Thursday, June 17, 2010

Michigan Thursday: Judging Rich Rodriguez as a Man

I know there are many Wolverines fans in the For or Against camp regarding Coach Rodriguez.  He has had success at every stop before reaching Ann Arbor, but he hasn't been able to put up wins as the Wolverines head coach.  I understand that and with a losing record it makes sense you might question if he is the right fit in Ann Arbor.

As long time Michigan fans, we knew what type of man Bo was and of course what type of man Lloyd was.   Since we don't know Rich personally it's been hard to figure out, what type of man he is?  We know about: Stretching Gate, Boren blasts as he heads out the door to become a Buckeye, recruiting Demar Dorsey, and a losing record on the field.   But do we really know if he is a good guy and cares about his players, family and the University of Michigan?

Today we know a little more about Rich Rod as a man.  There is a touching and sad story in today's Detroit News about a small act by "coach" that made a huge difference in one families life.   I 100% recommend that you read this story, it will touch you and even make you cry as you think about your family, your kids, and how special Michigan Saturdays really are. 

I would give you a brief overview of the story, if I thought I could do it justice, but I can't.   What it did do was give me a glimpse into Rich Rodriguez as a man.  Something you don't hear about on ESPN or talk radio very much. 

So the next time, you think RR is a terrible guy, think about this story or the story of Elliot Mealer and his family.   You might think twice about the man you thought you knew.

Judge RR as a coach by his wins and losses on the field.  Judge him as a man on a higher standard.


mtzlblk said...

here, here

Amichfan said...

Well put. To judge a man by his accomplishment in the realm of sports (as important as we like to make them) is no way to measure the Person.