Monday, July 5, 2010

Michigan Monday: What's a Half a Mill between Friends?

Don't you just love when reporters don't do their homework, continue to have "Chicken Little" disease regarding the Michigan football program, and try to sell their papers for their dying business by writing headlines that really don't equal fact? 

I don't either.  We all know what I am talking about and who the real "guilty" party is.

With that said, comes the report that the University of Michigan paid nearly a 1/2 a Million Dollars in legal fees to investigate what turned out to be mis-communication and a couple of guys asleep at the wheel in the athletic department.  The exact figure is $446,971.

I can think of a number of ways to spend a half a million dollars if I was the U of M Athletic Department.  I bet you could as well.  So in the spirit of the band "Bare Naked Ladies" famous song,  "If I had a million dollars".   Here are my thoughts on how to spend the money:

10. Hire a few coaches from Detroit Southeastern and Southwestern.  (Sorry Sparty, just had to go there.)

9. Construct a petting zoo for Mike Barwis wolves.

8.  Buy maize "We Believe" Towels for every Michigan fan entering the UConn game.

7.  Hire a private plane and keep it near USC's campus with free flights to the Ann Arbor Airport.

6. Put permanent lighting in the Big House.  (I'm sure it would cost a few dollars more)

5. Help fund Tedd Ginn, Sr. Football Camp Tour Bus.

4. Fund a Rich Rodriguez Football Camp in Orlando, Florida.

3. Repaint the numbers (farther apart) on the seats in the Big House.  Give us at least one "cheek" more. 

2. Pay it all to Keith Jackson to announce one more game in the Big House.

1.  Build a "Ring of Honor" and have a half time dedicated to the induction of the late great Bo Schembechler and Bob Ufer.   Michigan wouldn't have to "retire" numbers but this is also a place were we could recognize great Michigan players and Heisman Trophy winners of the past.


Tater said...

I'm with you on one and two. Maybe Keith will take $250K to call the "we're back" party against MSU and the rest can go to the ring of honor.

Brian S Hall said...

Just returned from 10 days of road tripping with fellow alums in the South. As always, had on my Michigan hat.


Amazing that so many people came up to me to talk about Michigan, rib me about Michigan, ask questions about Michigan. It is that rare program -- incredible history, great recent past, stellar credibility.

Which proved to me again why this is RR's last year. So many people around the country who are not alumni, not even 'fans' in the traditional sense, so admire and respect the program. Under RR's watch, there's been nothing like what has happened under USC or Oklahoma of past. But -- there has been some smears. Michigan is above that. We may -- may -- tolerate this if you win and win big. RR hasn't.

So many asked me when Michigan would return to its former glory. So many asked me if this year or next would be Rich Rod's final. None -- not a one -- questioned Michigan's earned place among the greats.. Even deep in SEC country this could not be challenged.

Of course, I met an attractive 23-year-old from Ohio who had moved to Atlanta. She didn't even try and rub it in the way OSU has owned us. She simply couldn't understand what the fuss was about since as long as she could remember, it has been a one-sided rivalry. Yeah, that one hurt.

Michigan will return to glory. Promise. The grand bold experiment of trying to turn the bright aircraft carrier that is Michigan into a battleship will end soon. If not in 2011, then by 2012. It will take a few more years of pain. But we will be back on top. The leaders and best!