Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wolverine Wednesday: Some Went Up - Others Down

There are many recruiting services now including 24/7, Rivals, On3, and ESPN.  Not too many people take ESPN very seriously anymore, so that leaves 3 that are decent at what they do.  On3 is the newest start up and still trying to gain on the larger services.  

On3 just did some reassignments to their rankings because running at camps in shorts clearly should make a player go up or down in star status.  Here is what they did with some Michigan recruits:

▲ DL Jalen Williams to 4 star 
▲ WR Jacob Washington 4 Star 
▲ RB Jasper Parker to 4 Star 

▽OT Avery Gash to 3 star
▽DL Bobby Kanka to 3 star 

As Michigan fans we have every right to agree with the list of moves to 4 stars and complain about the moves from 4 to 3.  Avery Gash just won MVP at the 5 star Rivals camp and is moved to a 3 star by another service. 

  • We are going to have a few shocked moments this college football season when we realize a team is in a new conference.  Here was my latest shock: Utah is in the Big 12. 
  • I mentioned this a few weeks ago, when a recruit goes to Oregon over OSU, I feel relieved.  Then I remember The Ducks are in the Big Ten now and that feeling of relief is not very accurate. 
  • How does Mike Gundy have a job? He says way too many dumb things.
  • I follow Random Michigan Plays everyday on Twitter/X.  This play from 2000 is incredible. 
  • Michigan Basketball will play VT in the Fort Meyers Tip Off.


Goblu said...

I so dislike these mega-conferences. I heard a great (and funny) suggestion a while ago. The Big10 should expand to 20 teams, adding a couple western schools. Then, they should divide it into two conferences, which only play a couple cross-conf games at most. And they can name the conferences the Big10 and the Pac10....

Chowman said...

The star rating system is dubious at best. The are most often based on measurables or stats. Problem is we've all heard the saying "looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane". Stats can also be misleading as it doesn't take into consideration strength of competition. Kid could just be a big fish in a small pond! That being said, I tend to put more weight into who's offering scholarships to the player. If his list includes blue bloods like Bama, GA, OSU, ND, it tells me at least other programs think he's a player. If he's only got a list of offers from small time programs and directional colleges, then I'm a bit concerned about his ceiling.

Chowman said...


Greed has destroyed a lot of things in our society and that has extended to college sports. College sports used to be about rivalries and tradition. All that was sold oud for the Benjies...............

ScottyDoggs said...

Go Blues idea has merit, and deserves some thought, I would say 4 games cross conference games and 8 in conference. The thought of 5 star players wanting 5,000 just for a visit would disturb the dead (Bo and Woody, etc)

Have you ever heard the phrase "let sleeping bones lie), but our fearless leader from Du Bai has been silent ... I apologize if I woke of a sleeping giant(buck nuts boy giant).

Brady2017 said...

Chowman- I agree. That's why I chuckle every time after reading that MSU scored a 'major recruit' by beating out schools like Toledo, Eastern Mich.,and Akron. Lol

Props to Sharrone and recruiting. Have to appreciate these new coaches picking up where the previous regime left off. High School coaches relationships aren't easy.

BlueManGroup said...

Here's a factoid for you. The founder of 24/7 recruiting sold the company to CBS Sports in 2016 and then started On3 recruiting when his non-compete ended in 2022. Unlike 24/7, On3 includes a NIL valuation for each player. At the end of the day, the stars are all based on which schools make offers.

Brady2017 said...

Mike Gundy basically saying it was OK for his star RB to get a DUI and that he's done it "a thousand times". Smh Didn't Mark Dantonio play a guy the same week he was released from prison? Smh Critics will bring up Mazi Smith, the difference being Michigan waited for the courts to play out first before disciplining.