Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Michigan Tuesday: Getting Work Done!

I saw this on twitter and just had to share it.  A quick tour of Schembechler Hall and the massive weight room.  Love the guys in there on a Monday morning getting their work done! 

  • Haskins was the leading rusher for the Titans last night.  He is also returning kicks.  
  • Jimmy did his best Larry David after a question on Hutch's 3 sack Sunday: Pretty Pretty Good. 
  • Former local 5-star basketball recruit Emoni Bates was arrested on Sunday on a firearms charge. 
  • Michigan caught a break and will play @ Iowa at Noon EST! 

1 comment:

szanreno said...

You are correct. I would have bet a nice chuck of change that the game at Kinnick would have been a night game...