Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wolverine Wednesday: Everyone Cheats and Nobody Cares Anymore

This is where we are at in big time college sports now and maybe all sports.  Major League Baseball which is struggling to keep pace with other big time sports in the US just found their former champions were cheating during the World Series.  

Lets quickly look at college football, it's known that Alabama has a "system" that funnels money to players and even the National Champion LSU Tigers had a recent scandal that nobody noticed.   A LSU Booster named John Paul Funes  pleaded guilty to embezzling more than $800,000 from a hospital charitable foundation.  How did he get caught?  He paid $180,000 of the foundation’s money to the father of Vadal Alexander, a former LSU offensive lineman.   Not to mention OBJ handing out $100's after the NC game (which I really don't have a problem with), is just another example that times have changed.  

How about the College Basketball Scandal with the FBI Wire Taps?  How has that effected Kansas coach Bill Self or Arizona's Sean Miller?  The answer is, it hasn't and nobody seems to care.  

MSU's Mark Dantonio brought a known sex offender to his team and the MSU athletics department seems happy to employ him because he won a Big Ten Championship and went to the College Playoffs.   They seemed to have learned nothing from one of biggest sexual assaults' scandals in history of college sports.   Mark's program is in a steep decline and there are more reasons to fire him then to keep him.  

OSU's star transfer QB Justin Fields, hasn't really seen the Ohio State campus as he is taking online classes and heads directly to the football facility.    This isn't breaking the rules but another example of the student fading from the term student-athlete.   OSU is running a professional football program and Michigan isn't.

Why do we wonder why Michigan isn't competing with these programs?  Michigan of course shot itself in the foot for many years with the RR and Hoke hires and then have been on a long re-build with Harbaugh.  No of us are happy how long its taking.    We also want Jimmy and the program to be above the rules.   He admitted last summer, "that its hard to beat the cheaters".  Yes, it is.

Kids go to class at U of M, Michigan doesn't pay players, and you need to be elite on the field and in the classroom.   If you are an 18 year old 5 star and Bama offers you a chance to compete for National Championships, $100K in your pocket (or your parents pocket), have a great shot at getting to the NFL, and very light college class schedule.   How many of you are turning that down at 18?  I wonder why Najee Harris didn't get on the flight to Detroit.

I'm not saying we go Lance Armstrong but if something doesn't change we need to be happy understanding with losing to the programs that are.


Coach Anderson said...


Chowman said...

Stop. Look Michigan isn't pushing the envelope like Bama or OSU, but lets not get it twisted that we stand on the moral high ground. Michigan players are funneled into general studies, kinesiology, sociology, physical ed, movement science, many don't declare a major till there last year if that. What about Jordan Lewis who wanted to major in graphic design, but was told it wouldn't fit his football schedule.

That's the real issue with Michigan football. They want to pretend to be a football powerhouse, while still pretending the football players are Rhodes scholars. Instead of pretending and attempting to do both half-assed, give up the BS about academics, and be a football factory like the other big boys.

I know, I'll get lambasted by Michigan slaps who'll tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because the drink the Kool-Aid the University serves up. Sorry, but I'm just a Wolverine fan who watches with his eyes wide open. And for all you guys that want to defend UoMs academics when it comes to football players, fine, but then don't bitch when we never get to Indy, and annually get jail sexed by OSU at the end of every season.

Dvzk said...

LoL jail sexed. Hahahaha

MichiganMan said...

Bob I got a lot of respect for you stop making excuses why we don't compete for national championship.... we have top 10 recruiting classes every year but yet again we can win more than 11 games.... how about be a man and just say Jim Harbaugh is garbage he's not doing his job along with his old ass staff

MichiganMan said...

No wonder National media call all Michigan fans delusional and dumb

I Bleed Blue said...

This is the most ridiculous reasoning (excuse) for losing that I have ever heard.

Goose said...

Damn " jail sexed" ....OUCH. I'll be adding that wonderful little phrase to my vocabulary. With your permission of course chowman.

szanreno said...

Lot of Truth in what Bob is saying. Think about the teams that are winning and the teams that are doing it. Usually it's one and the same. Remember USC from years ago. Now where are they? You think it's bad now wait until the players get compensated for their name and merchandising rights. A couple of states have already okayed this, the rest will surely follow. If you're going to pay the players pay them all equally. But since this isn't going to happen a player's services will go to the highest bidder. When this happens and it just gets more blatant I'll probably find something else to do with my Saturday afternoons. Unlike all the folks on here bashing everything Michigan, I'm still all in (including you Bob, loved the post).

MichiganMan said...

We all love Michigan my dude, but lets not make any excuses why we don't win!!

szanreno said...

So I guess the Harbaugh is garbage and fire Don Brown comments will go away if we're not going to make excuses?!? Correct? What's the difference between what Bob posted and what you guys post everyday. Nothing! There both excuses.

MichiganMan said...

Delusional.... yeah we will win a championship next year.... hope that makes you happy

szanreno said...

We can always hope Ohio-boy. Haha!!!