum a 4 Star WR from Texas enrolled early at Michigan and taking classes.

  • Will he stay or Will he go? Grandpa does or doesn't know - Mario's Grandpa thinks he is going to stay, but if someone tells him that he is a first round lock he will go. Not sure Grandpa is the best source of information.

  • Terrance Taylor has asked the NFL where he might be drafted. He will make a decision after he hears from them.

  • The deadline for Jr's to enter the draft is January 16th or just over a week.

Ohio State Blackeyes

Random Thoughts from last nights NC game:

  • Different year, Same Story. Buckeyes start fast and end up giving up a ton of points in the 2nd quarter.
  • Mistakes are usually not the the staple of a Jim Tressel team but there were way too many to ignore last night. Blocked kicks, Running into the punter, Personal fouls, and turn overs.
  • The turnover and mental mistakes cost the Buckeyes all nights. Boeckman made too many bad throws and bad reads. I knew "the vest" didn't have much confidence in his arm but his decision making caused a number of turn overs. I think the Buckeyes could have ran on them all night if Boeckman could have hit a few more receivers.
  • The drop. Robiskie drop in the end zone changed the game completely in LSU's favor.
  • I didn't see a speed difference or better athletes on either side.
  • I have concern when I hear Kirk Herbstreet say after the game that the perception from fans is that the Big Ten ranks somewhere between the MAC and the Conference USA in football rankings.
  • It's time for a playoff system. The media will say that there are 3 teams that didn't belong in the BCS this year: Ohio State, Illinois, and Hawaii.
  • The Big Ten took a hard hit last night.
  • Fox did a terrible job last night. It's like watching the Big Ten Network do the National Championship game. Enough camara shots of the Band! They showed the Band more then the game last night!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Cell Block News and Notes: Monday's Edition

  • The Wolverines are going to get stronger with one of the best Strength and Conditioning programs coming to Ann Arbor. This was a very important hire and maybe ranks right up there with retaining Fred Jackson. Michigan's S&C program is so outdated that they just removed that Big Belt Shaking Machine (that goes around your waist) just last week.

  • I don't know about you, but I haven't seen a lot of Pennsylvania High School games this year. So I wasn't sure about all the hype around Terelle Pryor. Well folks, after watching the Army All American Game on Saturday, I can say this guy is the real deal "Holyfield". The experts are saying it's down to the Buckeyes, Wolverines, and Ducks. Terrelle, if you don't come to Ann Arbor (Please Do!), for goodness sake please choose Oregon!

  • In other news and notes from the game: Boubacar gave up a number of long touchdowns but did have a couple of good plays, Sam McGuffile did have a nice 33 yard run, and Brandon Smith a Safety out of NJ did commit to the Wolverines.
  • Most of the Defensive Coaches are staying in Morgantown but most of the Offensive ones are coming: Offensive coordinator Calvin Magee planned to join former coach Rich Rodriguez at Michigan right from the start, while quarterbacks coach Rod Smith and Greg Frey made their decisions Friday to also join Rodriguez.

Tonight's Dilemma: Root for the Big Ten or a Michigan Man (who is planning to have a news conference before the game to announce he isn't coming to Michigan and that he has a damn good football team)? Either way, I hope for an entertaining game. I think LSU (basically) at home is going to be a tough game for OSU to win. The Buckeye's passing game has been non-existent the last few weeks of the season and LSU's D will stack the line to stop Beanie. The OSU Defense are no slouches either. This could be a defensive battle. The difference will be LSU's experience playing against talented, high powered teams. LSU 21 OSU 10