Thursday, November 16, 2023

Big Ten Week 12 Preview

I can't believe we only have two more Big Ten Football Weekends.  I also can't believe how many bad football Big Ten Weekends we've already had this season.  This is another one of those.  The best game of the weekend is Rutgers at Penn State and both teams looked terrible last week in disappointing losses.

Rutgers @ PSU (-20.5): Rutgers is going to a bowl game and Penn State just fired its OC after the failures against OSU and Michigan.   With all of Penn State's offensive struggles they are nearly a 3 TD favorite.  Thank goodness the Michigan game is on at this time.  PSU 28 Rutgers 10

Michigan State @ IU (-3.5): Both of these teams are 3-7 and both continue to be terrible.  At least MSU will have a new head coach next season.  Yikes, this is a bad game.  MSU 14 IU 13

Purdue (-3) @ Northwestern: Northwestern decided they are going to hire the interim head coach full time.  I have no idea what his name is.  He has actually taken a pretty poor team to 5-5 and one win away from a bowl game.  Purdue found something in Ann Arbor and is getting better.   Purdue 24 NW 17

Illinois @ Iowa (-3): Iowa is going to the Big Ten Championship as the Big Ten West representative.  Defense wins Big Ten West Championships.  Iowa 10 Illinois 7 

Minnesota @ OSU (-27.5): Time to flip the boat and find someone new in Minnesota.  OSU 41 Minn 10

Nebraska @ Wisconsin (-4.5): These are the same teams.  Nebraska 17 Wisconsin 14

  • Connor didn't file any expense reports for his secret dark web ticket broker operation. 
  • Is it weird to anyone else that Michigan's top transfers who left the program: Cade, All, and Andrel Anthony and all went down with ACL's or knee injuries?
  • Iowa's best DB Cooper DeJean has gone down with a season ending injury.
  • Reports are A&M reached out to Dan Campbell and was turned down. 
  • The Northwestern Coach name is David Braun, who sounds like a Seinfeld actor.


Goblu said...

Connor not turning in an expense report means really one of two things: He was either fully freelancing by him; or it was paid out of pocket by someone with enough $ to do that.

I think the person who needs to be interviewed would be Connor - bc if this was the first scenario, then it really isn't on anyone at Michigan to police a rogue super jr. person.

Tim said...

Agreed. The media, NCAA and especially the B10 are still going nuts with this. But even if it was a rouge booster, unless there is a tie to Harbaugh I just don't see how you justify further suspensions.

And Connor sure loved Michigan football. I do not know him or his parents, but I wonder if his parents bank rolled this? Helping give their son an edge to possibly move up the ladder at Michigan? I am not saying that is what happened but it is plausible.

Goblu said...


szanreno said...

Reports are that Connor's folks got dough...

MichiganMan said...

Guys harbor is suspended for three games... Fire him. He's a cheater...

He's leaving for NFL

Sharon Moore will be the head coach

Blue for life

M Don said...

Gutless and dumb to cave to Big Ten and accept the suspension.! Typical of university administration these days being cowards! They just gave up a strategic edge for the team of Michigan vs. Everybody mentality. That is an extremely powerful emotion for a team to believe. It didn't matter if they won or lost the case to keep that. Win, and can say look they came for us and we beat them back. Lose and can still use it as fodder of don't let them take you down too. Now they just gave up and essentially said "look they're right and we just need to let this go away." Just asinine! Sadly, not surprised. Only saving grace may be this team has been leadership focused all season long. Hopefully they can keep that edge, but giving away that extra boost is just stupid!

Thom said...

Michigan folded their tent and hung Harbaugh out to dry. He's gone and who can blame him. Didn't have his back and no big contract we kept hearing about. Good Luck where ever you land.

szanreno said...

Sad situation indeed. Would have never thought they would concede. Can't believe it...

Rudy said...

it's infuriating, yet, I'd say wait for the rest of the story to come out. There's always the rest of the story.

goblue said...

JJ and coach to da Bearssss!

Brady2017 said...

Jimmy said he didn't want to be a distraction to the team. If we win out, he'll be back for the playoffs.