Monday, November 6, 2023

Michigan Monday: Too Early Look at Penn State

It's finally here, Michigan has had 2 seasons so far this year.  Season 1 was without Harbaugh against a lightweight non-conference schedule.  Season 2 was September - October Big Ten which included teams very much like the non-conference schedule.  Season 3 starts on Saturday, when Michigan travels to Penn State, then continues on the road at Maryland, then home to play the "Team Down South".

Maryland has imploded but Penn State is around the top ten and we all know the Buckeyes are the #1 team in the nation.  The good news is, in the heavy primetime Big Ten now, the game against Penn State will take place at Noon, which fits the Wolverines football sensibilities best.

Penn State:

Ranked #11 CFP  - #9 AP 

Record: 8-1 
Best Win: Iowa was #24 when Penn State shut them out 
Worst Loss:  #1 Ohio State in Columbus (their only loss)

Pass: 220 yards per (75th in the country)
Run: 173 per (43rd)

Score: 40.2 (6th)
Give up: 11.9 (3rd)

Line: Michigan -3.5

Somehow Penn State has a poor pass game and an average running game and still scores 40 points per game.  Which means they must have a really good defense, which they do, ranked #3 in the country giving up less than 12 points per game.  

This is a dangerous team who did not play well after the defeat in Columbus but played much better on the road against a Maryland team that offensive line is made up of whip cream and prayer.  

They key to beating Penn State is getting pressure on young QB Drew Allar who reminds me of a young Chad Henne.  The kid is going to be really good in a year or two.   This is also by far the best defense Michigan has seen this season and will need to play very clean to win this game. 
  • There continues to a lot of speculation that the Big Ten (on the urging of the coaches and AD's) wants to punish Michigan now.  There is also a feeling that Michigan intends to take this nuclear if the Big Ten acts.   The thought is the Big Ten wants to suspended Jimmy for 2 games and if that happened Michigan is willing to use it legal prowess to fight that in court.   Speculation was there was a long meeting between Michigan and the Big Ten on Sunday. 
Insiders are also speculating that Michigan is willing to show the NCAA and Big Ten that sign stealing, hacking, etc. is very common in college football.   Rumors that are floating around:

  • A Michigan practice was filmed and given to all Michigan opponents last season.  On a side note, when Curtis Blackwell was leaving MSU in 2020, he alleged that MSU had practice film on some opponents. 
  • That Purdue hypocrite Ryan Walters had a video of Michigan's signals last season while at Illinois.  That same video was shared with Purdue where Ryan is now employed prior to the Big Ten Championship game.  
  • Not to mention a shady PI firm, that could have accessed a Michigan IT network illegally. 
Two things come to mind in this.  One, these other coaches don't want this to go the legal route with discovery all the dirty laundry could be exposed.  Two, if the reports above even remotely correct, the Big Ten better come for everyone if they're coming for Michigan.  

Lastly, do you think Fox wants any of this, with huge games on tap with Michigan?  Michigan could shut this down by saying, you come after us and we don't show up on Saturday or tell OSU to stay at home in 3 weeks.  Of course, none of us want that but it's a huge leverage play for Michigan against the Big Ten and if Fox is in the middle of this.  Santa has his hand on the button and love him for it.  

  • USC fired it defensive coordinator Alex Grinch on Sunday.  This probably should've happened after last season.
  • Michigan Basketball tips off the season on Tuesday against UNC Ashville 


szanreno said...

This whole thing is like Ryan Day thinking Harbaugh has his dog crap in his yard. Ryan Day doesn't care about the dog crap, it's going to dry up and blow away in 3 days anyway. What he's pissed off about is he believes Harbaugh came into his yard and disrespected it. And to get the neighborhood on his side he told his neighbors James Franklin and Ryan Walters and they ran to the HOA...

Tim said...

Question...any idea why are running game is so average this year? Has Blake lost a step with his injury/surgery? What's up with Edwards?

Is our line just weaker? Teams loading the box more?

I am cautiously optimistic for Saturday, but I sure would feel better if our running game was clicking more.

Goblu said...

Ha... first time I've ever disagreed with szareno! I don't like neighbor dog poop either!!

Tim, I think it's just a matter of teams loading up against the run and saying to JJ - beat us. Which he's doing.

I'll be up north for the game, my dad's 90th bday party. So fingers crossed!!

Goblu said...

...and Bucknut Boy, I will continue to write as long/short as want. And I like it when others do. Good to see their perspective and thinking.

MichiganMan said...

Go blue I forgot you have a PhD...from a community college

Blue for life...

Fire on the cheaters

Goblu said...

That comment just doesn't make any sense. What happened to you not posting comments?

Goblu said...

Chips are beginning to fall... this could be a farce very quickly!

Rudy said...

I think Jimmy intentionally had a light game plan against Turdue knowing he could win easily. Turds had 7, 8, 9 uglies in the box at times and we still ran between the tackles. Until we didn't and Samaj was 10 yards behind those boneheads before they realized it. JJ was intentionally kept from running even though there was fields of green in front of him. This was all done to set up this weekend. I do think the running game will be stronger, JJ will get his runs, the passing game will open. Gotta hit Allar hard and often. Make him go cry to his mommy in the stands (see Williams). Extreme Prejudice! And when the game is over just straight up punch Franklin in the throat!

szanreno said...

Now that's a plan... I like it Rudy...

Voice of Reason said...

I am here listening to Sam Webb and Ira Weintraub talking about leaving the Big 10 conference. I remember some years back when I was reading the tea leaves, it became clear to me "then" that the Big 10 conference was pro osu and anti-Michigan and that was when I mentioned that Michigan should consider leaving the conference. I got cricketts which probably was filled with "You must be crazy" in the silence.

However, now it has become more obvious that this conference is not supportive of Michigan. They are willing to kill the Golden Goose in order to appease osu. My guess is that there's corruption of some sort within the conference that Michigan does not want to participate in. Yes, I could be wrong but I am not wrong about thinking that the Big 10 conference is not going to back Michigan. Just think about this question, if you're the least favorite child within the family and you're able to leave, what would you do?

I am convinced that if Michigan leaves this conference that the conference will start to decline and will eventually become like these other conferences. Michigan needs to assert its own value here. Juss sayin...

Moreover, what osu started here has become very messy, not only is there smoke with all of this chaos. expect a fire and an implosion within this conference because now there's lawyers, and court filings and Michigan reportedly has evidence of wrongdoing by other schools etc. Expect things to get worse before it gets better. IMHO!!!

szanreno said...

I agree completely that this little thing has turned into a real s*** show and has made the Big 10 look like a joke. I believe you're absolutely correct when you say it'll get worse before it gets better. Even those that started it will start asking themselves why they did it not expecting what they created. This little shoving match is quickly escalating into a street brawl...

Voice of Reason said...

I know that there are people who will say that Michigan won't leave because of the money, but Michigan is a huge brand and they will take their money with them; and yes I agree with Sam Michigan can start their own conference (but I believe they can be successful independents like ND). If Michigan leaves the Big 10 conference, they should turn out the lights... because comparatively speaking, the American public is not that enamoured with the osu brand. IMHO!!!

MichiganMan said...

Guys stop writing so much. Keep it limited.. blue for life

Fire on the cheaters