Friday, May 31, 2019

Michigan Friday: Hat Tip To Juwan

I think it was clear to everyone that watched the press conference how Juwan Howard feels about being the Michigan head coach.   Now its time to get to work, fill out your staff, and figure out a way to fill those 3 lost spots on the roster.

  • Seems the buzz on Mike Miller and Phil Martelli has died down a bit, I'm guessing both guys are considering the offers. 

  • 6 Football kickoff times were announced yesterday:
MTSU - 7:30 Night Game on BTN
Army - Noon Fox 
@Wisconsin - Noon Fox 
Iowa - Noon TBD
@Illinois - TBD ESPN
@Maryland - Noon TBD 
OSU - Noon Fox 

Don't love starting the season at night against Middle Tennessee but we are probably going to need to get used to more night games.   Wouldn't be surprised if ND was at night as well.   I do like the noon kickoffs! 

  • If he only listened to his mom's advice and went to Michigan!  Malik McDowell owes the Seattle Seahawks $800K after he got drafted, signed, and then got hurt ridding a 4 wheeler.   He got cut a year later and is now being sued by the Seahawks for that money.  He is currently out of football and looking for a try-out.  

  • Brandon Peters is looking at Illinois, Bowling Green, and Miami OH. 

  • Ruben Jones and Lawrence Marshall visited Toledo and Jones will also visit WVU. 


Goose said...

Night games are a GOOD thing UofM does need to adapt & welcome the change. Just my opinion.

Colleen said...

Night games stink for ticket holders. I hate them. So do the 3:30 games. How about SEC schools allowing booze sales during the games?Crazy.

Mike Tebbe said...

Expect at lease 5 more transfers over the next 2 months... We are still way over the ship limit

Goose said...

Not sure why night games are bad for ticket holders please explain? The environment looks fantastic, granted all I see is what's on TV. I am curious why the ticket holders wouldn't enjoy it?

EzmoB said...

Hearing Oliver Martin will be transferring out. He dropped in the depth chart.

szanreno said...

Some ticket holders like Day games some ticket holders like night games it's all your personal preference. I personally like the noon kickoffs I'd rather tailgate afterwards than beforehand. The only other thing I can think of is at night games everyone is ready to go home after the game. The day games they hang around a little bit longer and the crowds trickle home at a slower rate.

EzmoB said...

Coach Phil Martell confirmed he is coming to Michigan. Let's get coach Mike Miller now on board and let's get this train rolling!