Thursday, July 25, 2024

Michigan Thursday: They Have Been Outstanding!

Those are the words of new OC and QB coach Kirk Campbell to 24/7 at a Michigan NIL Fundraiser Golf Tournament describing the top 3 QB's this off season:  Jack TuttleDavis Warren, and Alex Orji … they’ve been outstanding,” Campbell said. “So is the rest of the room. They’ve come with the intent to be better every single day, compete to win the starting job. They know there’s only one football come Saturdays, and they’re all up for the challenge."

“I think the development plan is intentional by our point as to how we script practice … making sure that we put them in their best suited talents. Each one of them is going to do something better or different than everybody else. It’s not fair to ask them to do something we might not ask them to do on Saturdays, so when we script practice and the plays that we give them, we make sure their development plan suits what will show up on Saturdays for each specific player.”

As we know, this is the biggest question heading into next season.  With many of us assuming Orji is the leader in the clubhouse to start against Fresno State.  It seems coach is keeping an open mind on who that starter is.

“When you look at an offense, you’ve got to look at your players first and what they do best. Alex is one of the best 11 players on offense,” Campbell said. “Is he going to be the best quarterback? I don’t know. That has yet to be determined. 

Working against Michigan's Defense during Spring and Fall camp will help whoever wins this job.  If Michigan is going to get back to the playoffs, we need this position to execute at a high level.  I'm not expecting a JJ level but we need a Cade McNamara level to win the Big Ten.  The next 6 weeks will be very important on identifying who is going to lead this team. 

  • This is my last post until early August.  I will look forward to start of Fall Camp and enjoying the countdown to the new season as defending National Champions with you when I return.  


ScottyDoggs said...

I have high hopes for our team, but nagging fears that we start out of the gate with Bucco 3 and outs, a lot of sacks until the offensive line jells. The running game sputters because the box is loaded. But what do I know? Sherrone I am sure is a good leader but does not have much head coach experience. Harbaugh thinks a lot of him, so maybe he will be successful in the long run, but unless we are in a new era, replacing the complete front line and a new quarterback, usually means at least a step backwards. The only thing that will give us a chance is a stout defense, but they can only do so much to stem the tide. I am just an old man, and maybe this is just excessive
worrying. I do think though the loss of Harbough is going to hit home, after a few games. Happy Hunting Sherrone! Show me I am wrong and senile.

ScottyDoggs said...

Our great AD (why Harbaugh left) won a prestigious award for greatness. He should of gotten an award for being fat, stupid and ugly. The hairless slob should try to rub his own fecal matter in his hairless scalp to try to promote hair growth. I have a pet pig that is more handsome then that.

Goblu said...

To me, the TX game will tell us all we need to know. Win, and this could be a fun season. Still some losses, but def chance for playoffs. A close, competitive loss somewhat concerning. But a dude on offense, puts too much stress on our defense. Then change the channel.

Ron said...

Scottydogs-you don't have to insult are AD like that please show some class..

Brady2017 said...

I have no idea what to expect this year, but I do know one thing for sure- the Brady mancave will have plenty of cold beer and hot pizza ready,'In The Bighouse' will be cued up on the stereo, and the place will be rocking for another exciting season of Michigan football! Michigan vs Everybody!!

ScottyDoggs said...

Ron, I understand your position, but we had a winner here and now he is gone. Harbaugh left because he wanted a committee of three to determine his future because he thought Warde would fink him.... I have faced many POS people and will have no mercy for them .... I maybe "classless", but I am an Umpire of life > I call them as I see them .... but for you I will apologize right now:

Dear useless fat slob: I apologize for calling you a useless fat slob!

Chowman said...
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Chowman said...

Go, a competitive loss to Texas is not the end of the world for me. Especially as it comes early in the season. That being said, if the Longhorns blow our doors off then the needle on the concern meter is going to spike! My worry is the guy that started the season as QB1 won't end the season at QB1 and that typically doesn't bode well.

Ron/Scotty: although there's no need for personal attacks, Warde hasn't been good as the UofM AD. Too many scandals! The hockey team, the volleyball coach, the Jeff Jackson car crash, the whole handling of Juwan Howard's anger issues. He never should of been allowed to put hands on anyone after the 1st incident. Beyond that his coaching hires have been questionable at best. He either promotes from within or took 15 minutes to find the new baseball coach. On paper Dusty May looks like a great hire and who knows, that hire might become Warde's crowning achievement at Michigan. But as excited as everybody is, he hasn't coached 1 game. Same can be said for Sherone and full disclosure, I wanted Moore for the continuity! Hiring a new football coach outside of the program was definitely going to be a step or 2 backwards!

Chowman said...


Right now before camp there looks to be 3 tough games on the schedule: Texas, Oregon, and OSU. I can make arguments for both winning and losing the Texas and OSU game. Lot harder for me to find a way to beat Oregon. Maybe I'm letting them get into my head.

The rest of the schedule is winnable. Washington lost more guys from the national championship game team than we did. Lincoln Riley is one of the coaches on the hot seat prior to the season. I used to say there's no coach in the B1G that does less with more than James Franklin. That was until USC joined the B1G. I don't see the Riley hype. As for the traditional B1G schools, they are pretty much trash. Michigan, OSU, and PSU are the cream of the old B1G, the rest are pretty much average to bad.

Of course injuries can change everything!

Brady2017 said...

Chowman, yes, those are the Big 3. We need to win at least one in order to have a shot at the new playoffs. I think if we drop an unexpected game to someone like Rutgers or N. Western, then it's prob gonna be a rebuilding year. Hey, who knows? That's what makes college football exciting. You never know.

ScottyDoggs said...

I believe Bob should have had one of you better writers and more knowledgeable people guest host his blog for the week, I think he underestimates the damage done with lack of posting.

szanreno said...

Not a bad idea scottydogs. But edit that a once a week guest blogger..