Saturday, November 25, 2023

Ohio State Post Game - He Called Game

Jacob Hamilton or Neil Blake Mlive

This was a legendary game between two rivals.  Michigan seemed to have the momentum early with Will Johnson's pick and Corum's TD.  Then OSU ended the half on a run in what many thought was going to be a 1 point game at the half.   OSU kicker missed his second attempt after a practice kick went directly through the up rights.  This miss can't be understated on the outcome of this game. 

I was concerned about Michigan's kicker James Turner as he has never had any pressure this year.  I was wrong and he should get a game ball for making 3 big kicks that was the difference in the game. 

Zak Zinter's serious injury was not great, but it seemed to refocus the Wolverines and the Big House crowd.  Corum broke the best run of the day the play after his injury for a TD! 

I was also a bit torn on the strategy on Michigan's final drive.  Yes, the field goal gets you up 6 but your only 4 yards away from a win and ending the game if you go for it.   As Ohio State was flying down the field on the final drive, many of us were fearing a 31-30 win for the Buckeyes.  But Rod Moore had something to say about that and picked off a pass by McCord and called game. 

It's an unbelievable feeling to win this game 3 years in a row.  As I would imagine, Michigan fans Heart Rate was a bit elevated for 3.5 hours on Saturday.

  • Beating Ohio State 3 times in a row 
  • Watching the reaction of Charles Woodson and Urban Meyer to the pick 
  • 2 turnovers were the difference 
  • Rod Moore and Will Johnson's picks 
  • That final Michigan drive that killed 7 minutes off the clock 
  • Michigan's offense for "playing clean"
  • Orji's run, which scared the hell out of me 
  • Sherrone Moore for coaching in the biggest game of the year 
  • Edwards pass to Loveland 
  • Loveland had 5 catches for 88 yards
  • James Turner for adding 12 points 
  • Junior Colston had another quiet 11 tackle performance 
  • Stewart had a good game at DE 
  • Michigan's defense for holding OSU to 107 yards on the ground
  • Corum on being great when we needed it 
  • Q Johnson on the pass break-up
  • Watching Ryan Day walk to the locker room being completely defeated mentally and physically 
  • Michigan had some bad penalties on defense 
  • Only 1 sack 
  • Still struggling to run the ball on 1st down 
  • How was Harrison getting open so much?
  • Zak Zinter's injury seems serious, even though they got some good news at the hospital.  His season is expected to be over. 
  • Will Johnson being out on that final drive due to injury was worrisome 
  • Not being able to stop the run for a few series
Michigan lives to play another week which will be for a Big Ten Championship and another spot in the CFP.  The most stressful Saturday for Michigan fans becomes the best Saturday. 

Big Ten Thoughts:
  • MSU hires Jonathan Smith from Oregon State after he gets blown out by its instate rival last night
  • Northwestern finishes 7-5
  • Wisconsin also goes 7-5


Ron said...

It would be good to get miles hiton back next week for added depth on the line

Lee B said...

116 BPM for me. Go Blue. Whew!

Goblu said...

FineBum must be so pissed. Which makes me happy.

Tight game, lots of good and bad and great and crazy plays. Love those boys in Blue.

Froglipps said...
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Goblu said...

Was reading some Ohio forums… they already are calling Day the next Coop Coop Cooper

MichiganMan said...

Guys we did it Bob. We did it. Let's go. Let's go get that big 10 championship...

Blue for life

MichiganMan said...

Frogman what are you talking about?.... Please go to MSU's page....

We will lose in the first round of the playoffs...

Please fire harbor for cheating

Blue for life

Blue said...

This team of all the teams I've followed throughout all my years* is my favorite no matter what happens going forward Their commitment of hard work, and fortitude of mind to put aside all distractions in their quest of reaching goals set forth is beyond reproach.

But what really represents team 144 in making those above superlatives a reality, is that I've never seen a team so close. Everything, every goal set and made, is reached by the team's cohesiveness that's set in super glue, that then creates their tenaciousness on the field.

Bo must be smiling .... The Team, The Team, THE TEAM!!!

*Not around thanks to Uncle Sam for the "69" team, but sitting in the stands in "71".

Goblu said...

Well said

goblue said...

How about trying to run the ball outside once and while.Would have loved for them to get that last 1st down and then party while killing out the clock.GO BLUE!

Chowman said...

1st, hope a speedy recovery for Zak Zinter. That injury sucks. 2nd, is anyone else having concerns about the secondary. I know there were 2 picks. Yes WillJo made a nice play, but McCord's throw was to the wrong side of the receiver. The 2nd was due to the pass rush and not any great play by the secondary. Last 3 weeks I've seen almost a dozen examples of DBs just NOT locating the ball. Most are in good position, just never look for the ball.

Michigan should win the B1G championship. Iowa has NO offense. When one of their best players is their punter, it tell you all you need to know. for Michigan to lose, Iowa would have to force multiple turnovers and to return at least 2 for scores.

After the past 2 years I won't have much confidence going into a CFP game. Just don't see the Michigan D, especially the secondary holding up to a high powered passing attack.

Chowman said...

And just to be clear and so I don't get any hate, what Rod Moore did diving to pick that ball before it hit the turf was a great play. What I meant to say is he didn't undercut or jump a route, he didn't bait McCord or read his eyes. McCord was hit and threw up a duck and Rod Moore did a really good job of getting the ball before it hit the ground. And while I'm at it, wtf can't players understand you don't take your helmet off till you're on the sidelines. Anybody else have the thought of that 2nd interception being overturned and then OSU getting a first down cause Harrell had a brain fart? Just asking for a friend!

Voice of Reason said...

I just don't trust osu at all. I wouldn't be surprised if their players were using performance enhancing drugs or were blood doping. I just don't trust them, they were so desperate that they would do anything to win, and I mean anything. They appeared to be stronger and faster than usual when they struggled from time to time earlier in the year against lesser teams (because they didn't need to), but they kicked up their own performance this game several notches.

I remember Tressel (the cheat meister) earlier this year guaranteed an osu victory. That worried me because he has a long documented history of cheating where he's been. I just didn't know how he was going to have osu do it this year. However, what I am proud of is that (Thank God), it didn't work and Michigan won anyway. Go Blue !!! IMHO!!!

szanreno said...

Rod Moore was exactly where he was supposed to be. You can't bait the qb or read his eyes every play. If the ball was on target he was in position to break it up?!? McCord got hit as he threw and it ended up off target, enter Moore. Even Harrison said the coverages were damn good all day, this from a guy who had over a 100 yards receiving and a td. If we're going to be critical of something the run defense is what we should be questioning. Our run offense does seem to need a bit more spice, but I'm not in the meeting rooms or the sidelines so i don't know the means to an end. Damn happy for the win and silencing the critics and sign-gate haters waiting to pounce. Last 8 minutes were heart pounding anxiety. Go Blue! Beer and Cigars all around...