Friday, March 13, 2020

Michigan Friday: A Sports Knockout

If you're sitting around a table at a bar, having a few drinks with friends and somebody asks:  What would shut down all sports for weeks or months?  I think the answers would include things like War or a natural disaster like a hurricane or an earthquake.   Having a Virus shut down all sports is something out of Hollywood and not something I ever expected.

The billions of dollars that March Madness generates - gone.
Spring Training and Opening Day for MLB - suspended.
A new Spring football league (XFL) that needed more weeks to see if it was going to be a legit business - gone
PGA's Players Championship - gone
Miami was going to open a new stadium on Saturday for its new MLS team - Suspended
Big Ten Tournament - cancelled
Big Ten Baseball - Cancelled
NHL Suspended
NBA Suspended

What happens to Seniors?  X and Teske have played their last games at Michigan.

Michigan Baseball is just getting started and now its not.  Hopefully, they will allow them to play longer into the summer.

Michigan Football's spring practice was set to begin and now its not.  I assume the NCAA will allow them to practice later in the Spring/Early Summer.

A sports TKO.

I don't have the answers but I do agree you have to side with safety.  I just feel really bad for all the college athletes that won't get their Championship Tournaments or seasons back.   Pro sports will go on at some point.


Cormac said...

There have been a few people, mostly coaches I think, that have suggested that senior athletes that won't be able to play due to having their senior seasons either postponed or canceled that they have their eligibility extended one more season.

Cmfgoblue said...

Sound fair to me....they should have the option to come back if they desire

szanreno said...

Why just two seniors? Wouldn't everybody lose a year? I hope you're talking about whole seasons and not the cancellation of these tournaments coming up.

szanreno said...

Two** Meant "the" in previous post.

Cormac said...

The NCAA is recommending that a waiver be granted for at least spring sport athletes. As usual, the fine print on how this waiver will be put into effect has to be written. So far, the NCAA hasn't said anything about winter-sports athletes. Yet.

Rudy said...

err on the side of safety?? Who's safety? This strain is not affecting college-age kids, not even middle aged kids. It's affecting the elderly who have other medical conditions. The media has blown this whole thing sky high.

szanreno said...

The media fueled panic indeed, AMEN!!! Well said.

Cmfgoblue said...

I suppose it would be fair to grant it to all the players... good call

Renegade said...

Well I have to assume that Rudy doesn't fall into " elderly who have other medical conditions".

At least one issue is the the new coronavirus, like all viruses, has mutated, or undergoes small changes in its genome. A recently published study suggested that the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, had already mutated into one more and one less aggressive strain.

There's a reason to be concerned for the healthy.

MichiganMan said...

Fire Dom Brown!!!@@$$$$$

Goose said...

Just to be clear, Michiganman you want don brown fired........well that's news to me. Why didnt you speak up sooner I'm sure the readers of this blog can get that done. Please dont hesitate to give us more of your ideas so we can assist you in some small way to pave the road to the golden future you envision for us all.

szanreno said...

Goose I was a bit disappointed that he left off Harbaugh sucks.

But, that said, remember, He's "Blue For Life".


Rudy said...

Renegade....obviously you are not a doc and fall pray to the hype that the weak-minded fall victim to.

Cmfgoblue said...

As we all know.... from the movie... Rudy is very strong minded...this shit is serious.... meaning the virus! Even if this one wasnt.... if things were to go walking dead... the ignorant will be the first to fall... i hope so much that all of you stay safe and good luck... lets be smart and use any form of communication to be wholesome right now.... then we can bitch at each other... when there is something to bitch about....until then.... Geros Ilas (farewell) ..... thats High Valyrian for all of you that dream to go to Westeros where there is no virus... or is there? Umm...hey george wheres that book at anyway? Fire Harbaugh Fire Don Brown... Fire the next coach.... Hire Denzel Washington.... fire him then hire Jay harbaugh to continue his fathers incredible run....Michigan Man 2020.... p.s. is That Virus guy from Con Air immune to the virus? Does the Corona beer company feel vulnerable right now? Anyway dont pass joints anymore.... not safe good luck