Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rich Rodriguez clearly over worked the Baltimore Ravens

From the Freep: It is clear that Rich Rodriguez has over worked the players of the NFL's Baltimore Ravens.  The head coach of the Ravens John Harbaugh has a brother that played QB at Michigan and under that connection Rich Rod and Staff has compromised the welfare of a number of professional athletes/millionaires in the Ravens organization.

A number of Raven players complained to the NFL and Players association that their OTA practices were too intense.  The NFL responded by taking away the last week of the Ravens OTA practices on June 8-10.   The head coach with Michigan ties responds to what happened:

"I agree with it, I'm accountable for that," Harbaugh said. "As an organization, we want to do things the right way. We want to be within the rules all the time. We want our players to communicate with us when they have an issue and they did. We deserve to lose those last few days."

I expect the NCAA to fully investigate these charges to see exactly how RR and staff overworked those professional millionaires.  I'm betting there is more to this story then extreme stretching, you could even speculate there might have been some Yoga involved.   Also expect an inquiry on why these athletes are being paid!

Please check back later this week or next on how Rich Rodriguez and staff helped Reggie Bush get some improper benefits while at USC.   From this reporter view it's clear that Greg Robinson (Michigan's current DC) and Pete Carroll are close friends and that Greg was clearly involved in getting Reggie some extra benefits to beat Michigan in the Rose Bowl.  More to come on this breaking story.............

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