Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Michigan Tuesday: Do we Really Need This Netflix Untold?

Netflix announced the Conor Stalions Untold story will premiere on August 27th.  It's expected Conor will be telling his version of events.  Yes, this will be the first time he has told his story and let's hope it comes off pro Michigan and Harbaugh.  Personally, I wish this would all just go away.   I expect Michigan will not be the only nervous program watching if the Central Michigan vs. MSU game comes up.    

  • Franz goes for 18 and Mo scores 12 against USA Basketball on Monday. 
  • The Big Ten Football Season Media Day starts today with the Champs taking the stage on Thursday.  
  • The Texans cut LaDarius Henderson their 7th round draft pick out of Michigan due to a non-football injury status.  Tough break for Henderson who I hope can catch on with another team if he is healthy. 


Goblu said...

Michigan should have matched whatever Netflix was paying him, not to do the show.

szanreno said...

I fear and doubt Netflix is going to spend time and money on a "nothing to see here" doc...

Cormac said...

I won't be watching it. I have better things to do.