Thursday, October 18, 2007

Welcome to the Big House Blog!

Welcome Wolverine Fans,
Here you will find my opinions, rants, and raves on our Michigan Football program. You will get updates on breaking news, game previews, game reviews, and my biased opinion on why we have all the talent in the world and continue to post 2 and 3 loss seasons.

I grew up in A2 and a Michigan fan for many years. I hope you enjoy my takes as we laugh and cry together as Michigan beats PSU for the 25th time in a row and when the Sweater Vest out coaches us again.

H20 for Heisman!

Enjoy the show! ...............................

1 comment:

John Agno said...

I'm sure your new Big House Blog from the Ohio frontlines will play well up here in the Peoples Republic of Ann Arbor...where in recent years, we only get positive press about the university's weak football team coaching.