Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Search Continues...............

The big wheel keeps on turning, Proud Billy (martin) keeps on searching...........

In what I believe is an attempt to keep the current coordinators happy, both are interviewing for the Michigan job. Ron English interviewed yesterday and it's Mike DeBord's turn today. Let me be the first to say that if Mike DeBord were to get the job, that would be the quick death of this program. If you want an ex-CMU coach, go get the one that won there - Brian Kelly. The one that lost there likes to run way too many Zone Running plays on first down.

I was told there would be no math? Your right.
How about a story problem then? Ok!

Why would a Dassault Falcon 20 (a private plane) leave Willow Run Airport at 6 EST on Monday and arrive in Cedar Rapids a little more than an hour later. After about 15 minutes leaving and returning back to Willow Run?

The possible answer? Kirk Ferentz

Update: Mgoblog now reporting Kirk was not on this flight.

Don't you just love coaching searches!

I have been puzzled by something lately. How can a State University try to hire the highest paid employee of another State University without letting everyone and their brother know? How can Houston Nutt resign from Arkansas at 7:30 and know he has the Old Miss job in the bag at 10:00PM?

This is how: Chuck Neinas does it. Chuck is a college head coach middle man. See, Chuck knows everyone in coaching and is hired by AD's that want to gauge interest from high profile head coaches in their job openings.

I will give you an example. If Bill Martin wants to see if Urban Myer is interested at all in coming to Ann Arbor, how would he know? He would call Chuck. See if Bill goes to the Florida AD and then talks to Urban, #1 everyone would know and #2 if Urban wasn't interested then it looks bad for Michigan that they are now looking at their 2nd and 3rd choices.

The process is that Chuck would call Urban and ask him if he is interested in the Michigan gig. If Urban, says "no thanks, I'm happy at Florida". No Blood, No Foul.

See Chuck keeps information tighter then Fort Knox. He doesn't use email or write anything down. Everything is verbal so there isn't a trail. Chuck sometimes doesn't even tell who is client is. So the head coaches love him, because he can get them a better job or a raise at their current school. Chuck charges schools about $30,000 - $40,000 and also does deep background checks as well.

Who knows if Chuck was involved with Houston Nutt, but I find it very interesting that Arkansas offers him a 2 year extension that he turns down knowing he has the Ole Miss job.

So when the Iowa AD says he hasn't been contacted by Michigan. I'm sure he hasn't! But that doesn't mean Chuck hasn't contacted Kirk. AD's with top coaches better keep their house in order and make sure their coaches lose Chuck's cell phone number.

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