Thursday, August 8, 2024

Michigan Thursday: The Clown Show Continues

It's amazing to me that the NCAA continues to want to look like a fool when it comes to these penalties.  They are still litigating Burger-Gate when nobodys cares about that anymore.  If you are new around here, let me give you the headlines of Burger-Gate. 

-Harbaugh buys a cheeseburger for a recruit on a visit to Ann Arbor during COVID. 
-Harbaugh says he didn't remember or didn't purchase said cheeseburger. 
-NCAA finds an expense report on it with a cheeseburger purchase.  
-Harbaugh says he didn't recall that purchase. 
-NCAA asked for Harbaugh's phone, he declines 
-Harbaugh sits out the first 3 games of a National Championship season because of that cheeseburger. 
-Harbaugh will not negotiate with the NCAA on further penalties. 
-NCAA gives Harbaugh a 4 year show clause and a 1 year suspension if he comes back to college football. 

Clown Show is all you can call it.  In a million years the NCAA would not have given Harbaugh that penalty if he was still at Michigan.  All hell would have broken loose  This is a lame attempt at the clown show trying to show power over a coach that would not play their game.  My question about the 4 year show clause is,  will the NCAA be around to see it?  They are losing control of College Football every minute.  Just to recap, this is all because Harbaugh didn't recall buying a recruit a cheeseburger.   How many millions was spent on this?  Clown Show.

  • Reports are starting to leak that Orji is taking control over the QB battle with his dual-threat capabilities.  As long as my man can throw accurately, I'm all for it. 
  • NFL Pre-Season officially kicks off tonight. 


ScottyDoggs said...

Actually, I heard (or read) that it was two recruits that eventually joined team. NCAA is being quite petty with all of this and make it like a major infraction {{{MY WORD}}}. I have to start praying that the SEC and BIGTEN start wielding their power and start their own enforcement group that does not single out just one person. NCAA is acting like an HOA and focusing on one individual and begin to hammer them. Unrelated but similar > when Rich Rod was hired our own people turned on him and caused sanctions (WTF).... I believe Loyde Carr and Detroit free press were the leaders. They wanted Man ball, which resulted in Hoke (the joke). Death to the NCAA!!

Brady2017 said...

Who are these people in the NCAA? They clearly have a biased agenda.

Michigan should still fight everything in court just to give them the bird.

Aimtubbs said...

Agree, it's a circus of clowns and they wouldn't have done it if JH were still coaching at UM. But great....let the chips fall and let's see the NCAA apply this scrutiny to all the other programs, including $uckeye nation. UM should go scorched earth on the NCAA and demand that they look at all programs with the same microscope. Guarantee you 100% that they would find problems, and some much more serious....and that comes from players who have played.

Aimtubbs said...

I heard Brady Quinn say on his podcast "be careful ohio what you wish for, you don't want them looking to closely at you" then he said he wouldn't share any more of what he actually knows. All these insiders know that this is BS, and they know the cockeyes were behind it. BTW....some reports out of camp say Orgi is still throwing too many picks.

Brady2017 said...

Very interesting! The insiders know the big picture.