Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wolverine Wednesday: The Blue Man Group

Michigan is playing "under the lights" on Saturday night.  It's the first time we will see the new lighting and the scoreboards in a night game setting.  (On a side note, did you see that the NC State new video boards got hit with lighting last weekend?)  Even though the Big Ten Network forced this game into primetime, Michigan will still wear special jerseys on Saturday against BGSU.  The Wolverines will be going with the all-blue look (blue jersey and pants). 

Michigan is 11-1 is the all blues with its only loss to Georgia in the CFP.  The all blues clearly can't overcome Michigan's bowl curse.  Michigan is 11-2 in Big House primetime games. 

  • BGSU QB Connor Bazelak and Michigan TE AJ Barner were teammates at Indiana last season
  • Bazelak went 25-for-49 for 203 yards, 1 TD and 1 INT last season against Michigan's defense at IU. 
  • WR Fred Moore leads all true freshman with 42 snaps so far. #2 is CB DJ Waller with 34


Froglipps said...

I am kind of beating a "dead horse", but let's say my house was broken into and I reported it to the police .... when they came over to fill out a report, they asked me when did this happen? I said eight months ago .... The police would look at me incredulously, put their pens away and tell me next time to report it sooner.

Why did she wait 8 months to report it ... was it because he was harassing her and would not stop, then everything is okay, but if she was still in contact with him on a personal basis, I would toss this in a garbage can.

another issue is rape, I know three women that was raped (one almost died from fighting back (stabbed). But like women argue that even while they are "doing it ...the act becomes rape, if the guy won't stop ... if I was judge I would throw a case like that out the window.

It's not the same, but I sold a house when I was 57 (or 56). The real-estate lady was attractive and built for 54 years old. She started giving me hugs and would talk to me on the phone for 1 hour or two a day for three weeks. She even wondered how she would hide the calls from her husband. Then all of a sudden, she got mad at me and said we have no relationship, and she said her vows (yada, yada!) .... well, I was already smitten, and found it hard to let go... the only way I could get her out of my head was to find a girlfriend ... but later found out the new girlfriend was a serious schizophrenic .... but when the real estate lady called one day she wondered why I had another girl friend. Go figure!

Yes, the Michigan State coach is guilty of being morally corrupt, but he was led down this path by because he she was rewarding him with attention, until it was too late.

Froglipps said...

Left out the fact that she was calling me! For the first 3 weeks I never called her...sorry ... back to football. The only rainbow in all this is it's someone else's problem and not Michigan's..

BlueManGroup said...

Somebody needs a friend.

Froglipps said...

No I am not lonely and destitute, but after thoughts how this happened and 8 months later she reports it ... opens my thinking a bit.

She admitted being flirtatious with the coach and what do you expect! Mel's wife probably looks like one of these wild hogs down here in Texas, so he is naturally drawn to her.

Talk about weaponizing, she held this over his head for 8 months "like a drone in Ukraine.. Enough is enough! Society moral codes evolve over time. In the 60's guy's talked about beating up queers over a weekend (do not know of anybody that did that).. Now guy's seemingly can use a girls bathroom becAUSE THEY IDENTIFY AS FEMALE... MY SON-IN-LAW WOULD HAVE TO STAND GUARD at a mall's female bathroom because the teenage girls were too scared to go be themselves.

Back in the 80's, child abuse became the buzz word and women weaponized that. My brother's co-worker at IBM was jailed for almost 3 weeks because his wife played the child abuse card in the divorce (weaponized it), had to prove himself not guilty of crimes (opposite of the legal system).

Unless Tucker was out and out harassing her, (she admitted to flirting), I believe he is being railroading and should be reinstated. Enough of this modern crap!!

I know that alot of Michigan supporters still adore Trump, and thinks he can do no wrong, but things he has done are 1000 times worse than what ... so you condemn Tucker but want to lick Trump's behind. I tell you what I will have Trump crap his draws again, and you Trump lovers can wear those drawers over you respective heads and breathe in the fresh air.

I do give her credit for making a multi-million dollar business out of getting gang raped. I live in this society, but in California they want to pay blacks 1.2 million a piece for reparations from slavery? I love Michigan, but not rabid like in my 20's. I am going to try to refrain from writing, but this story touched a nerve, that real estate lady drove my nuts, thinking she liked me then her God said no way!

szanreno said...

Someone may need more than a friend...

Froglipps said...

Szanreno....Yes, you need more than a friend also ... go pick on someone your size like Michigan man some more.... and tell me what size undies Trump should crap in that fits your head ... i will pay for it myself so you can sniff it for eternity.

szanreno said...

Might need a team of friends. Hahahaha...

Chowman said...

Frog, what will be his eventual downfall will be violating the morality clause of his contract. Whenever you hold a high profile position, they'll put a morality clause in your contract so you don't embarrass or bring bad press to the organization. Furthermore, I was told by a friend of mine, who's an alum, that MSU has a policy related to vendor relations. Since he brought her in, aka hired her, he was expressly forbidden from have a personal relationship. There's really good adage that was taught to me when I was I young lad working my way thru college. My general manager said to me one day, it's a good idea not to put your meat where you make your bread. I've live by that and guess what, never fired, never accused of sexual harassment, go figure!