Thursday, January 11, 2024

Michigan Thursday: 2024 Coming in Hot

Patrick Barron 

2024 is off to an interesting start.  Michigan won a Rose Bowl and a National Championship in a 7 day window.  Then yesterday Pete Carroll leaves his head coaching role with the Seahawks, Nick Saban retires from Alabama, and today Bill Belichick leaves the Patriots.  All these openings is not great for Jimmy staying in Ann Arbor. 

Michigan beating Alabama in the Rose Bowl will be Nick's final game. 
  • As I mentioned yesterday, we are going to see players leave the program this week.  WR's Jake Thaw and Darius Clemons both entered the portal. I had really high hopes for Darius but he never really saw the field. 
  • CJ Stokes will be staying within the Michigan family and will play for Biff at Charlotte
  • Michigan will have a parade on Saturday for the NC and  a special celebration at Crisler 
  • Michigan is America's Team:  Average viewers for National Championship 25M+, Rose Bowl 27M+, and Ohio State Game 19M+
  • The NCAA President said, Michigan won the National Championship fair and square
  • Dug is suspended for 6 road games due to an academic issue 
  • OSU CB Denzel Burke returning to OSU next season
  • Michigan seniors Wilson, McGregor, and Barner are all headed to the Senior Bowl. Updated: Also going Keegan, Henderson, Harrell, Sainristil. and Barrett.
  • Former Michigan DC and current Ravens DC Mike MacDonald is expected to interview for the Titans opening (not great for keeping Minter). 
  • Alabama is expected to hire Dan Lanning to replace Nick Saban.  Reports are Dan is already interviewing for the gig. 


Ron said...

Ohio State trying to come up with huge NIL deals to keep their Juniors from going pro

Thom said...

If true can't blame them. Michigan has to step up more.

Rudy said...

Oregon just landed two of the top QBs in transfer portals and now coach will bail and go to Bama. Hate the game not the playa. Fact is, ncaa is just a clown show. Would love to see Jimmy stay in AA but truly can’t blame him for rolling. Warde should leave. He’d make a good CEO for IHOP.

Blue said...

How the 2024 football Fall roster ends up is anyone's guess with all the going's-on with whose leaving, staying, along with future incoming portal players.

Nevertheless I have confidence team 145 will be a team to be reckon with in both the Big and playoffs, more so if both Harbaugh & JJ are back. Of which I feel the odds are with us, especially with a little help from a deep pocketed alumni.

Posted over on Diehard Sport ... Billionaire (Stephen Ross) a UM Grad Apparently Will ‘Stop At Nothing’ To Keep Harbaugh In Ann Arbor:

Ron said...

What do you think of Harbaugh to the Patriots.. they're going to draft a quarterback he can develop him maybe JJ

szanreno said...

OSU resembles and bus station with those coming and going. Day as I understand is next...

Blue said...

Ron .. I do believe the "Bear-Hugs" needed in staying in AA that Harbaugh was looking for has undoubtedly been conveyed to him & recognized. Hopefully recognized to the extent that there's no better place for him to be than right here coaching Michigan Football.

JJ in staying another year would not only help in furthering his quarterback skills, thus improving his stock in next year's draft, but also gives him the opportunity in captaining the team to a successful 2024 campaign, cementing his role as being the best quarterback that's ever worn the winged helmet ... a Michigan legend.

Of course if Harbaugh stays, odds increase dramatically that JJ stays also.


Goblu said...

Jr. Colson declared. Nothing but love for that kid. Amazing story.

Chowman said...

It's now or never for Jim. With all the openings, they only thing that'll hold him back is if he gets too weird Jim in the interviews. He's achieved all he set out to accomplish, although it took him longer than he expected. He WANTS a SB ring, so if he's offered any job except Carolina he's gone.

Can UofM just move on from Juwan. It gets worse by the day. and how can you be academically suspended for road games? How's that work? Could end up being a trifecta: new football coach, new men's basketball coach and please new AD.

Brady2017 said...

It is reported that Michigan's National Championship is the cleanest Championship that has ever been won. Michigan had actual FBI surveillance over them for their last four games to ensure there was no cheating going on. No other team has been scrutinized closer while still playing.

So if any of you hear any bullshit about cheating from any MSU haters, make sure to set them straight.

Brady2017 said...

Not crazy about charging admission prices to Crisler for the celebration. Just rubs me the wrong way. We should all be able to take our kids and family to celebrate!

Brady2017 said...

With Michigan assistants interviewing now at other programs, this stresses the value of having a quality connected coach like Harbaugh. If Sharrone became the next head coach, what connections does he have to start filling these coaching vacancies? I think we would have to bring in an experienced head coach if Jimmy leaves.

Brady2017 said...

Blue- Good post, very interesting!

Ron said...

Brady2017 If the FBI were at games they were wasting their money and time😆

Brady2017 said...

Ron- That's why I'm so proud of these guys. Michigan had to beat Penn St, Ohio St, Iowa, Alabama, Washington, Tony Petitti, and the fuckin FBI! We beat 'em all!!

Chowman said...

Brady Sherrone would have 2 advantages, Michigan brand and Michigan deep pockets. What connections did Ryan Day have to pull Jim Knowles to Columbus. If jim didn't have a brother who's an nfl coach he getting a mike macdonald or jesse minter. Not many coaches have a brother in the nfl

Brady2017 said...

Chowman- Cryin' Ryan Day was pretty desperate when he took over the Suckeyes. Remember he thought getting former Michigan defensive coordinator Greg Mattison was such a coup? Blowhio State's main advantage has been their bagmen. Google the Terrell Pryor recruiting battle. Pryor was seen his first week in Columbus driving a brand new custom Nissan 350 SX.

Brady2017 said...

And that was BEFORE N.I.L.!

Brady2017 said...

The one good thing N.I.L. has done is eliminate the bagmen, or at least allow ALL schools to pay athletes if they so choose. There was a good 30For30 about the Pony Express backfield of SMU and the extent of cheating involved there. The money trail went all the way up to the governor of Texas! The NCAA gave SMU the 'death penalty'.