Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Thank You Dad

You taught me how to throw a baseball and bat left-handed even though I threw right.   You never missed a game and always had feedback after practice.  I will never forget beating you in golf for the first time at the Georgetown Country Club.  I hit that small green on #9 and beat you by a stroke.  

You were always up for going to a game and sometimes even a double header.  On a trip to New York to see your family, we stopped in Cleveland and attended the MLB All Star Game.  One Saturday, we went to a golf major in Toledo and then the Tigers game that night.  

You purchased Michigan Football season tickets because you knew there wasn't anywhere in the world, I wanted to be more on a fall Saturday.   We spent hours in the Big House watching great and sometime not so great football.   The Michigan Football curse is you always remember the bad plays, over the great ones.  

You helped me buy my first car, a $300 1972 Plymouth Valiant with a slant 6.  It lasted about 3 months before it needed to be welded.  

As an adult, you always supported my career choices and really loved that I started this blog.   I learned how to be financially sound from you and enjoyed all the newspaper and magazine articles you sent me without any context in the regular mail.  In later years, you would call me when an internet pop-up came up asking for money.  

When I left Ann Arbor for a career choice, mom cried and asked why?  You smiled and told me congratulations.  

You did your best to be a good grandfather and was there any time I needed you.  When my daughter was born, I called you and you dropped everything and jumped in the car, drove 3 hours and got to my house as soon as you could to stay with my son.  

You always loved Ann Arbor and never wanted to leave.  We thought that moving somewhere warm would help your health but you had none of that.   You wanted to stay in Ann Arbor, eat at Knights, network with old friends, and be close to my sister.  

I'm grateful for the special Saturday we had last fall.  My son (who is now in college) and I traveled up to Ann Arbor and took you to the Northern Illinois game.   Your walk was more a shuffle and it was difficult to get to our seats.   Your hearing was poor, but we had a great time.   The game wasn't much of a game but we made a great memory.  Three generations enjoying what we all loved, Michigan Football.   

I will always remember your famous sayings like:

"You don't make decisions by indecision" 

"Nobody says on their death bed, I wish I spent more time at work"

"Can you please think before you act"

"If it's important to you son, you'll make the time"

Dad living for 81 years is a great run and I'm happy you will be reunited with your dad (who died when I was young), your mom, and brothers.   You're now in a place where your heart, kidney, hearing, and legs work the way they should.  Your memory and guidance will live with us for the rest of our lives.   

Love you, Dad. 


Dvzk said...

Rest in peace to your father, I'm sorry for your pain and loss. I hope your heart heals soon!

Justwin said...


Che said...

You have my condolences. Since your father was a Michigan Football fan I know he was proud of the work you put into your blog everyday. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Now I have another reason why I know I like reading your blog!

Tom Buckman said...

I am so sorry to hear Bob. Thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you had an awesome dad.

GoBlue33 said...

Beautiful message... Thanks for sharing that. Prayers going out to you and your family.

szanreno said...

Losing Dad is a hard time for a son. Glad you have many great memories to get you through. Condolences to you and your family..

Death2Brutus said...

I always enjoy your daily submissions far more than I feel compelled to comment. To me and others, I found today's offering too profound not to comment. First and foremost, I wish to offer you my condolences. While I have never have met him, I feel diminished by never having the opportunity—my heartfelt condolences to you. Be well, and god bless.

JCB said...

Your Dad must have been a heck of a guy. He would have loved this post. I know I did.

Tim said...

Sorry for your loss, Bob. Prayers for your family.

High Sierra Howard said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my father a few years ago and one of the things I miss most is going to the games with him, so I can empathize with what you are feeling. Treasure those memories.

Nate B said...

I'm so sorry!!!!

Thomas Salvi said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing.
Your dad sounds like a great man.

goblue said...

beautifulllll story rip go blue

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Beautiful tributeto your father! May his legacy continues to live on thru you!

Scott said...

I’m sorry to hear of your loss and thank you for sharing the memories. It makes this blog, which I have read for so many years, that much more real. Will think of you when I bring my son to AA this fall for a game

Gemini4 said...

I feel the deep-laden pain of your loss that your words have most effectively expressed. The memories of happy days shared by your dad & you should remain with you forever and inspire you in many ways

Unknown said...

Condolences to you and your family! Go Blue to your Dad in heaven!

UPnorth MGblue said...

So sorry to hear of his passing, he sounds like a great guy, father and mentor.

Fremont Rick said...


Voice of Reason said...


I am so sorry to have learned about the recent passing of your father who was 81 years old. I know from experience how much it hurts. It's truly a blessing to have a father who loves you and was there for you while you were growing up. Not everyone can say that. If he read your blog every day then he was able to read the dribble that me and so many other BHB inmates have written and I'm certain that he was able to get a chuckle from time to time. I am also certain that he was very proud of you and the work that you've put into this blog while knowing that you have so many loyal readers. Your dad has done a great job raising a wonderful son. IMHO!!!

(Please excuse my lateness, I was dealing with health issues)

John Golski said...

Hi Bob…I’m so sorry for your loss. I enjoyed the many conversations I had with your father in Parkside. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I hope you and Robin are well!!