Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Michigan Tuesday: Details on Josh Furman

Josh Furman's trial started yesterday and the reports basically says it was just an over blown situation that never got out of hand.  Josh and Tamani Carter went to friends out to address some texts from a guy that was in a back room of the house.  A number of female students kept Josh from entering the back room and one male roommate said if they didn't leave they would call the Police.  They called and Josh and Tamani left.   Josh has friends at this house and had been invited there many times.  Neither of the women involved felt threaten by Josh.  We will see what happens today as the trial proceeds, but if the ESPN account is true this case maybe thrown out and Josh should be on the active roster soon.

  • EJ Time at 3:00 Today:  The latest buzz is favoring FSU but it's hard to say right now.   Oklahoma would be the only shocker choice.  Michigan and FSU coaches were both at this school yesterday.

  • 2013 RB Derrick Green says Clemson is his leader but it would be hard to say No to Michigan.  Interesting.

  • Former Michigan TE and NFL prospect Kevin Koger injured his Achilles tendon and just had surgery days before the NFL draft.  What bad luck for a good kid.   I hope he gets drafted or signs a free agent contract after his recovery.   I think he could have a nice NFL career with the right team. 

  • Ty Isaac is planning another visit to USC with his Mom in May.

  • Sounds like the Michigan at Nebraksa game will be a night game.   Michigan - Alabama is also a night game.   Michigan at ND is expected to be in prime time as well.    I guess us Michigan fans will have a few late nights next season. 

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