Friday, January 5, 2024

Michigan Friday: Let's Take a Moment

Michigan fans and Big House Blog inmates, let's take a few moments to appreciate the climb this program has accomplished since Jim Harbaugh became head coach.  I don't have to remind any of you of the lows we had under Rich Rod and Hoke or the despair of the pandemic/2020 season brought.  

Michigan has won 3 Big Ten Championships in a row, has participated in 3 straight CFP's, just won the now the Rose Bowl, and Monday will play in the National Championship.  We have come a really long way and now the tears of frustration has turned to tears of joy as Milroe runs into brick wall on 4th down. 

In today's world, we want what's right now or what's next.  We need to live in the moment this weekend.  This program is back to where it needs be and will play its 15th game of the season on Monday.  Playing 15 games in one season is also mind numbing.   Sherrone and Jesse get a ton of credit for this team and all of it is deserved, but this program changed when Strength and Conditioning Director Ben Herbert was hired.  Ben has kept this team strong, focused, conditioned, and rested.  Coming off the physical/emotional Rose Bowl, rest will be a huge priority this week.  

I'm honored that you have taken this journey with me and excited to watch the game on Monday.  

3 Keys for Monday:

1.  Pressure Penix - A bad ASU team almost upset Washington this season.  What happened?  Penix threw 2 picks, no offensive TD's, and the team ran for 13 yards.  Washington won on 89 yard interception as ASU was about to score and close the game out.  UW's Oline won the Joe Moore Award this year and it will take some schemes from Jesse to pressure the talented QB.  

2. Be aggressive on offense - Michigan does not want this to become a shoot out but it's going to take plenty of points to win this game.   I didn't love the trick plays in the Rose Bowl, lets run the offense and hit the WR's and TE's in space.  

3. Play Clean - I was not expecting poor special teams from Michigan last Monday.  That should be easily fixed and cleaned up.  Michigan will not be able to turn the ball over against this offense.  Playing clean with out penalties, turnovers, and mistakes will be an important key on Monday. 

The regular game preview will be on Sunday. 

Michigan picked up a 2025 recruit on Thursday when 4-star TE Eli Owens from TN committed to the Wolverines.  Eli is just below 6'2 and 245 pounds.  His offer list included Alabama, UK, MSU, Maryland, Ohio State, TN, and Wisconsin.  Welcome Eli!!


szanreno said...

I decided to go to a local sports bar at lunch today for some wings. I sat down and low and behold the Rose Bowl was being replayed on the screen in front of me. I came in with about 12:30 to go in regulation. So help me I was about as nervous as I was during the actual playing of the game. Almost all the anxiety came back. Crazy. I guess my love of this program goes pretty deep. As crazy as it was, Monday night after the game I was spent. I couldn't watch anymore football that night. Just needed a time out. I pray Monday night is a bit less worrisome. Go Blue!

Chowman said...

A tell tale sign will be if Michigan can get pressure with the front 6 early. I don't think you want to blitz a lot with your DBs. Washington has a lot of good WRs with Odunze who may actually be better and drafted before Harrison Jr. Add in the fact that their OL is this year's Joe Moore award winner. If Michigan can't pressure Penix with just the front 6, it could be a long game. I just don't know how good the PAC12 is defensively, i.e. are there stats a bit skewed. Plus one of Penix's few flaws is at times he gets impatient. Penix and Washington like to move the ball down field quickly, on chunk plays. A blitz that doesn't get home plays right into the Huskies hands.

I disagree with Michigan being aggressive offensively. Just play your game. Washington's defense stinks. They don't stop anyone so I think Michigan WILL be able to run on them and then that will open up the play action game. Don't need JJ forcing things and having an early turnover and giving Washington hope. Plus I think Michigan can wear down Washington and the best way to stop a high flying offense is keeping the ball out of their hands. 8 or 9 minute drives would be fantastic!

Michigan has been one of the least penalized teams in college football this year, which can't be said about Washington. Play clean and clean up the STs and Michigan should fine.

Brady2017 said...

What a season! So much fun. Let's give thanks, and win or lose Monday, it's been a year we will never forget. The legacy has been restored!!

Brady2017 said...

Guys, I don't think this one will even be close. I think Washington is going to shit their pants when the bright lights come on, and I think Jimmy will have us hitting on all cylinders. UM-38, Washington-17. We are going to party like it's 1997!!!

Brady2017 said...

To Bob's point of the Rich Rod years, I have nightmares thinking about Steven Threat and Nick Sheridan at QB. Oooh, scary!!

szanreno said...

I agree Brady. This year has provided great excitement, close calls, runaway games, drama, etc. In the 50+ years I've been a UM fan, this season has been the season to end all seasons. None will top it. Win or lose Monday there will be a massive amount of memories to look back on. The Rose Bowl was a game experience I'll never forget, and I was at home. Wow! I'm still reeling. I've watched quite a number of YouTube videos showing fans Rose Bowl ending reactions. Imagine that happening all over the world at that very moment. Consider it legacy restored... Go Blue!