Thursday, March 21, 2024

Michigan Thursday: Greg Scruggs Has Resigned and Blew Double the Limit

Here are the low lights from his arrest:

-Greg was stopped on S.Fifth with his hazards and not moving at 2:15AM on 3/16  
-Police pulled alongside of him and asked him to pull over. 
-Greg continued down the street and pulled into a gas station
-Greg said he was at the Chop House and Pretzel Bell that night and had two drinks
-He was a bit lost being new to Ann Arbor and was trying to get to his home 
-Took a breath test and blew .016, took a second and blew a .017

Michigan limit is .08. 

We will have to monitor this situation to see how it gets resolved in the courts and with his employment at U fo M. 

Update: Greg has now resigned.  Which now leaves 1 open spot on the defensive staff.  Word is Terrance Jamison from Illinois was also being considered when they hired Greg. He might be the guy.

Enjoy the NCAA Tournament today! 


Chowman said...

He resigned from the University of Michigan! Just announced!

bb said...

i think you mean .16

.016 is like nothing

Brady2017 said...

Scruggs, not the brightest bulb. Consider this a blessing in disguise.

Brady2017 said...

I haven't heard any rumors on replacing Juwan. Could be we are waiting for Dusty May and Fla Atlantic to get eliminated from the tournament. Yes please.

ScottyDoggs said...

Someone expressed dismay that Scruggs was hired weeks ago (on this board) ... they were spot-on. An old computer term GIGO .... garbage IN > garbage OUT. Greg SAVED OUR NEW COACH FROM KICKIONG HIM TO CURB!