Monday, August 5, 2024

Michigan Monday: Draft Status

I'm back and thank you for your patience while the family and I took a Mediterranean vacation.   I'm very excited  to share the count down to the new season for the defending National Champions with you! 

The rumor has been floating around that Michigan is expected to receive the official copy of the Notice of Allegations (NOA) from the NCAA regarding Spygate soon.  In another example of how journalism is dead, ESPN and Pete Thamel released "a draft" copy of  Michigan's NOA.  An argument could be made, why would you release a draft copy, when the final version maybe considerably different then this released version?

The reason Pete and ESPN do it, is because of clicks.  Accuracy no longer is a priority.  News lasts minutes not days or weeks.  Rivals is also reporting that draft ESPN copy is not updated or what Michigan has been reviewing.

The draft didn't have a ton of new information but one issue Michigan might have is the report stated that Sherrone deleted texts regarding Spygate when the news broke (prior to the investigation), but that he did submit his phone to the NCAA investigators and the texts were received.   Even though doing that is not a Level 1 violation, Sherrone could be hit with a multiple offender penalty after his suspension for Burger-gate.   Which could lead to another suspension.   I don't know how deleting messages prior to an investigation can be seen as a penalty. 

Most Michigan Insiders believe this version of the NOA didn't have a "smoking gun" and the worst possible penalty is probably a suspension or maybe a show clause.   A lot of the offenders are now in the NFL or moved on from Ann Arbor.   

My expectation is that the NCAA and Michigan are probably trying to negotiate a settlement prior to the final version of the NOA being released.  Neither side wants a long drawn out legal battle that would take years to litigate.  There is even questions if there will even be an NCAA in the next few years as the Conferences and Playoff Committee are starting to wrestle away power from the NCAA in college football.

  • Michigan is expected to lose a 2025 WR commit in 3-star Philip Wright who is being heavily recruited by LSU and the Tigers are close to home. 
  • Michigan recruit Andrew Marsh is expected to make a decision on 8/28.
  • This is old news but Roman Wilson got injured in Steelers camp.
  • While I was gone, Michigan also got a BBQ commit from 2026 4-star CB Brody Jennings from JAX, Florida.


Ron said...

Stallions, was able to convince staffers that this was legal? But none of the coaches knew anything about this? I find that hard to believe!! I'm disappointed in Harbaugh, he should have known.. I've been a die-hard Wolverine fan for 50 years now.. and I still will be for the rest of my life don't get me wrong

Brady2017 said...

Ron- Wait for the actual NOA and don't waste your time reading all the click bait articles out there. Have some faith my man. Gonna be haters everywhere, so get used to it.

Brady2017 said...

Also, it's close to that time of year when I permanently turn off 97.1 and all their Michigan hating sports talk. I think I'd smash Valenti's face in if I ever bumped into that a-hole in public.

Brady2017 said...

And when the NOA finally do come out, I'd strike a match to them and use it to light my Davidoff National Championship cigar with.

Aimtubbs said...

I don't hate Valenti, I pity him. The dude has nothing to celebrate but to wallow in his hate-blue life. $uckeye nation, got their arses beat and just can't eat their cheerios without wondering about their world and how it doesn't make sense. The NCAA has done several of these LOAs without leaking them to the press. It testifies that this isn't about justice or integrity, it's about their petulant tirade and bitterness over not being able to control the sport. When Finebaum is defending UM, you know the world is against you.

Brady2017 said...

Aimtubbs- I saw that Finebaum statement and almost fell over! He actually supports Michigan and says thing are overblown.