Friday, September 18, 2020

Michigan Friday: Opt Back in or Stay Out, That Is the Question

OSU players have been flocking back in as they don't want to miss out at a run for a National Championship.  Michigan's NFL players are considering coming back, at least some are.  

Kwity Paye is expected back and has been practicing with the team.  He never made an announcement and seems he wanted to keep the door open.  Thank you Big Man!

Jalen Mayfield seems to be leaning out.  Insiders close to the situation believe Jalen wants to play but his dad is 100% about staying out.  Sam Webb says there is a chance so maybe 80% out 20% back in.  

Ambry Thomas who opted out what seems years ago (just months) is reportedly also considering the option to jump back in.  He is very important to Michigan's defense as his back ups are just different colors (Gray and Green) with little playing experience.  

Nico hasn't said, $h*t about anything yet.  Not signing with an agent, leaving, or staying.  Man, I really wanted to see him play in year 2 of Gattis's offense with Joe as QB1.

  • Maybe the Big Ten is crazy like a fox.  With the October start date they can watch the other leagues try to figure this damn virus out.   Coach O said that most of his team had it and North Carolina just lost its game this weekend due to breakout at Charlotte.   The more we think its safe to play, is it really?

  • Duncan Robinson had 18 last night in another Heat victory!  Loving his success.

  • I learned yesterday that the Big Ten Championship week cross over games was Jimmy's idea.  If its successful lets hope the Big Ten keeps it. 


Cormac said...

>The more we think its safe to play, is it really?

Yes, it is. We are not talking about a bunch of senior citizens or people with compromised immune systems. We are talking about young men who are in the prime of their lives and who are surrounded by some of the best medical facilities in the land. Using data from the CDC, males ages 15-24, constitutes 0.21% of the deaths of all males and 0.11% of all deaths. We can NOT continue to hide behind our desks when someone get tested positive.

Cmfgoblue said...

Agreed. Now let’s play ball and stop all the fucking sissy shit! Michigan man, don’t even come on here with your “please don’t play” pussy shit.... look here the old man is going to “coach” the defense ok.... that’s it... Got it? Harbaugh is the coach... As much as I hate that he is... now enough of all the Covid bullshit, enough with the Don brown shit, the man sucks, everyone knows, Harbaugh sucks and everyone knows it, we won’t beat Osu and everyone knows it, so the Hell with it! Beat MSU fire up the grill and enjoy....these kids have earned the right to get their butts whipped again by good teams.... let’s do it... Go Blue..

Renegade said...

Here's some of the "pussy shit" for you cmfgoblue:

From the Mayo Clinic: Long term complications that might occur even in mild cases of covid which is what the young usually experience. There are others.

Organ damage caused by COVID-19

Organs that may be affected by COVID-19 include:

Heart. Imaging tests taken months after recovery from COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in people who experienced only mild COVID-19 symptoms. This may increase the risk of heart failure or other heart complications in the future.

Lungs. The type of pneumonia often associated with COVID-19 can cause long-standing damage to the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can lead to long-term breathing problems.

Brain. Even in young people, COVID-19 can cause strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome — a condition that causes temporary paralysis. COVID-19 may also increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

MichiganMan said...

Please guys no football please please please people are dying.... Fire down Brown why is he still here

Cormac said...


You say MIGHT. I'm glad that you didn't point out the study that allegedly came out of PSU. It didn't and since has been discredited. We don't know about the widespread effects of the virus on the heart of young people especially athletes.


You should educate yourself about just who is dying from the virus. It is NOT young people especially not young male athletes who also might be football players.

Let's also remember that the people that we as football fans are concerned with do NOT have many or any of the underlying conditions that would influence the lethality of the virus.

Renegade said...

The study I am referring to was accumulated data from a number of different sources. I did not see that PSU was included. You would need to verify that with sources.

"We don't know about the widespread effects of the virus on the heart of young people especially athletes."

That is exactly correct. So your solution is to play football (which seems ungodly important to you) and be damned with any potential future problems. OK. I don't subscribe to that notion.

Voice of Reason said...

B1G football schedule revealed this morning, and osu has a cake walk schedule and Michigan has a more challenging schedule. Is it a coincidence or the conference giving osu and Wisconsin a helping hand to get into the playoffs? Things that make you go Hmmm. IMHO!!!

Cmfgoblue said...

Ours is cupcake as well, all three home games are against “tough” teams, all of the away games are a joke, Renegade haha! You need to change your name... you must be DR. Unknown from a week ago or so... I bet you watch every game this year... right? Btw people get hurt playing football everyday, and driving cars, and slipping on ice in winter and of mosquitoe bites in the summer!! Sooooo what now? Well cancel all outside activities... you might get sun burnt

Cmfgoblue said...

Four homes games!! Not 3 sorry...point is.... ole Lloyd would have the boys 7-0, 6-1 with a chance against Osu....this looks like 6-2 all day.... worst case 5-3.... having said that... no excuse to lose to Wisconsin and Penn St at home....ever... away is a different story.... the big 14 has once again done everything it could to make Michigan relevant until the blood bath in Columbus...which is very nice and I appreciate it, wonderful schedule for us to start 7-0, but with Harbaugh coach... he will most likely blow one game he should not....Its all set for a hot start though... should be fun!! Go Blue!!

Goose said...

In times of uncertainty that we find ourselves in the best and only solution is freedom. Educate your players with the best available information & allow them the freedom to weigh the pro & cons allow them to consult with their families & grant them the freedom to choose their own path. That's America.
Schools should be open,allow families to choose home school or attend class...freedom. Masks should never be mandated if a business thinks masks are helpful they have every right to ask customers to wear them....freedom. if someone believes themselves safer with a mask absolutely wear one. If someone else believes they are a placebo they are free to not wear them.....allowing people the freedom to choose is the only correct answer here & its the most American thing ever. Just my thoughts.

Cmfgoblue said...

Very nicely spoken Goose.... excellent

szanreno said...

Outside a couple of level heads here, the Debbie downers have prevailed. When we weren't playing most posters pissed and moaned, now we're playing and their still pissing and moaning. For what ungodly reason I'd like to know as well. Several need to go to Walmart and buy a life. Grow a set and let the chips fall where they may and once they settle stand beside them like men. The virus is what it is and comparing it to driving a car or mosquito bites is laughable. Masks only help contain some of the virus particles you may omit to prevent spread, very little help preventing you from getting it. I watched a few minutes of some games today and without the festive atmosphere, no cheerleaders, no band, no students, no crazies etc, it's booorrrriiinnnggg. Like watching practice. I'll watch to see how Milton does but I may have to go to the patio and radio if the lack thereof gets to be too much to bear on TV. Lighten up and God's speed.

MichiganMan said...

I will bet you after 10years, there will be some big law suits against All the UNIVERSITY for paying football. This virus is deadly...people are dying and getting sick...long term effect....Michigan maybe 6-2...OSU 64 vs Mich. 20...Fire Harbaugh after the season.

Voice of Reason said...

The issue of a cake walk schedule is this, Michigan will play all of the conference teams that are serious players for the conference title except for Iowa; that means OSU, PSU, Wis, and Minn., while OSU does not play Wis., Minn. or Iowa. Therefore, OSU not playing Wis. and Minn. this year is significant. That's two "potential" losses that they don't have to deal with. Even Urban Meyer indicated that much himself. OSU can focus their attention on Michigan and PSU. Since both do not play Iowa then that is a wash but that helps Iowa if they can pull it off.

Regarding the potential for the viral lawsuits in the future, think about this...when you consider the final number of people who will have come down with the Covid-19 virus and would want to sue someone, that number would be staggering. The courts would be overwhelmed with them. Yes, people will try to take others to court because we have become such a litigious society, however, I truly doubt that anyone will get any money from someone else because it's virtually impossible to "prove without a shadow of a doubt" from whence you got the virus. People are active moving to and fro and then there is an incubation period that leaves the door wide open for doubt. When it comes to negligence you have to prove three things, 1) That there was a "wrong" committed, 2) that "specific" party committed the wrong, and 3) that "their" wrong "caused your injury." That is difficult if not impossible to do in this scenario. If an athlete catches the virus how do you "prove" that he or she contracted it while playing a sport?

Then let's say for argument sake that you win your suit, then with appeals to the appellate courts (if accepted) it could take years for things to be settled. If you're going to sue someone then try to sue China...and good luck with that, and they're the ones that started it (according to their own whistleblowing experts). IMHO!!!

MichiganMan said...

Good intake Voice of Reason...I like the way you think out the box...unlike some delusional fans we have on this blog...what you think about Don Brown...?

Cmfgoblue said...

Szanreno... you old fuck... your sex life is laughable.... this virus is all a bunch of fucking bullshit, my point was you CANNOT live scared, or you are not living at all.... now put on your leather helmet and take your pills so you stay regular...have your great grand children strap you in so you don’t fall out of your chair

Voice of Reason said...

MichiganMan -

Don Brown (FWIW), has to reinvent his defense. The book is out on how to attack his defense. When you're a Michigan program you have to keep it fluid because other programs will study everything that you do and chart your tendencies. That makes being a coordinator a full time job. When Charlie Weis was the offensive coordinator for the New England Patriots, one analyst said, "the thing that made preparing for his offense so difficult was that Weis always prepared a 'completely different' scheme each week for each team." The implication was that that made studying game film almost useless.

Moreover, in the NFL you'll notice that offenses and defenses are constantly changing because opposing teams have analyst that do nothing but dissect "your" schemes. The late Jim Johnson was the defensive coordinator under Andy Reid and considered a defensive genius by his peers and his defenses were known as being very aggressive. However, Coach Johnson always kept the aggressiveness but modified it so much that he stayed at least one step ahead of opposing teams. I think that coach Don Brown needs to do the same thing. IMHO!!!

Goblu said...

The Wall Street Journal on Friday released the top colleges/universities. Michigan was the top public univ on the list, at 23. Ohio was 100. Alabama and Clemson were so far down I didn’t bother to look. At end of day, that’s a compelling stat for the smarter athletes, who want both an NFL opportunity but also a world class education. But it quite dramatically shrinks the pool of talent, as far more cannot qualify academically. That trend only will continue to grow, and it impacts public univs more than private (e.g., USC), which has more flexibility in admissions. Ohio can market admissions to anyone with a pulse- and they are among the highest ranked of the better football schools. We simply have a harder time competing on the field when so few kids in the top 200 can qualify academically.

szanreno said...

It seems as though I bruised Debbie "cmfgoblue" Downer's ego. But instead of a follow-up or more intelligent analogy to the virus, like kite flying or apple picking he chose the immature diatribe route. On a good note, no football deaths occurred yesterday but several mosquito bites were reported. Thanks for all you bash Debbie....

Cmfgoblue said...

I would love to go down on a Debbie

Cmfgoblue said...

You actually increased my ego, you encouraged me to call out pussys like you, this country has grown weak because of decisions that began with your lousy generation szanreno....

Cmfgoblue said...

Also make sure to pick the apples off the ground if you can reach that far, no ladders for you, you may break your hip or get tired halfway up and forget what you were doing

MichiganMan said...

cmfgoblue you need to calm down little buddy....what your tone....this virus is deadly...people are getting and dieing...please, no football..