Monday, October 30, 2023

Michigan Monday: Too Early Look at Purdue

Can we get back to football please?  Even the Wall Street Journal is out there reporting rumors.  What the hell is going on?  Everyone is living by the click and will jump into a story for no reason and report gossip and innuendo.  

My advice is check out on all the social media BS.  Any fan can record any coach at any game. 

Jimmy should pull a Belichick at today's presser.  We are on to Purdue, we are on to Purdue. 

Purdue 2-6 (tied for last in Big Ten West)

Best Win: VT
Worst loss:  Syracuse 

Pass: 215.5 Yards per (85th in the country)
Run: 133.3 (95)
Score: 21.9 points per (105)
Give up: 30 (104)

Line: Michigan -32.5

What are the NBC executives thinking about this primetime Big Ten deal right now?  Another great game on Saturday night.  When 2-6 Purdue travels to the Big House.  Why aren't they promoting a Big Ten Championship re-match? 

Purdue is not good.  End of preview.  

  • Big Mo Hurst is healthy and playing some good football in the NFL.  He dropped in coverage and got a pick for Browns on Sunday.  He made the Redzone Top 5 plays of the day!

Big Ten Weekend Review:
  • Penn State has to rally to beat IU?  Not a great look. 
  • Ohio State struggles with Wisconsin into the 2nd half. 
  • Maryland loses to Northwestern for their regularly scheduled Oct-Nov decline. 
  • Minnesota beats MSU 
  • Nebraska is on a 3-game win streak, 1 win away from bowl eligibility 


MichiganMan said...

Guys, they just pulled the offer off Jim table... He is not coming back next year

Blue for life

Brady2017 said...
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Tom said...

Michigan football has GRAVITAS. People LOVE talking about us. Positive or negative - and most people aren't fans so they want the negative.

What amazes me most is the NCAA could end this BS "chatter" in a heartbeat....but they elect NOT to. They don't like Michigan and the Michigan Administration is too obsequious, sycophantic, and sanctimonious to stand firm against accusations. U of M regents and administration behave like middle school girls worried about the gossip in the boys locker rooms.

So, this BS will continue until Michigan KICKS ASS out of their next 4 opponents. Michigan should show NO MERCY on any of the 4 opponents and shoot for 100 points a game. That will end this BS most efficiently and honestly.

Blue said...

Were there really any rules broken?

A buckeye poster on 247 went through the NCAA rules and showed that Michigan has a good argument for not having even necessarily broken the rules.

In summation:
1) Athletics staff being at games, in person, of scheduled opponents is ILLEGAL

2) Paying or having non school athletics employees scout in person is LEGAL

3)Scouting unscheduled opponents is LEGAL

4) Recording sidelines, signs, or anything at all in games you aren't participating in is LEGAL

These are simply the rules as the are written with no interpretation of whether TTUN has violated them or not because we don't have the information required to determine that.

Full Read:

Rudy said...

I totally expect the ncaa to leak some info the week of Pedophile State game and again on Suckeye week with the sole purpose of causing yet more distractions. As a Harbaugh fan, I hate to see the bastards win but wouldn’t blame him at all for saying enough of this clown show. If Jimmy in fact comes back next year, I don’t think Ward will. It’s one or the other time.

szanreno said...

I think if Jim is gone next year, that will be "his" decision, being tired of this which hunt... Not because he's let go. I have nothing but gut feeling to go on but I don't think Warde is supportive of him, if any. Hope I'm wrong...

Cormac said...

Hey, "Michigan Man," I hate to disappoint you and others like you, but according to John U. Bacon, the contract has *NOT* been pulled. The WSJ is an excellent paper but isn't really known for its sports reporting.

MichiganMan said...

I hope to see Jimmy around a bit...

Blue for life