Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Wolverine Wednesday: Michigan Recruiting Is In Trouble

Michigan has the perfect storm happening right now in recruiting, as it's highest ranked recruit, LB Raylen Wilson just decommitted last night.    

First, the Raylen thing wasn't a surprise and has been predicted by insider for months.   Everyone and their brother knew it was coming.    

What's going on? 

 Let's be honest here, it’s the money.  This has been going on in the shadows for years but now has come into the light.   Some QB getting nearly $10M to sign with Miami is just stupid cash.   Michigan always could stand up and say, "we aren't cheating the system, we are a clean program".   Well, now everyone can do it and Michigan is on record of saying they won't pay players to come to Michigan.   Which means the top recruits, will not be coming to Michigan.   $10M is a lot different than the $250K Clemson offered Rashaun Gary.  Ryan Day is asking its boosters for $13M just to keep his current roster together and the NCAA is losing power and respect each and every day.   

 Jimmy's vision quest into the NFL didn't help matters either.  He has shot down NFL rumors for years, but after he interviewed, things looks different to recruits and their families.   

 Next, the coordinator turnover didn't help.   I will be the first person to stand on a soap box and say that Josh Gattis was running Jimmy's offense last year but the guy could recruit and connect with players.   A brand-new OC and DC is not helping matters in building long term relationships with recruits.   
Lastly, losing Courtney Morgan to Washington.  This issue seemed like it could have been resolved with a few more dollars, but Courtney jumped right in the middle of the Jimmy to the NFL situation and at that time it just seemed he was being proactive.   

Right now, Michigan has the 55th ranked 2023 recruiting class in the country.   I don't ever remember Michigan having a class ranked so low, even in the Rich Rod years.    There is trouble brewing and Michigan doesn't have a viable solution to fix it.  

  • Coach B and Chris Weber went into the Michigan Hall of Fame! 


Mastermind said...

Don't know if this is a Michigan problem or an NCAA problem. Seems like a rudderless ship with this NIL out of control. This is not why I love college athletics, which are supposed to be played for the love of the game.

ScottyDoggs said...

I would like to comment but Unknown said it
much better than I could ... blunt and to the point!

Brady2017 said...

That comment was me, ScottyDoggs. Don't know why I'm Unknown from my cell phone. Maybe its best that way. Lol

Chowman said...

Michigan's stance on NIL, JH dalliance with the NFL, and losing at least 1 coordinator is all connected. Jim saw the writing on the wall that the school won't lower itself to pay for players. That's great, you can take the high road when it's illegal and supposedly penalized by the NCAA, but now that's its out in the open you need to adjust your morals. So now instead of saying "we don't cheat" what will UofM say? We're too cheap? Oh I know, we're too principled to win? Whatever you view on NIL, its the landscape of college football now. why stop at not participating in the NIL, let's take it a step further, lets go back to the good ol' days of college football, when the forward pass was illegal. And for the alums that tell me they agree with Michigan's stance on the NIL cause they don't want to dilute their degrees, please explain to me how facilitating NIL deals is going to make your UofM degree less marketable? Please I'm all ears.........

Chowman said...


Playing for the love of the game and to put billions in the NCAAs coffers. College football stopped being a game and became a business a few billion dollars ago.

MichiganMan said...

I miss old school college football...I know it will never come back...but something rules and regulations needs to be implemented. Come on NCAA have some big balls like Bucknut Boy and get it together....Ph.D Boy what do you say to that....are you back from Dubai?

Blue for Life

MichiganMan said...

If Michigan doesn't adopt to NIL and new trend in college football Jimmy boy and Ph.d Boy will be out the door next year!!

Blue for life...

Chowman said...

Saw this on another site: being self-righteous is one thing, being self-destructive is another................

MichiganMan said...

Chowman if you know you are doing the right thing, but you know it will only keep you behind. Would you do the wrong thing and go against your principle belief?

Blue for life...

SecondChance said...

Recruit those 2 stars and coach em' up !!

Voice of Reason said...

WHAT EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS: With the proliferation of the millions of dollars being offered to these kids along with the option of the transfer portal it won't take long before things go downhill fast. Michigan has to do something NOW because other schools are trying to pilfer Michigan's players knowing all they have to do is offer more money. Unless things change I don't see coach Harbaugh staying in college after this year because I wouldn't if I were him, the juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze. IMHO!!!