Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wolverine Wednesday: The Mailroom

It's interesting to me how college sports are completely different then the corporate world.  But maybe it shouldn't be?  For example, Harbaugh is the President of Michigan Football Inc. the most powerful brand in the company and Santa Ono is the CEO.  Warde is the President of the America's and Jimmy reports to him officially, but we know who the most powerful leader is.  

Michigan Football, Inc. is under investigation for some illegal business practices and its early in the investigation, but it seems a mailroom employee was stealing mail.  That employee resigned as it was clear he is the subject of the investigation.  

The moral of this stupid story is that you don't suspend the President of a company when the guy in the mailroom does the crime.  Yes, the President is responsible for every employee that works under him/her and should be fined for not running a tighter ship.  But to make the President a accomplish to a crime before there is any proof is un-American. 

Tony Petitte is brand new in role and a former TV executive.  He might not be equipped for these types of situations from a leadership position.  He is also hurting his own brand by ruling before the facts are in. What he did on Friday was cowardice and showed a complete lack of leadership.  If you're going to suspend Harbaugh, you wait until Monday and suspend him for Maryland and Ohio State.   Doing it while he is on a plane and less then 24 hours before a huge game that nearly 10M people watched, means Tony doesn't understand the Big Ten but he also lacks understanding of the business he came from.   

Suspending Harbaugh hours prior to Michigan - PSU didn't give Penn State a competitive advantage, you fool?

I'm not a lawyer and the legal points that Michigan is arguing are decent, but Friday is far from a slam dunk and Jimmy could easily be sitting in a hotel or at John's house for Saturday's game.  I still think it would be interesting if Michigan threated to not play the OSU game, one that is watched by nearly 20M people every year.   Let's see what Tony and Fox would do then?

Lasty, whatever the outcome is, Michigan now has to consider a different league.  Does this situation happen in the SEC to Alabama?  Big 12 to Texas, or in the ACC to Clemson?  It sure as hell doesn't.  Time to considering leaving and diluting the brand of the Big Ten.  I wonder what the other Big Ten coaches and AD's will think when their Big Ten Network checks are cut in half.  

I do have another solution; Tony would need to resign.  Which at this point is very unlikely, though when you consider who is more valuable to the Big Ten, Tony or Michigan.  There is a clear winner in that argument.  Time to call their bluff. 

  • Michigan Basketball had a nice win over St. Johns in NYC on Monday.  I like the athletes on this team.  Juwan coached practice in NYC and might be close to coming back full-time.  
  • Michigan landed a 2024 4-star QB from FL Carter Smith on Tuesday.  Carter is 6'3 and an interesting prospect.  Your first reaction might be, "What about local 5-star Bryce Underwood?".  Michigan is still in on the uber talented QB but won't be putting all their eggs in one basket, a strategy that has failed in the recent past.  


szanreno said...

Threatening Tony, based on what we know about the douche bag, would in my opinion make him dig his heels in deeper. He obviously loves the power he has and brims over with narcissistic tendencies. The fact that we're waiting until Friday makes me think we're going to repeat last weekend. Crazy question, what if Harbaugh just showed up on the sidelines? Would he get arrested? Game forfeiture? What? Push back is a mo fo...

MichiganMan said...

Thanks for your outtake are always appreciated. Now, Whether Jimmy is on the sideline or at home...I expect Michigan to come out hungry and dominate OSU...They have to put two guys on Harrison and the game is all over....

Mich 38 OSU 17

Blue for life....

Thom said...

Against OSU, Michigan has to have better pass protection than they showed at Penn State. No way can they just run the ball liked they did Saturday. The OL has to step up. The game will be won or lost at the line of scrimmage.

Goblu said...

Is Carter 2024 or 2025? I’ve seen both reported

szanreno said...

I saw Carter as a 2025 commit...

Ron said...

Exactly Harbaugh has been cleared of doing anything wrong... Why does he get suspended? Man was not even on the coaching staff.. and all the coaches have been cleared of doing anything wrong...

Brady2017 said...

Szanreno- That's a good question! Lol

Brady2017 said...

Some quick side notes- Hunter Dickinson had a nice game last night for Kansas scoring 27 pts and beating Kentucky by 4. MSU and the Almighty Tom Izzo lost again last night to Duke. I watched the whole game and Sparty was never in it. Very unimpressive start for a team hyped as one of Izzo's best ever.

Brady2017 said...

QB Carter Smith is a 2025 recruit. He has a strong arm and big time run ability. He slings it a little 3/4 motion and will have to clean a few things up from a throwing standpoint, but has the ability to make a big play on any down. He's a top 10 QB and plays against good competition at Bishop Verot in my former town of Ft. Myers, FL. He's different than Jayden Davis who is a bit more of a game manager- out think you type of QB. If we can lure Bryce Underwood along with Smith then Michigan will be in good hands. Good to see Jimmy going after (and getting) top of the line QBs.

Chowman said...

I think cooler heads need to prevail. Yeah the B1G and Tony Petiti overstepped and went about it in a douchey manner. But it makes ZERO sense to leave the B1G. First, you walking away from the most lucrative TV contract? Second, will the alum/fan base be ok, let alone accept doing business the way the SEC does? I've seen posts from UofM alums and fans that wanted Harbaugh fired as soon as this scandal broke. Saw one guy comment, he'd rather go 7-5 with a coach that's ethical, then win the CFP. You got remember, UofM has sold itself as this above reproach, "we do things the right way" image. UofM fans have scoffed at the UofGs, Bamas and LSUs as cheaters. Even with Oregon, Washington, UCLA, and USC coming to the B1G, its still not going to be running a guantlet like the SEC.

Brady2017 said...

Chowman- Can you imagine Michigan being in the ACC and playing against teams like North Carolina, Virginia Tech, Syracuse, Georgia Tech and Wake Forest? Good lord. Our toughest game would be Clemson. We would be guaranteed a Final Four spot every year. Just something to think about.

Chowman said...

Brady, and Clemson is imploding under Dabo. FSU is coming on, Norvell could be turning them into something. Elko is also doing good things at Duke, but not sure how long he'll be there. Miami is a perennial mess. Just not sure what the revenue share is. That could be a HUGE hit.

Tom said...

It's time for Michigan to press its weight on the B1G.
We have PLENTY of cards to play.
We have played nice since the days of Yost.

It's time to start behaving more like Yost than a feckless weakling with Stockholm Syndrome.

Petitte is obviously a wuss - a vapid intellect and an anemic leader. He's an empty suit who is likely a trust-fund rich guy with an expensive suit and nice haircut. Otherwise, he's a fool.

Remember, WE are MICHIGAN. Play fair, play within the rules - but expect everyone else to as well.

Rudy said...

and how about all the tool bags at ESPN who got the company memo and seem to think Harbaugh is worse than Sundusky? Really don't know how Desmond can work for those dbags there.

Brady2017 said...

Rudy- I have disdain for most of the media. They are vultures and will pry on anyone to get a click. Most are pencil pushers that never even played sports. I feel 100% better after leaving sports talk radio, social media, and the ESPN losers behind.

Brady2017 said...

The (fake) media has agendas to follow. Their motivation is generating controversy with little to no ethics involved. Get the facts from somewhere you can trust (like the Bighouse Blog) and stay away from the clickbait.